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Changbin was hard at work on the extra addition to the live video that will play before the actual performance. When the thought came to mind he couldn't rest until he made it happen cause he knew it would just make everything that more perfect. As he watched it seeing his bestfriend standing there so young and cute, his heart just exploded at how proud he was that he had this person in his life.

"Can I let you be with someone else when you want to be with me?" he said staring at the screen. "how can Dino or anyone love you more than me?" When he said that Chan made his way in, he came to help run the sound system and he heard Changbin talking.

"Should I ask why you are asking that question?" he said making Changbin look up. "why did you say Dino for? Are they getting close?"

"Yes they are and just ignore what I said." Changbin said. "I need you to watch what I added for her." Chan just looked at him knowing that he wasn't going to let the subject go. "geez, you aren't going to move on from this are you?"

"Um, no so spill it." Chan said.

"NaRi, and I were talking about her birthday and she mentioned something that she had wanted all of her previous birthday's."

"Ok,so what did she ask for? You couldn't find it to give her now?"

"What she wanted I didn't have to look very far." Chan was more confused now cause he didn't know what Changbin was talking about. "how can I say this?...She wants me." Changbin waited for what he said to sink into Chan's mind and of course said.

"She has you, this is the first birthday you two are together so what is the problem?" Changbin was wishing he never said anything but soon it hit Chan, "ooh..um..are you saying she wants..you like be with you?" Changbin nodded. "oh wow."

"Thank goodness you figured it out." Changbin mumbled.

"Changbin, that is bigtime, how did you react to what she said?"

"I told her I was wanting the same thing." Chan didn't expect to hear that. "I have loved one person and that is Nani so why not go there with her?"

"Hello cause she is your bestfriend!" Chan said. "have you not learned your lesson on what happened when this subject surfaced a few months back, you almost lost all contact.""

"I know but look at all that has taken place. Lee Know, Namjoon and even Dino hurt her, true add in me but she still mentioned it so it means that it is something she really wants but she told me that subject was over and there was no way we were going there."

"Then take what she said and let it go cause with all the heartache she doesn't need to loose you also and you know I am right."

"I do but you can't tell me that you wouldn't be able to forget what she told you especially something so personal."

"It will always be on your mind and I will say this but don't you dare use it as an excuse to make a move but if that moment happened both of you would at least be with someone that you loved and would still love afterward but she has been through enough so just move on."

"If you say so." Changbin said. "now look at what I did for her." 

Dino and I were in the car, I was letting him drive cause I was a ball of nerves. I was sitting there ringing out my hands to the point Dino reached over to take my hand to link fingers making me look at him, "there is nothing to worry about, just think of this as just a fun day in the recording studio."

"Sure, whatever you say, you forget I am going live."

"NaRi, you have performed in front of thousands and you have performed for small groups why are you letting this bother you so much?"

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