Chapter 9

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Life as a prince unfolded within the gilded cage of royalty, a tapestry woven with threads of responsibility, tradition, and monotony. Each day seemed to blend seamlessly into the next, a symphony of routine that echoed through the grand halls of the palace. I, Prince Salien, found myself ensnared in the labyrinth of my own status, a title that bore the weight of expectations and obligations.

The morning sun painted the sky with hues of gold as I rose from my ornate bed, the crimson canopy a stark reminder of my princely station. The routine commenced with the ceremonial donning of elaborate attire, layers of silk and velvet meticulously arranged to reflect the splendor expected of a royal figure. A jeweled crown adorned my brow, its weight both physical and metaphorical, symbolizing a lineage I had inherited but did not choose. It's supposed to also enhance my fiery red hair. Looking at myself in the mirror, I am reminded of who I am. Red hair and golden eyes, although not a symbol of Diamante royalty, characterized me, the future Emperor.

The palace corridors echoed with the footsteps of attendants, their voices hushed as they orchestrated the day's agenda. Meetings with advisors, diplomatic exchanges, and ceremonial duties awaited me, each a puzzle piece contributing to the larger mosaic of my predetermined life. The throne room, with its towering pillars and opulent decor, became a stage upon which I performed the scripted role of a benevolent ruler.

Noontime brought formal banquets, where I sat at the head of the grand table, a puppet in the hands of courtly expectations. Conversations swirled around me like a distant hum, the topics often veering into matters that held little personal relevance. My appetite for genuine connection withered amid the stifling air of formality.

Afternoons slipped away in a blur of paperwork and decrees, my signature a mere formality etched onto documents that shaped the fate of the realm. The council chamber, adorned with banners bearing the insignia of power, became a realm of bureaucracy where decisions were made more out of tradition than innovation.

The courtyard, adorned with meticulously manicured gardens, offered a temporary escape. Yet, even here, the air felt heavy with the weight of expectations. The fountain's gentle cascade served as a metaphor for the continuous flow of responsibilities, each drop representing a duty that demanded attention.

As evening descended, so did the curtain on the scripted performance. A banquet hosted in my honor, attended by nobles with painted smiles and feigned allegiance, awaited. The chandeliers cast a soft glow upon the grand hall, concealing the weariness etched into my features. Formalities endured until the final guest departed, leaving me alone in the solitude of my lavish quarters.

The nights became a refuge, albeit temporary. The canopy bed, with its layers of embroidered fabric, seemed both a sanctuary and a prison. A glance at the mirror revealed a face adorned with weariness that transcended the physical. The mask of princely decorum, meticulously maintained throughout the day, slipped away in the quiet of the night.

The moonlit gardens beckoned with the allure of freedom, prompting me to venture beyond the confines of the palace. The night air, cool against my skin, whispered promises of a world unburdened by the shackles of nobility. Yet, the awareness of my role lingered like a shadow, a constant reminder of the constraints that bound me.

As the stars painted patterns in the vast canvas above, I found solace in the quiet moments. The reflection in the moonlit pond mirrored not just my physical form but the contemplative spirit yearning for a life beyond the rigid expectations of royalty. The rhythmic cadence of a nearby waterfall provided a symphony that resonated with the untold desires hidden beneath the regal facade.

In the hushed stillness of the night, I longed for an escape from the monotonous tapestry of princely existence. The world beyond the palace walls whispered tales of adventure, of uncharted realms and the allure of the unknown. It was a siren's call that stirred a rebellion within, a yearning to break free from the chains that bound me to a life scripted by birthright.

And so, as the moon held court in the vast expanse above, I, Prince Salien, found myself caught between the celestial dreams of the night and the stark reality of the royal dawn that awaited. The monotonous rhythm of princely life continued, but within the depths of my soul, a silent revolution sparked, fueled by the desire for a life not bound by the expectations of a crown.

I wonder when my father will be back and I will be relieved from some of my duties. He has gone to another empire to attend a royal ceremony. Until he returns, I will have to take care of most of his work. I was eventually excited for the same but after the first day, the excitement wore off. As father's right hand, Duke Aureus has been guiding me in the royal affairs.

I don't want this life anymore! I want to leave! The fact that in a few years, I will have to be a full-fledged Emperor and do all of these tasks everyday until I die, sounds so suffocating.

Under the shroud of the night, the weight of princely responsibilities became an oppressive force, compelling me to seek refuge beyond the gilded confines of the palace. The indigo sky, adorned with stars, whispered promises of liberation, and a fervent yearning for spontaneity stirred within. The moonlit courtyard, usually a realm of formality, now beckoned with the allure of the unknown.

Motivated by a thirst for authenticity, I ventured into the gardens, where the fragrance of blossoms mingled with the cool night air. The fountain's soft murmur seemed to articulate the unspoken desire for escape, while the moonlit pond reflected a silhouette yearning to break free from the predetermined script of royalty. I decided to do something a prince typically does not… Sneak out of the royal grounds.

The motivation to sneak out was not a rejection of duty but a declaration of humanity against the rigid backdrop of nobility. The palace, once a symbol of grandeur, had transformed into a stifling cage, and the night became a canvas for rebellion. The nocturnal escape was an acknowledgment of me reclaiming fragments of my own existence.

Guided by the moon's silver glow, I traversed the palace grounds, each step resonating with the pulse of a soul hungry for genuine connection and unscripted exploration. The cool night air carried whispers of liberation, and the rustling leaves seemed to applaud the clandestine rebellion against a life dictated by birthright.

In the silent rebellion of the night, I, Prince Salien, sought not just escape but a taste of the uncharted, a brief respite from the monotony that defined princely life. The clandestine journey was a manifestation of the prince's intrinsic humanity, an affirmation that beyond the regal facade, there existed a soul yearning for a life shaped by its own untamed aspirations.

I reveled in the tranquility of the night, a brief respite from the weight of princely obligations. Unfortunately, my decision to explore the forest led me into an ambush by thugs. Employing magic, I managed to subdue them, but not without sustaining a deep wound. Despite prevailing in the end, the injury left me incapacitated. Moving through the forest, I stumbled upon an intriguing sign revealing the path to the labyrinth.

In that moment, a sense of foolishness washed over me; I had ventured so deeply into the forest, almost reaching the labyrinth. Although my chances of survival seemed slim, I relied on luck and approached the labyrinth. Few ventured there, and I contemplated my fate, feeling destined for a lonely demise. Regret for leaving the palace consumed me.

Suddenly, a green light illuminated the darkness, revealing a girl with brown hair cascading to her shoulders and eyes as vibrant as the healing magic she wielded. My heart raced at the mere sight of her; she exuded a captivating charm. Despite initial suspicions, I discovered her sincerity, forging a unique camaraderie with her—a decision that would alter my life.

She allowed me moments of joy, making each encounter with her precious. Her wonderful personality drew me in, and I slowly found myself developing feelings for her. She became my guiding star, illuminating even my darkest days.

Despite learning of her noble identity, I chose not to treat her differently, recognizing her discomfort with such distinctions. Her strength was matched by her kindness, but she could turn cold when denied the respect she deserved like when she killed her own mother. She navigated between roles effortlessly, from a determined individual to a blushing girl in moments of flirtation.

My star was a fascinating enigma, revealing new facets over time. Whether or not she reciprocated my feelings was inconsequential; my sole desire was to shield her from troubles she did not deserve. Back then, hence, I wished, fervently, for her eternal happiness, pleading with the heavens to bless my star with joy always.

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