Chapter 6

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When Noah left for dinner, I was alone in the dimly lit room, the weight of unspoken pain pressed heavily on my chest, and the tears, long held back, found their release. The encounter with my mother was just the latest wound, a fresh layer added to the accumulation of hurts I had been carrying. It wasn't merely the indifference she showed; it was the persistent ache left by my father's sacrifice, the void that widened with every passing day. As the heir to the Violin family, I bore the weight of responsibilities and the silent loneliness that came with it. In that quiet moment, I allowed myself the luxury of tears, each droplet carrying the weight of my untold sorrows.

The pain, the anger, the frustations all churned in me. They were like a tempest within, a turbulent sea of anger and frustration threatening to overwhelm me. The indifference my mother displayed, the stark favoritism towards Luka—it all ignited a fiery determination. Each dismissive gesture, every cold word, fed the flames of rebellion in my heart.

Anger, a searing blaze, consumed my thoughts. I felt betrayed, not just by my mother but by the very concept of familial love. Frustration mounted as I grappled with the unfairness of the situation, the weight of expectations, and the profound loneliness despite being surrounded by family.

In the solitude of my thoughts, I forged a resolve. The anger became a driving force, a fierce determination to prove myself, to rise above expectations and prejudices. Frustration morphed into a potent energy, propelling me forward with newfound strength. My soul was now the one which guided my actions.

I stood in front of the mirror and wiped away tears. A steely glint appeared in my eyes. The pain of rejection fueled a transformation. This was the awakening of a new magic.

The sole reason I awakened this ability was because I couldn't let this indifference and neglect define my worth. The moment had come to stand up, not just against the creatures lurking in the labyrinth, but against the shadows that haunted my own home. I left the tavern. With each step, I could feel the determination growing within me, a fiery resolve to break free from the chains of expectation and indifference.

The echoes of my mother's coldness lingered, but they no longer held power over me. I stood in the face of adversity, ready to challenge the unfairness that had cast its shadow over my existence. I was in front of my mansion. It was the dead of the night. It was time to redefine my own narrative, to forge a path that didn't hinge on the approval of others.

As I walked through the mansion of my emotions, I discovered a burning sense of desire to make them suffer.

The monsters within my family might be formidable, but so was the newfound courage within me. I knew the name of the new ability. It's named Fury Forge. It grants around 1000 times more strength to the person wielding it. It's awakened when a person is angry.

I went to sneak into the mansion but the crack was not there. Certain pieces started to fall in place. I went into my mother's room using invisibility magic. I have no clue if anyone saw me or if they didn't. I didn't bother much. I was already in front of my mother’s room and I knew there was no going back now.

In the morning, I returned to the tavern, and Noah hurried over to me as soon as he spotted me.

"Where have you been, Amy?" he inquired, concern etched across his face.

I had a lot on my mind, uncertain if he would grasp or believe what I had experienced. Opting for directness, I cut to the chase. "I've unlocked a new ability. Let's go and defeat that monster.”

"But you're covered in dirt, and... and..." he trailed off, falling silent for a moment. His eyes widened as a realization settled in.

"I reek of blood. I know. It's not mine. Can we leave now?"

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