our perfect angel

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four months later

today i am going into the hospital to get my water broken. for some reason this baby just wants to stay inside my stomach.

we are on the way to the hospital and i'm so excited but a little nervous. i know once i get to the hospital my nerves will die down. rich lays his hand on my thigh and starts rubbing it.

"i know this baby wasn't planned but i can already tell he will be our perfect angel. i will love him so much. and whatever happens i will love you forever. if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have Parker or this little baby and i would have Angelo in my life. so thank you. thank you for all that you do for our family. i love you delly." he finishes and kisses my forehead. i have tears running down my face and so he wipes my tears as well.

"i love you baby. thank you for giving me children and thank you for being by my side during this whole pregnancy i know it was rough. but thank you. and also what ever i might say to you during this you know i don't mean it."

"i know baby. it's just like last time."

we pull into the parking lot and get out. we walk into the hospital hand in hand and go to the front desk. they send us up to a room and tell us to wait for the doctor. after about 5 minutes of waiting the doctor that delivered Angelo, Parker and now our new baby walks into the hospital room.

"hello adele and rich." he shakes rich's hand and hugs me.
"hi collin!" i say back
"are you ready to have this baby?"
"more than ready" i laugh and look at rich who is also laughing
"well great i'm going to break your water and then everything will start moving."

he breaks my water and gives me an IV so i don't get dehydrated. after that he leaves and says he will have a nurse come in every 15 minutes to check to see how far dilated i am.

5 minutes after he leaves i start to feel everything. all of sudden the contractions get extremely painful. it seemed that it went from 0-1000 in 2 seconds.

"just breath through it baby."
"UGGG" sweat is rolling down my face and i was in so much pain. like everything else this feels completely different from when i had Angelo and Parker. A and P's pregnancy and labors were almost identical.

"yes sweetie"
"please get the doctor something's wrong." i could tell something was off. i didn't seem right.
"okay i will be right back."
"thank y-" i get cut off with another contraction.

collin comes in and checks me.
"holy shit adele."
"what. what's wrong?" i look up at rich and he is also looking at collin
"you went from 0 to 10 centimeters in 8 minutes. that has to be some type of world record."
i try to laugh but it hurts to bad.
"i will be right back let me go get the nurses. what ever you do DO NOT push."
"okay well you better hurry."

rich is looking at me and smiling. i know he wants to help but he can't. no one can take away my pain. i can't get an epidural because i didn't have the time to. so i have to do a natural birth and i did not prepare my self for that. i try not to focus on it and focus on getting this baby out. the nurse come in and everything happens very fast. i honestly forgot that rich was there.

"okay adele your going to push for 10 seconds and keep going until i tell you to stop."
"okay." i grab rich's hand and then i here collin say "start pushing"

4 "ugh only four"
6 "fuck why does this have to be so painful?"
8 "shitttt"
10 "thank god"
"start again"

after 1 hour of pushing i finally here my baby cry. i immediately start crying. i let go of rich's hand and they put him on my chest. he's perfect. i look over at rich and he is crying too. "dad do you want to cut the cord?" "sure" rich kisses me and then kisses our son on his head. "i'm going to take him and clean him up." one of the nurses says "okay" i say back and give him to the nurse.

i can't believe i just had our last baby. both rich and i are getting old and we have enough kids to worry about.

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