Chapter 19. Worth It (Jason)

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   "Do you remember that one time?" Sky excitedly pushes a finger into my chest. "Whoa! You've got pecks... big pecks... and abs. You did not have abs back then... Anyway, that time when you said you were going to give a hundred euro to anyone who jumps in the outdoor pool with all their clothes on."

   "Yeah." I nod. "I do. I didn't have a single penny on me that day. Wait! What do you mean I didn't have abs? Of course, I..."

   "The audacity!" He pats me on the shoulder with a mixture of indignation and delight. "It was December, dude. Wasn't that at the University's Christmas Party? Collegians are not famous for being well off. And guess what, a bunch of people did it. Oh, my God! I don't think it was about the money, though. You could make anyone do whatever you liked. Your dangerous charm. I recall one of the guys chasing after you. The water was pouring out of his shoes. He wanted to beat you up, didn't he? And then you both disappeared for the rest of the night. I hope nothing bad happened."

   "Well, not exactly beat me," I mumble. How can he remember all those details? I had totally forgotten about the whole incident. "It wasn't bad. Wasn't particularly good either, if I have to be honest, but it was fun nevertheless."

   "I am officially drunk," Skylar proudly announces and flushes a wide, bright grin. "If this is how we are going to run this campaign, I am in. The food is fantastic. This is one of the best wines I have ever tasted. Perfetto!"

   "I am glad you are happy." It is true. Making him smile is my new hobby. Sky is one of those people you can not bear to see sad. I just need him to be content. Otherwise, something seems terribly wrong with the world. I brush a fallen ficus leaf off his sleeve and grin back. "Sorry, I can't promise you restaurants every day. I am not going to lie to you. Working with fashion models and their agents can totally suck sometimes. However, I can assure you that I will do my best to make it worth it."

   "How?" He squints at me and wrinkles his nose in an effort to focus on my face despite the dazzling rays of the afternoon sun. "I told you I did not want money."

   "I am not talking about money." I lean towards him as if pulled by an invisible magnet. "There are much better rewards. The best things in life are priceless. Cash is just a means to get a step closer to them, but that's all."

   Maybe the low-alcohol wine has affected me, too. I would not do this if I were completely sober. His skin is as smooth as velvet. Flawless. I wonder if freckles disappear in the winter. It is a shame if that is the case. His nose looks like it is sprinkled with gold dust. Our lips are too close to call it appropriate. Sky is gazing at my mouth. I nervously flick my tongue over my bottom lip and take a sharp breath.

   "What is it then?" he whispers. "What am I going to win if the project is successful?"

   'How about me?' I almost blurt out, but manage to bite my lip before saying it aloud. This is getting too tricky. Flirting is not a good idea. I should not rush this. With a huge effort, I look away from his incredible blue eyes.

   Skylar gasps and pulls back, grabbing a napkin from the table to wipe the droplets of sweat on his forehead.

   "I think we should go," he hesitantly suggests. "It was a great day, excluding the morning when you nearly caused me a heart attack. I am terribly tired, and a bottle of wine per person is too much in this heat. In addition, my brother is visiting. It is out of question to leave him home alone for the evening. I would not be surprised to find a wild party in full swing and cigarette smoke in every possible room."

   "Is he a teenager?" I curiously ask.

   "What?" Sky bursts into laughter. "No! Why would you say that? He is ten years older than me. Hmm, this morning he told me he had no intention of changing until the age of ninety, so... Yeah, he is pretty much still a teenager in some aspects. I actually envy him. He is one of the family members who knows how to have fun. Mom is the other."

   "Aaah, I see." I join the giggles. "A bohemian at heart. I like it. I have the feeling that we will get along pretty well. You can introduce us when I take you home. Come on, I'll call for a taxi."

   "Ugh... I mean... It is really nice of you, but I do not want you to cross the whole town again just to make sure that I have arrived at my apartment. It's fine. There is no need for that." Skylar's complexion quickly goes to the usual dramatic red. I am not surprised. Even a blind man would clearly see that my mysterious colleague is hiding something. He peeks at his watch and pretends to be utterly shocked by how late it is. "Oh, mio Dio (My Goodness)! It's six p.m. I really don't want to bother you any longer. You have already done enough. Thanks for the wonderful lunch...umm, almost dinner."

   "How about dessert? We didn't drink coffee. They make the best espresso here. I won't even tell you about the tiramisu. You must try it. You have no idea what you're going to miss." I pleadingly glance at him, not ready for this fabulous day to end. "I am sure your brother is doing great, and you'll find your place intact."

   "Fine." Sky runs his fingers through his hair and sighs in resignation. "I love tiramisu. That was very sneaky. You really know how to get your way. But I am flattered that you enjoy my company."

   "Phew! You are a hard nut to crack. Of course, I enjoy your company. Who wouldn't? You are amazing." I wave to the waitress. Should I feel so ecstatic? Suddenly, I began to see Skyler in a whole different light. I used to think he was a shy boy, kind of nerdy in a cute way. Now he excites me like no one before. Should I be worried? I am definitely stepping out of my comfort zone.

   "No more compliments," Skylar groans, interrupting my thoughts.

   "Sorry! No more compliments," I agree.

   "Sorry! No more compliments," I agree

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Hello, at the end of Chapter 19.

Thank you so much for reading and supporting ❤️❤️❤️

Jason is clearly fascinated by his new colleague, but he is also not a fan of serious relationships.

Do you think he is ready to change? 😉

Love: Anny

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