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It didn't take long for me to regret this trip cause when I landed in the states I was met with  a mob scene. When I walked out of the terminal all I saw was continuous flashes and very loud screams, I suddenly started to panic cause I had no clue why they were here. The security staff did all they could to become a human wall for me but the crowd was so thick and very aggressive to the point I feared something bad was going to happen. I lowered my head,moving forward, having a death grip on one of the body guards. All of the things I heard was some wanting my attention but one stood out and it would still haunt me, they said, "You killed Chase!" For a moment I stopped in my tracks to see if I could see who said it but there was so many phones in my face that it was proving difficult but whoever it was got their point across.

When I made it finally to my hotel all I did was sit there for the longest time while my PR staff was trying to tell me all that I had to do as soon as I freshened up, I could careless, I was done. It was all over social media about what took place and I knew that soon I was going to be bombarded with text messages from others back home, I wish I was back home or that Namjoon was here. "why did they all show up? I haven't done anything to have them do that, have I?" I was asking.

"You really think that way?" one of the staff members asked seeing me nod. "you are all over the internet and all were waiting for you to return back to the states."

"But why? I am just doing a book?" I said, "do they not think I am the same person that left the states on a stretcher?" The staff didn't know what to say to make me feel better so they just kept quiet.

Speaking  of things back home Namjoon was packing up his bags when something on the TV made him stop in his tracks, "Pop sensation Jaycee, was mobbed at the airport but hundreds of fans who have been anticipating her return back to the states." Namjoon saw a very scared face as the camera zoomed in and it made him instantly mad and upset that he wasn't there to help, he went to get his phone placing a phone call and soon heard.

"I guess you saw what happened?"

"I just did, are you ok?" he said.

"No all I can do is shake! Why were they there and who told them I was going to be there?"

"You know there is always a way for people to find out information if they really want it, I am sorry I wasn't there to help you."

"I am glad you weren't here it would be even worse. I will be ok it just caught me off guard cause I didn't expect that what is bad is I have to pull myself together to go out."

"If you can wait a few more hours I will be there, I am finishing packing as we speak. I already miss you." that made my heart ache when he said that.

"I miss you too. I hate to end this call but they are wanting me to get ready, I am going to text you where I am before I leave."

"Good, I was hoping you would. Be safe and don't do anything without that security team, got it?"

"Oh you don't have to worry about that I will be on them like glue. I feel bad for one of them cause I had a death grip on his hand."

"Whatever it takes to keep you safe you do it. I will see you soon, just hold on."

"Ok, see you then." I said hanging up. "time to suck it up Buttercup, you are on your own."

The event I was going to was one that I needed to actually put on makeup and wear clothes I hadn't worn in a while and I didn't like it one bit. Seeing my hair being done, the layers of makeup being put on, it wasn't me anymore but if I wanted this book to get off and running I had to make the effort so I had to suck it up no matter how bad I didn't want to. When I got all dressed up I took a photo of how I looked sending to a select few, one of them being SCoups.

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