Chapter 24. Did you scream? (Sky)

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   "No!" I firmly state and take a step back to emphasize the finality of my decision.

   "What do you mean no?" Jason seems a little taken aback but most of all entertained. His smirk is getting bigger. Is it possible for someone to constantly get on your nerves and be irresistibly gorgeous at the same time? He theatrically bows and extends a formal invitation, "Dear Mr. Jones, would you do me the honor of getting on my bike? I promise we will reach our destination safely, and I will do my best to make the ride pleasant and fun." 

   "The answer is still no," I insist. "There is no way you are going to make me sit on that thing."

   "Why not?" he bellows. "What is the problem? Have you never ridden a motorbike before? Are you afraid?"

   "I am not afraid," I instantly retort. "I have no idea if you are good. I don't like taking unnecessary risks either. In addition, it seems to me that if you suddenly increase the speed or hit the brakes, I will fly off and end up on the asphalt in the middle of the highway. Not going to happen. I am sorry, but the answer is still no."

   "Chicken." He starts to sneer. "Got cold feet, huh? Of course, none of this nonsense will happen. I have been driving a bike for almost ten years, and I have never dropped a passenger in my life. The only way to fall is if you jump on purpose. Even then, I can guarantee that it won't be so easy."

   "Well..." I start to squirm. "I am... uhm... Are you sure?"

   It is out of the question to share my actual concerns with Jason. They are slightly different than what he thinks. I am worried about my weight. I might be too heavy. What if I sit and the damn thing breaks? What if we can not take off because it is overloaded? The embarrassment would be despicable. I know. You are going to tell me that such preoccupations sound ridiculous, and this type of vehicle is designed to carry a lot more. I am not claiming all my thoughts are logical and supported by scientific evidence. But it does not change the fact that they are still on my mind. There is one more issue... Yeah, that will really make you laugh. I am very anxious about my hair. With the amount of styling product I put on it, one hour with a helmet on will solidify it into its shape. There will be no hope of returning it to its present form unless I wash it. 

   "Get on," Jason commands and pushes me towards the bike. "Have a little faith. I am absolutely convinced that you will enjoy the trip. No more discussions."

   He adjusts my helmet and carefully fastens the strap under my chin. His fingers are smooth and warm. My skin tingles at the touch. The distinctive scent of his perfume fills my nostrils. It is a bit zesty and very fresh. His enchanting brown eyes are only inches from mine. Our gazes inevitably meet. Jason smiles. My lips try to mimic the movement but terribly fail. I am too distraught by the proximity. 

   "You are pale," he mumbles. "Did you manage to get enough sleep?"

   I try to answer, but my voice is suddenly lost, so I only shake my head.

   "Why?" Jason does not pull away. He moves closer instead, and slips a finger under the strap to check if it is too tight. "See? I told you that you needed someone to watch over you and make sure you never get into trouble."

   "Luca," I barely rasp, "and a bottle of whiskey."

   "I see." He knowingly grins. "Now I understand why you were so hesitant about the bike. Are you alright now?"

   "Mhm." I nod. "Not sure about when we arrive, though."

   "You'll be fine." Jason pats my shoulder and finally gets through the safety inspection, just on time before my heart jumps out of my chest. He hops on the motorcycle, motioning for me to follow him.

   Boy, am I clumsy! This has got to be the most awkward climb onto a two-wheeled vehicle in history. Thank God he is with his back to me and can not see it. I hold my breath and relax on the seat, praying that nothing cracks or rattles. It goes smoothly. I sigh in relief, but the next problem comes too soon. What do I do with my arms? I should probably hold onto Jason. It would look like a hug, though. Moreover, he did not tell me to do it. What would he think if I clung to his back like a leech? On the other hand, if I do not, I will surely fall...

   "Sky?" His voice startles me out of my deep contemplation. "What are you waiting for?"

   "Huh?" Oh, my God! I am a hopeless case. 

   "Wrap your arms around my waist and hold on tight," he says. "And stop freaking out. It will be awesome."

   "Oh!" Now that I have the official invitation, I finally do as I am told and lean on him. So, that is how it feels to hug Jason. Wow! It is fantastic, and this is a big underestimation. His firm muscles under the smooth leather, the warmth, the scent... Everything is amazing. I can stay in this perfect embrace forever. I close my eyes for a brief second, and that is exactly when he slams on the gas. We set off too surprisingly for me to hide the startled shriek. "Aaaaa... Mamma Mia! Tu sei pazzo. (Dearest God! You are crazy.)"

   "Did you just scream?" Jason shouts over the roar of the engine. 

   His body is shaking with laughter. I tighten my grip. My heart is thumping. He shouldn't be laughing when driving. What did I get myself into? And what the hell is so funny?

   "I did not," I shout back when we stop at the traffic lights.

   "Good," he yells. "Just hold on tight."



Hello, at the end of Chapter 24.

Thank you so much for reading and supporting ❤️❤️❤️

Poor sky has to many anxieties to fight.

Do you think Jason will help him to become more confident?

Do you like motorbikes?

Or maybe you drive one yourself? 😀

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Love: Anny 

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