Chapter 13

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Scoups hears Dino enter the living room behind him. The older hasn't slept much because of the constant worries that rush through his head. He trusts both Joshua and Dino, who should he believe? Scoups sighs as he shakes his head, why won't Dino and Joshua just act normal?
"What are you doing?" Dino asks softly as he apparently notices Scoups sitting down on the ground.
"Cleaning up your mess", Scoups answers with some anger in his voice. The older knows Dino opens his mouth, but the younger changes his mind and only exhales defeated. Scoups picks up the last peaces of glass before he throws them in the bin and sits down on a chair tired. Dino is sitting in front of him and awkwardly stares at his roommate.
"I don't want to talk about yesterday", the older says firmly, but Dino disagrees immediatly.
"I have to", he states dedicated.
"Seriously, Dino? Isn't it enough you almost killed Joshua?" Scoups responses and Dino slams his hand on the table frustrated.
"I won't shut up before you believe me!" the younger yells and Scoups grunts irritated.
"Joshua wouldn't lie about something that serious!" he reasons.
"And I would!?" Dino asks in disbelief.
"Well, someone is lying", Scoups thinks out loud, which is followed by Dino's scoff.
"And you assume that's me?" the younger states.
"Joshua is older, he should know better than to just lie in my face. We know each other way longer than you and I do", Scoups informs Dino.
"So what? I have always supported you! You destroyed a shop once!" Dino objects.
"And you wanted to quit right after, what an excellent support", Scoups says sarcastically.
"That was different! I did this to defend myself!" Dino exclaims devestated.
"From what? Joshua didn't even hurt you!" Scoups says.
"He didn't?" Dino asks in disbelief as he points towards his cheek, which clearly has a bruise.
"I know you and Joshua don't get along well, but that doesn't give you the permission to..." Before Scoups can even finish his sentence, Dino gets up frustrated, grabs the towel with blood and walks towards the front door.
"What are you doing!?" Scoups yells confused.
"Proving I'm right!" Dino exclaims in return while he runs off. Scoups sighs dissapointed as someone suddenly pops his head through the doorway because Dino left the front door open. 
"Fuck, you startled me", Scoups breathes surprised as Woojin smiles awkwardly.
"I have a feeling I didn't visit at the best timing", Woojin guesses while he stands still in the doorway.
"It's okay, come in", Scoups waves it off and Woojin closes the door behind him as he enters. 
"I actually came to see you", Woojin admits while he plays with his fingers nervously, something Dino does often as well.
"Oh?" Scoups asks a little flustered.
"Well, since you weren't there when I joined and you will rejoin the group again soon, I thought it would be nice to get to know each other better. But it's probably a stupid idea...", Woojin mumbles as anxiety seems to overwhelm him. Scoups' eyes soften immediatly and he tries to make the younger feel at ease.
"It's not stupid at all. Sit down and ask me whatever you want", Scoups demands softly and Woojin smiles as he takes a seat in front of the older.
"You can ask me anything too, by the way", Woojin adds shy.
"I will, but you start. Shoot", Scoups smiles warmly.
"Why did you decide to quit as a leader?" Woojin asks. Scoups presses his lips in a thin line trying to form a good answer.
"Sorry, did I go too far? It's just that everyone wants to know", Woojin apologizes.
"No, don't worry, it's okay", Scoups waves it off.
"I believe I have failed as a leader before I went to jail. I couldn't support my team when they needed me the most and so many unnecessary deaths happened because I couldn't protect them. I don't want that anymore." Woojin nods understanding.
"But Stray kids is gone, so there's no danger anymore", the younger reasons.
"You don't believe Dino?" Scoups notices.
"I don't. It's weird he found a note from the villain that should be dead for about two years. What if that Minho guy is only trying to scare us off?" Woojin asks and Scoups has to admit that he has a point.
"I understand, but I can't take the risk. We have to be sure that there really is no ninth member before we can take it easy again", Scoups informs Woojin.
"You sound like a true leader", the younger says impressed.
"It is going to be weird", Scoups admits.
"I'm sure you'll be okay", Woojin comforts him and Scoups smiles thankful.
"The team will probably be upset", Scoups guesses and Woojin nods his head in affirming.
"They are, Jun the most", the blonde admits.
"Really?" Scoups asks surprised. 
"Yeah, he misses you a lot", Woojin confirms with a smile. Scoups smiles as well thinking about Jun. Even though they don't see each other as often as Dino and him, Scoups feels like he has a better bond with Jun sometimes. They truly care about each other and they miss each other often.
"Joshua misses you too. And even though he acts as if he's completely fine with you handing over the lead, I can see him struggling. He even went to Dino to ask him about the reason you quit." Scoups tilts his head surprised as Woojin talks.
"Really?" Scoups asks again.
"You know Joshua, he was blaming Dino again", Woojin says with a giggle, but Scoups is not happy at all. Why didn't Joshua tell him? Does this mean Joshua was lying? Did Scoups trust the wrong person? A sudden feeling of guilt washes over him as he thinks about Dino. He already regrets mistreating his roommate like that.

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