telling angelo

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last night i told rich that i was pregnant and we decided that we would tell the kids when i got into my second trimester just because of everything going on. today Angelo and Parker are coming back. Parker has grown up so fast she is already a year old. today rich and i are going to tell Angelo what is happening with his siblings because i would rather him hear it from us than someone else.

when he walks through the door it looks like a full grown man has walked into my house and it catches me off guard. all this time i have been talking about how Parker has grown up so fast but so has Angelo. "hi mommy." "hi baby. how was your dads?" "it was good." rich walks into room and i can tell that he wants to talk to Angelo about the situation now. "Angelo rich and i need to talk to you." "ok" the other kids where in their rooms because they knew we needed to have this talk. "why don't we go out in the back yard." rich said "okay" Angelo responded we sat down and i started talking "so A i asked dad to pick you and Parker up a few days ago because the night before when all of the other kids were sleeping Reonna came into our room and told us that they were bad things going on with their mom and moms boyfriend." "oh like what?" "well the boyfriend would hurt them and their mom would just let it happened so after that rich and i called our lawyers so get involved with the situation. after that they made us all go to court and their mom and mom's boyfriend where there too and then the judge gave the boyfriend 15 years in jail and their mom 10 years." "oh wow. are they here now?" this is when rich speaks up and says "yes they are they are going to permanently live here now." "yay!" "um but Angelo they did ask me if i would adopt them. is that okay with you?" "are you serious of course that's okay with me." i feel so relieved "great!" we get up and hugged and then Angelo goes upstairs to his room to probably go and play video games.

i go into the playroom to play with Parker when rich comes in and says that he needs to go to the office to get some work done.

after two hours of playing with Parker i go and put her down for a nap. i decide while i'm up here i would check on the other kids. Zane, Richie, and Angelo are in the game room playing video games and Reonna is in her room doing homework. she is a very good student.

*call from rich*
A: hey babe
R: hey do you want me to bring home dinner since i'm out?
A: sure that would be great what are you thinking.
R: well my office is close is close to that chinese restaurant if you want that.
A: that works for me i will get the kids order and send it to you.
R: perfect thank you. oh and i got an email from the wedding planner did you see that?
A: i did i was planning to respond to it when you get home and we can talk about it.
R: okay i think we just use either my photographer for Klutch or Ravin.
A: we could use both
R: that too. just respond saying that we will use our own.
A: okay love you baby see you soon.
R: love you more

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