Chapter 3

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A soft breeze whispered through the towering trees as I stood there, gazing at the boy I had just healed. His eyes flickered open, confusion and suspicion clouding them. I hesitated, wondering how he'd react to my presence. Silently, I watched as he took in his surroundings, clearly trying to make sense of what had just happened.

"Where am I?" His voice was hoarse, and his gaze darted around, taking in the lush greenery of the forest surrounding us.

"You're in front of the Labyrinth of Magic," I replied, keeping a cautious distance. "You were injured. I healed you."

His eyes narrowed, suspicion deepening. "Healed me? Why would you do that? What's your angle?"

I bit my lip nervously, grappling with the words. "I... I didn't want you to die. I can't stand seeing someone suffer."

He stared at me, uncertainty etched on his face. "Why should I believe you?"

I sighed, my shoulders slumping. "I guess you don't have to. But I couldn't let you die without trying."

He studied me for a moment, and then a flicker of realisation crossed his eyes. "You saved me?" His voice softened, a mix of surprise and gratitude.

I nodded, relieved that he seemed to be understanding. "Yes, I did. I used healing magic."

He gingerly touched his stomach, where the wound had been. "It's gone. How did you...?"

"Magic," I replied with a half-smile. "It's a bit hard to explain."

He sat up, wincing slightly. "Thank you, then. I appreciate it."

A warm feeling washed over me. "You're welcome."

He paused, studying me intently. "I don't know your name."

I hesitated, not entirely comfortable revealing too much about myself. "You can call me Amy."

He smiled, a genuine one this time. "Amy, huh? I like it. I'm still skeptical about magic, though. How about we put it to the test? Let's go to another floor, and you can show me more of your magic."

I blinked, surprised by his sudden enthusiasm. "Another floor? Are you sure? The Labyrinth is dangerous."

He shrugged, looking remarkably unfazed. "What's life without a little danger? Besides, if your magic is real, it could be useful there."

I weighed his words, contemplating the risks. "Alright, but we need to be cautious. Follow me, and stay close."

We ventured deeper into the forest, making our way towards the entrance of the labyrinth. The massive stone door loomed ahead, an imposing gateway to the unknown. I couldn't shake the feeling that this impromptu decision might lead to trouble, but the spark of curiosity in his eyes was hard to ignore.

As we stepped into the labyrinth, the air grew heavy with an unspoken challenge. The dim light cast eerie shadows on the walls, and the labyrinth seemed to come alive with unseen whispers. I led the way, relying on my instincts to navigate the winding corridors. The boy followed closely, his eyes darting around, absorbing the mystical atmosphere.

"Alright, Amy," he said, breaking the silence. "Show me some more of your magic."

I nodded, summoning a soft glow around my hands. "What do you want to see?"

My understanding of the emotional nuances associated with various forms of magic is limited. However,  I'm pretty good at the spells that just need memorising and waving my hands around. I hope he doesn't ask for some complicated magic to be shown to him.

He pondered for a moment. "How about something defensive? Can you create a barrier or shield or something?"

I took a deep breath, focusing on the magic within me. A shimmering barrier materialised in front of us, translucent and pulsating with energy.

His eyes widened in amazement. "That's incredible! Now, let's see if it holds up against a real threat. Do you have anything like a magical creature we can test it on?"

I hesitated, my mind racing. "I don't have a creature, but I can summon an illusion. It won't harm you, but it'll test the barrier." I can create creatures with illusion. This one is a magic involving rote learning and imagination. I am glad he is not asking for anything which involves emotions.

He nodded, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "Go for it."

I concentrated, conjuring an illusion of a fearsome creature – a mythical beast with shimmering scales and sharp claws. The illusion roared menacingly, charging towards us. The barrier held, repelling the imaginary threat.

But suddenly, we heard a big roar. It made both my shield and my illusion disappear.

As I stood there with the boy, anticipating the monster on the floor, a creature materialised before us. It resembled a monstrous cat, its eyes gleaming with an otherworldly glow. My heart quickened, uncertainty clouding my thoughts. The boy's suspicious gaze shifted from me to the creature.

"I think we can now see if your magic has any practical usage or not," he said, chuckling. Even though his face was covered in the veil, I could sense the amusement in his voice. It seemed like he was genuinely enjoying the scene, his eyes conveying a playful curiosity.

He stepped aside and created a

barrier around himself. "Although I do believe you saved me, I will step in if you will be in danger. However, since you decided to step in here willingly, I will let this kitty fight with you alone." He said, his tone conveying anticipation of how the fight would turn out.

So this is completely my fight, isn't it? I will definitely make sure to win. This monster will surely be defeated.

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