Chapter 4: The Meeting

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Me and Cal arrive to the meeting room . While Cal sits on his throne , I sit with the other silver houses .With Nanabel sitting next to me .

After the war , house osanos, haven, rhambos, provos , arven , blonos, eagrie, lerolan and laris earned a spot in the court as a  mercy from Cal.

Cal starts the meeting by explaining the attack and the soldiers. After that the premier started asking about our relationship with Irinia and how we became enemies. When all was answered. We decided to devise a plan .

"If we sent 2-3 spys to gather info , then maybe we can figure out what their motive is , but the problem is none of the soldiers are brave enough to enter the kingdom controlled by an insane king" General Blonos said.

"If I may , your majesty ? ," a girl from the scarlet guard speaks.
I turn my head to her. She had medium lenght light black hair with emerald eyes and her skin was dark peach .
Cal nods for her to speak.

"Your majesty, I happen to know three people who are currently living in Irinia so with your permission I would like to give the task as our spys to them", she says.

"And you are?", Cal says.

"Tauriel. Lieutenant Tauriel of the scarlet guard".

"Thank you Lieutenant Tauriel"he says. "But we cannot give this task to people who aren't trained for these kind of things , so sorry but I have to refuse your offer".

"That's where you're wrong your majesty", she answers. "They are trained for these things. In fact, the three of them run an organisation of their own" .

Now this is interesting. For some reason , I decided to open my mouth. "Who are they and what are their organisations called?",I ask.

She grins.

"Their code names are Death, Chaos and Darkness", she informs.

"If you give us their real names then we can find out their backgrounds and if we can trust them", nanabel says. Tauriel chuckles. "Something funny?", nanabel asks clearly irritated with her.

"Even if I gave you their names , I doubt you'll find the information you need. Because Darkness is smart enough to erase their datas so they appear as if they never existed in this world", she answers. Everyone murmurs at her answer.

She grins again.

"How about I give his majesty an introduction of them?" she asks for permission from Cal.

He nods.

"First is Death , he runs the Dead Armies. He is known as the grim reaper of hell therefore his codename is Death. His ability is to be able to control and raise the dead", she informs. It's obvious with his codename that surely his real name is related to the word death.

"Second is Chaos , she runs the  Red Arrows. She is known as the troublemaker and the maker of problems. Causing chaos wherever she goes. Her ability is to be able to control or manipulate earth. Dont mess with Death and Chaos for they are very loyal to Darkness who is their leader."

"Lastly is Darkness, she runs the Black Shadows. She is known as the deadliest person to meet. She is often described as the most intelligent and nice person but deadly when you mess with her. Her ability is to be able to create , manipulate and control the dark. Death and Chaos are her trustworthy partners .But I must warn you if anyone ever meets her, do not make fun or belittle or try to bribe her partners for if you do, then you'll see", she adds.

"Thank you for that long information , Captain Tauriel", nanabel gives thanks. I am getting really annoyed by her. God I wish I never sat next to her.

An awkward silence flows through the air for a minute or two . Until Cal speaks.

"I grant permission to Captain Tauriel to recruit these people as our spys for the time being", he announces. "Is there anything anyone wishes to inform or report to me now that we're all here?". Everyone nods no . "When can I meet our spys , captain Tauriel?".

"After they gather enough information for us, your majesty ",she answers.

Cal dismisses everyone but before both me and Cal could exit the room. The premier and general farley pulled us back in to discuss something.

"We have have something to report to you your majesties", premier Davidson says.

Cal nods for him to continue.

"We have been hiding this for six years but we need to tell you that Mare Barrow is missing", general farley says. "Do not tell anyone else about this because it could be catastrophic if Irinia finds out that the lightning girl is gone".

I nod in agreement as well as Cal does.

Then we left in silence .

Thank you for reading my stories!
What do you guys think is going to happen next?
How will the 3 spys make their dramatic entrance after gathering information?
Which movie is your fav?
Mine is the harry potter films . But if red queens had a film too i would faint and fall into a coma! lol

Here is another quote to those who has lost confidence in writing:

'Do not give up on the thing you enjoy doing just because others give negative comments about it'

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