Chapter 3

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Over the next few days, my training with Sephora began. It was intense, demanding, and at times, downright grueling. We met in secluded spots, away from prying eyes, where she taught me not just physical combat but also strategies and ways to read people. Each session left me exhausted but exhilarated, and I couldn't help but marvel at the wealth of knowledge Sephora possessed.

One day, as we took a breather, I asked, "Why did you agree to teach me? What's in it for you?"

Sephora leaned against a tree, her expression unreadable. "I've seen too many people crumble because they couldn't handle the world. If I can toughen you up a bit, maybe you won't end up like them."

Her response was gruff, yet I sensed a hint of genuine concern beneath the tough exterior. As the days passed, our interactions became more than just training. We shared stories, laughed, and even argued about tactics. Sephora, it seemed, was not just a formidable warrior but a complex individual with her own set of experiences.

One evening, after a particularly intense training session, Sephora softened her usual stern demeanor. "You're not bad, kid. You've got potential."

I grinned, grateful for the acknowledgment. "Thanks to your excellent teaching, of course."

She rolled her eyes, but a hint of a smile played on her lips. "Don't get too cocky. We've only scratched the surface."

As we continued our unconventional mentorship, I found myself not only learning physical skills but also gaining a newfound perspective on the world. Sephora, in her own way, was guiding me to be resilient, resourceful, and unyielding in the face of adversity.

Our dynamic wasn't just about a student and a teacher; it was a connection forged in the crucible of shared challenges. I realized that beneath Sephora's tough exterior was someone who genuinely cared about preparing me for the harsh realities of life.

In the quiet moments between training, she shared snippets of her own past, hinting at a life filled with struggles and battles. It made me appreciate her guidance even more, understanding that each lesson was shaped by her own journey.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over our training spot, Sephora looked at me with a rare softness in her gaze. "You're tougher than I thought. Keep it up, and maybe you'll survive the labyrinth."

I nodded, a sense of gratitude swelling within me. "With you as my teacher, I feel like I can face anything."

Sephora's response was a gruff chuckle, but there was warmth in her eyes. As we prepared for the challenges that lay ahead, I knew that this unorthodox alliance would shape not only my skills but also the core of who I was becoming.

“And now,” she suddenly said, changing the topic, "Amy, spill it. What's going on? You've been avoiding Noah like he's a plague."

I sighed, realizing that there was no hiding from her sharp eyes. "It's just... that day in the tavern. I made a complete fool of myself, and now I can't face him."

Sephora chuckled, "Sweetheart, love is a battlefield, and you just stumbled over a pebble. But hey, we all do. It's part of the journey."

I pouted, "But it was so embarrassing! I called him cute right in the middle of the tavern."

She burst into laughter. "Well, well, looks like someone has a crush. And honestly, what's wrong with calling someone cute? It's a compliment!"

I frowned, "But what if he thinks I'm weird now? What if he never wants to talk to me again?"

Sephora sat me down, her eyes serious. "Amy, love and life are about finding balance. You can't let the fear of embarrassment stop you from living. If you like him, go and talk to him. If he's worth your time, he won't judge you for a little stumble."

I hesitated, "But I don't even know if I like him. It's all so confusing."

Sephora grinned, "Ah, the sweet chaos of young love. Look, darling, it's okay not to have all the answers. Take your time, figure out what you want. But remember, don't lose yourself in the process. Love is a wonderful addition to life, not a replacement for it."

Feeling a bit reassured, I asked, "What about you? Do you have any crushes or love advice?"

Sephora's eyes softened with a distant memory. "Well, everyone has their stories, Amy. As for advice, my only wisdom is this: let love enhance your journey, not define it. And remember, sometimes it's the unexpected things that make life beautiful."

She winked at me, "Now, go and face that Noah of yours. Life's too short for awkward exits and missed opportunities."

I nodded, mustering up the courage to confront my feelings. "You're right, Miss Sephora. Thanks for the advice."

With a playful grin, she added, "And who knows, maybe Noah will find your little stumble endearing…". Before she completed she turned her gaze to something behind me. I turned back to see it was Noah. I stood up, shocked to see him but also glad that he was thinking the same thing that I was. He seemed to hesitate to approach me however and stopped a few steps away from us.

"Now, go, my girl," Miss Sephora said, giving me a firm nudge in Noah's direction. It was more of a hearty shove than a gentle encouragement. The force of it propelled me a few steps forward, and I found myself struggling to maintain my balance. Just when I thought my legs might betray me, Noah, as if on instinct, stepped forward and steadied me. His strong arms acted as pillars, preventing my impending fall.

In that brief moment, my face inadvertently pressed against his chest, and the rhythmic thud of his heartbeat echoed in my ears. Swiftly, I pulled back, glancing up at him. His eyes reflected a mix of relief and concern as he gently inquired, "Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

"I-I'm okay," I stammered, taking cautious steps backward. A firm hand on my back suddenly halted my retreat, and I turned to find Miss Sephora behind me. She leaned in, whispering, "He's not a plague to be avoided," and with another nudge, propelled me toward Noah once more.

“You are a strong girl, right?” She reminded me. I took a deep breath and turned to face Noah, who was standing there with a concerned expression. "Hey," he greeted, "are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded, mustering a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for catching me back there."

"No problem," he replied, a hint of relief in his voice. "I didn't expect you to rush out like that. Is everything alright?"

I hesitated for a moment, considering how much to share. "Yeah, everything's fine. It's just... well, things got a bit awkward, you know?"

Noah chuckled, breaking the tension. "Yeah, falling tends to make things a bit awkward. But hey, no harm done. We can pretend it never happened."

I appreciated his attempt to lighten the mood. I am glad he is not talking about anything else I said that day. "Sure, let's go with that. Pretend it never happened."

There was a brief pause before Noah spoke again. "So, are you avoiding me?"

His question caught me off guard, and I fumbled for words. "No, not at all. It's just... Well, things got a bit weird, you know? I didn't want to make it more awkward."

Noah nodded in understanding. "I get it. But hey, we're friends, right? Friends don't let a little awkwardness get in the way."

I smiled, grateful for his easy going nature. "Yeah, you're right. Friends it is."

We continued chatting, gradually steering the conversation away from the awkward incident. Noah shared some things which he recently did alone as I was avoiding him, and I found myself enjoying the casual banter. The more we talked, the more I realized that Noah was more than just a cute boy or a mysterious boy in a veil – he was a genuine friend.

As the evening progressed, I began to feel at ease in his presence. The initial awkwardness faded away, replaced by a growing sense of camaraderie. Noah had a way of making me forget my worries, and I found myself appreciating the simple joy of friendship.

At the end, we decided on a secret trip to the labyrinth. Even though I was scared of Miss Sephora and the others knowing, I thought it would be a good way to know my strength. And hence, with our secret trip planned, we ended our meeting and I returned home, retiring for the day.

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