the back of the club

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rich it's so nice to see you." at this point Laura gets up and let's us talk. we talk about life and our kids. he tells me that his daughter just graduated high school and his oldest son lives in Canada. then his youngest son still lives with him. he ask about my life and how i'm doing but i didn't want to pour my heart out at this bar so all i say is "i'm doing great" i could tell that he sensed something was upsetting me. 30 minutes go by of us just talking and by that point i could tell that he was single and looking for someone knew just like me. seems like the perfect match to me. he whispers in my ear "why don't we go out back i know the owner he won't mind." at this point i had probably had a little to much to drink so i just shook my head and he took my hand and led me to the back.

i look over and find Laura talking to this man so i know she's alright. i know Angelo is at his dads for the weekend so i don't have to worry about going home to him. so i devote my time and energy to rich which might lead to a bad thing.

we get to the back and rich closes the door. him and i both know what's about to happen and we are both okay with it. "just go ahead we both know what is about it happen" i say and he just smile and nods. he pushes me against the wall and everything it's very heated. after was feels like ages our lips finally connect and it feels like whole world stops. i have never felt this way before about a kiss not even with simon. at that moment i knew something was different about this man.

after 15 minutes of being back there i hear the door open and light coming threw. it was Laura. "that's where you were i thought you had left." then she realizes who's with me and says "oh hello rich." i feel a little uncomfortable in this moment and don't know what to say so all i say is "hey rich why don't you give me your number and we can call later." he hands me his phone and i put my number in Laura is already walking out and so it gives rich and i the opportunity to say good bye with a kiss.

i leave the club feeling happy and i know the reason why.

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