Chapter 3

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Upon the completion of my additional tasks, which my father had graciously bestowed upon me, I found myself surprised by the efficiency with which I managed to accomplish them. The morning was well underway, and the work was completed without a single error, a feat that even I hadn't anticipated. As I handed over the finished reports to my father before lunch, his stern expression transformed into a pleasant surprise.

"Well done, Salien," he commended, his sharp black eyes momentarily softening with approval. "I must admit, I didn't expect you to finish so swiftly, and without mistakes."

I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at his words. It wasn't often that I received such acknowledgment from my father. Even though he is kind to me as his son, he is stringent when it comes to the matters related to the empire. Seizing the opportunity, I hesitantly ventured, "Father, may I request permission to go out for a while? The day is splendid, and I find myself in need of some fresh air." I didn't want to worry him today, I think asking him is the way to go.

The Emperor studied me for a moment, his features once again taking on the stern countenance. "Salien, you have responsibilities here. The affairs of the empire demand your attention. Going out for leisure is a luxury we cannot always afford."

His refusal pricked at my growing frustration. "But Father, I have finished all my assigned tasks flawlessly. A brief respite would do wonders for my focus and efficiency."

He shot me a look that conveyed both authority and warning. "Salien, understanding your duties is as important as executing them. Your responsibilities extend beyond the completion of mere paperwork."

The weight of his words hung in the air, and I couldn't shake the feeling that my father didn't truly understand the internal struggle I faced. It wasn't just about fulfilling the duties of a prince; it was about finding my own path, experiencing the world beyond the palace walls.

Despite his denial and the stern look he had cast my way, a spark of rebellion ignited within me. My desire for freedom clashed with my father's rigid expectations. I felt an urgency to break free from the constraints of royal duty, if only for a fleeting moment.

Disregarding the unspoken warning, I decided to visit the familiar tavern, a place where the air carried the scent of adventures waiting to be embraced. As I entered the bustling establishment, the murmur of conversations and the clinking of tankards filled the air. The atmosphere was lively, a stark contrast to the restrained formality of the palace.

There, amidst the cheerful chaos, I found Amy. Amaryllis, with her silver hair cascading like a waterfall, looked up as I approached. A genuine smile brightened her face, erasing the shadows that often lingered in the palace halls.

"Noah!" she greeted, her eyes reflecting warmth. "What brings you here today? We didn't get to meet for the past few days because your father was returning."

"I needed a break," I admitted, lowering myself into the seat opposite hers. "Bearing can be suffocating at times."

Amy's eyes softened with understanding. "I know the feeling. That's why I sneak out to the labyrinth whenever I can."

The mention of the labyrinth stirred a twinge of guilt within me. I hadn't shared the truth about my royal identity with Amy. Our connection was built on shared moments and genuine conversations, and I feared that unveiling the truth might alter the dynamic between us.

Before I could delve deeper into my internal turmoil, Amy's excitement interrupted my thoughts. "Guess what, Noah? I want to conquer a new floor today! A fire female demon, no less."

Her enthusiasm was infectious, momentarily distracting me from my inner conflict. "That's incredible, Amy! I took down a demon yesterday as well, a fire demon. It seemed fitting."

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