Season 4: Chapter 1

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The imperial palace courtyard basked in the warm embrace of the afternoon sun, casting a golden glow over the scene that unfolded before my watchful eyes. Salien, a flame-haired vision of untamed exuberance, immersed himself in a world of childhood fantasies. His small hands wielded a wooden sword with unbridled enthusiasm, envisioning a gallant knight vanquishing invisible foes in a dance of make-believe.

As the young prince's attention wandered to a low table adorned with delicate ornaments, a particular heirloom seized his curiosity. Driven by innocence and a thirst for discovery, his fingers tentatively reached out to explore the fragile piece. Unseen by him, I, the Empress, observed from a distance, silently closing the gap between us.

With a swift yet controlled motion, my hand intercepted Salien's, delivering a disciplined slap that reverberated through the courtyard. Salien, more startled than hurt, blinked up at me with wide, innocent eyes. A momentary hush enveloped the courtyard, interrupted only by the distant hum of palace life.

“Is it something that you own?”, I asked him, trying to maintain a stern composure.

He shook his head, muttering a soft, “No…”.

“Then you better not touch it.” I reprimanded him.

Tears welled in Salien's eyes as he cradled his stinging hand. The game of knights and imaginary battles abruptly halted as the young prince ran away mid conversation to seek refuge in the comforting presence of his father. A ripple of regret coursed through me, recognizing the unintended weight of that disciplinary act.

In the private chambers of the imperial palace, the Emperor, a figure of both authority and paternal warmth, attentively listened to Salien's tearful grievances about his my strict discipline. Sensing the need for a more balanced approach to parenting, the Emperor addressed the issue directly and I was summoned to our private chambers, away from prying eyes, the Emperor delicately broached the subject. "Salien is at an age where guidance is crucial, but perhaps we can explore alternative methods of discipline that do not involve physical measures."

Contemplation and introspection danced in my gaze as I considered the Emperor's words. The dissonance between my methods and the softer approach needed for a child became evident. At that moment, a silent understanding passed between the Emperor and me.

"I married you with a purpose," I admitted, meeting the Emperor's gaze with resolve. "Part of our agreement was to secure the future of the empire. The child is now yours, and you are free to guide him as you see fit. I will focus on the grounds of the empire, where my skills are better suited."

With a graceful exit, I left the Emperor to embrace his newfound role as the primary caregiver for our son. From that day forward, the palace echoed with the laughter and footsteps of a young prince, his upbringing now a shared responsibility between the Emperor and me, each contributing in our own unique way to the tapestry of his childhood.

A sudden jerk in the carriage made me wake up. The distant memory from the past haunted me like a nightmare.

As my eyelids succumbed to the weight of slumber, the dream unfolded into a vivid tapestry of my own history. In that bygone era, I wasn't the empress, but a woman named Armenia entangled in the complexities of love and betrayal. Cursed by an ancient power, I knew I would have an untimely demise.

In the shadows of this affair, I, Armenia, found myself entwined in the silken threads of love with the Prince of another realm. Our stolen moments were fleeting, veiled in secrecy and fueled by the intensity of forbidden passion. Yet, this illusion shattered when the cruel revelation of his infidelity tore through the delicate fabric of my emotions. Betrayal, like a venomous serpent, injected its poison into the very core of my being.

The searing pain of heartbreak birthed within me a thirst for vengeance. I sought a path to reclaim my stolen dignity and crush the one who callously trampled upon the sanctity of our love. It was in this tumultuous sea of emotions that a sinister idea took root — a plan to wield the power of an empire as my instrument of retribution.

To materialize this vendetta, I strategically wedded the Emperor, weaving a web of influence that extended far beyond the confines of my personal tragedy. My marriage was not a union of love, but a calculated move in the grand chessboard of my revenge. The birth of Salien became a pawn, an unwitting participant in the intricate game I orchestrated to dismantle the Prince's world.

My actions were not driven by maternal instinct but rather by the cold, calculating desire to break free from the chains of an unwanted child and the confines of an unfulfilling contract. Thus, the seeds of revenge took root in the fertile soil of betrayal, and my journey as the Empress of a fractured empire began, a journey fueled by the ashes of a love that once was.

It was a hasty decision I thought when the Emperor asked me to have a softer approach to raising a child realising my own shortcomings as a mother. Rather than spoiling his life because I am entangled in the pain and trauma of my previous relationship, I decided to use my abilities to stabilise the empire. I worked hard alongside my brother for years, managing to reduce any trivial issue at the ground level before it reached the Emperor's ears.

The dream concluded in the village, where the specter of potential slavery loomed. The memories, a tapestry of choices and consequences, left me with a chilling realization. My past, a mosaic of revenge and duty, had cast a shadow over my relationship with Salien, staining it with the indelible ink of a mother's remorse.

As I awoke from this unsettling dream, the weight of my past actions lingered like a heavy mist. The sun had not yet graced the horizon, and in the quiet of the predawn hours, I grappled with the ghosts of my own making.

Amid the vibrant tapestry of Reisen, I found my son, Salien, breaking the chains of potential slavery. Pride swelled within me as I witnessed the strength forged in him, a testament to the shared responsibility of his upbringing. Our eyes met, and relief washed over me; the Emperor's influence hadn't weakened Salien but had nurtured a compassionate leader. As a mother, my heart swelled with pride for the man he was becoming—the Prince dismantling oppression with wisdom and empathy. In that moment, our worlds converged, weaving a complex tapestry of relief, acknowledgment, and enduring love.

Yet, beneath the pride, guilt lingered—a mother's remorse for years lost. Witnessing Salien's strength, I yearned for the moments stolen by duty. But when he tried to take my sword and kill me because of his hatred towards me, in the threads of their reunion, a poignant realisation emerged: while I crafted an empire, the absence from my son's life weighed heavily on the delicate fabric of their bond.

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