Extra Chapter

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The night hung heavy with the fragrance of blooming flowers, and the moon cast a soft, silver glow over the palace gardens. Amaryllis, her heart shattered into a thousand pieces, treaded her way back to her room, tears streaming down her face like the gentle rain that had started to fall. The ache in her chest was overwhelming, and she decided to stay out until she could grasp the tangled threads of her emotions.

Her silver hair clung to her face, and her once vibrant eyes now mirrored the pain she felt. Noah’s rejection echoed relentlessly in her mind, a painful refrain that drowned out the world around her. The communication ring on her finger buzzed, a message from her uncle.

"Amaryllis, where are you?" His stern voice resonated through the ring.

For a moment, she hesitated, debating whether to respond. The last thing she wanted was another scolding, but she couldn't evade it forever. With a heavy sigh, she activated the ring.

"I'm on my way back to my room, Uncle," she replied, her voice quivering.

"Your room? You were explicitly told not to leave!" His tone was stern, but an unusual hint of concern lingered.

Amaryllis bit her trembling lip, trying to hold back a fresh wave of tears. "I needed some air, Uncle. I'm sorry."

As she entered her room, she sensed her uncle's presence in the communication ring, his disapproval almost tangible. The door slid shut behind her, leaving her alone in the dimly lit chamber. She sank onto her bed, clutching her chest as if trying to hold the fragments of her broken heart together.

Suddenly, the door slid open again, revealing her uncle's tall, imposing figure. His eyes, usually sharp and unforgiving, softened as they fell upon Amaryllis. He took a step forward, his expression a mix of irritation and something akin to understanding.

"Amaryllis, how many times do I have to tell you that rules exist for a reason? Sneaking out again? What do you even do outside until this late? When do you sneak out?" he scolded, though his voice lacked the usual harshness. His tone conveyed that he was oblivious to the fact that Amaryllis had snuck out more than three times.

Amaryllis couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze. "I just needed some air, Uncle. I didn't mean to defy your orders."

He sighed, the lines on his face deepening. "You're a stubborn one. Rules are in place to keep you safe, Amaryllis. I've told you this before."

She nodded, her eyes still fixed on the floor. The room fell into a heavy silence, broken only by the soft sound of Amaryllis sniffing back tears. She was embarrassed and scared to let her vulnerable side show. There was complete silence for a moment.

After a moment, her uncle sighed again, a rare display of vulnerability. "Look, I understand you might be going through something, and I won't pretend to know what it is. But sneaking out won't solve your problems."

Amaryllis finally looked up, her eyes meeting her uncle's. There was a flicker of something in his gaze, a glimmer of empathy that she hadn't seen before. It was a small crack in the wall he had built around himself.

"Go to sleep, Amaryllis. We'll talk about this tomorrow," he said, his voice softer now.

She nodded, grateful for the reprieve. He even went as far as tucking her in the bed and slowly caressing her hair before bidding her farewell for the night. This act was both fatherly and, in a way, authoritative, but somewhere, she felt a bit guilty because she badmouthed him back in the labyrinth today. As he left the room, Amaryllis couldn't help but feel a sliver of hope. Perhaps, in the midst of her heartbreak, there was a chance for understanding and, maybe, even a bridge between them.

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