Chapter 10

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It's been around a few days since I have been sneaking out. Surprisingly no one knew. It could be because I confessed to my father about it long ago. I thought it was better than feeling guilty for a long time. Moreover, I was badly hurt near the stomach, so his support could have been helpful. I am glad he was understanding about why I did it.

However, I couldn't stop myself from going out and meeting her. She snuck out to meet me too. I knew the consequences for the both of us if anyone found out. I figured I needed to leave the palace once but not to meet with Amy but to realise how I can help make life better for the people of our empire. Sneaking out was fun but if it hurt others, it's of no use. I need to go out once or twice in the name of official visits such that even if I am caught one day, father won't be harsh because he would think I am working for the betterment of the empire, or at least I hope he does.

One evening, bathed in the soft glow of the palace lanterns, I devised a plan to liberate myself from the constraints of royal life. The idea of an undercover visit, a clandestine exploration of the world outside, took root in my mind. It had been on my mind for a while but now, I felt determined to achieve it. I needed a confidant, someone who could navigate the intricacies of the palace and the bustling market without arousing suspicion. My gaze settled on Duke Aureus, a man of authority and wisdom, who also happened to be my father's trusted person and also the strongest magician in the empire.

Approaching Duke Aureus required finesse. He was a man of staunch principles, unwavering in his commitment to upholding the dignity of the crown. Convincing him to partake in an unauthorized escapade would be no small feat. Nevertheless, the allure of adventure and the prospect of witnessing the world through my eyes with someone became a compelling argument.

One day, during a private meeting in my study, I broached the subject cautiously. "Duke Aureus," I began, my tone measured, "I find myself yearning for a deeper understanding of the realm beyond these palace walls. A journey incognito, an official visit incognito, could grant me invaluable insights into the lives of our people."

Duke Aureus, his expression stern and unyielding, regarded me with a scrutinizing gaze. "Prince Salien, the responsibilities that accompany your station demand unwavering commitment. Venturing into the streets incognito poses unnecessary risks and undermines the sanctity of your position."

Undeterred, I pressed on, choosing my words carefully. "I believe that true understanding of our kingdom can only be gained by witnessing the daily struggles and triumphs of our subjects firsthand. Duke Aureus, you have always been a mentor to me, guiding me with wisdom and pragmatism. Your presence on such an exploration would not only lend credibility but also ensure a discreet and secure venture."

Duke Aureus remained contemplative, his fingers steepled beneath his chin. "Prince Salien, I understand your curiosity, but we must consider the potential consequences. Your father—"

"I assure you, Duke, my father need not know about this venture. It would be our secret, an exploration beyond the palace walls that could enrich my understanding of the kingdom," I interjected, my eyes earnest.

The duke's gaze softened, betraying a flicker of consideration. "Prince, you tread on precarious ground. The risks are substantial, and if discovered—"

I have spent so many days with your niece in the Labyrinth fighting monsters. It would be better to not talk about the risks I can face in the market when I am with you.

"I am willing to bear the consequences, Duke. This is not a pursuit of recklessness but a genuine desire to connect with our people on a more profound level. The knowledge gained could contribute to the betterment of our realm," I argued, my conviction unwavering. I wonder how his family even tolerates him. I will turn to offence if this man denies.

After a prolonged silence, Duke Aureus sighed, relenting to the persistence in my eyes. "Very well, Prince. I shall accompany you on this venture, but let it be known that I do so against my better judgment. We shall proceed cautiously and with utmost discretion."

A surge of triumph coursed through me, masked by a facade of gratitude. "Thank you, Duke Aureus. Your guidance and wisdom are invaluable to me. This journey will be a testament to our commitment to the kingdom."

With a nod of agreement, Duke Aureus and I began preparations for our covert expedition. I disguised myself as Noah while his identity was concealed by a cloak. We even had a few more magician's accompany us. The market, a vibrant tapestry of colors and sounds, unfolded before me like a living painting.

As we traversed the streets, Duke Aureus maintained a vigilant watch, his gaze scrutinizing every interaction. The market, a melting pot of diverse lives and stories, beckoned me with its myriad stalls and animated vendors. Suppressing the eagerness bubbling within, I focused on absorbing the essence of the kingdom I called home.

Our journey led us through crowded alleys, where merchants hawked their wares and artisans showcased their craftsmanship. The aromas of exotic spices and sizzling street food wafted through the air, creating a sensory symphony that engulfed us. I marveled at the intricate tapestries, vibrant fabrics, and dazzling trinkets that adorned the market stalls.

In my efforts to blend in, I engaged with the locals, assuming a guise of anonymity. The laughter and banter of the people became the soundtrack of our clandestine exploration. Duke Aureus, although initially resistant, found himself drawn into the vibrancy of the market, his stoic demeanor softening in the face of the kingdom's living pulse. Some villagers knew me as Noah and obviously I talked to them like I always do. The Duke did seem suspicious but ignored it.

As time went by, I felt a profound connection to the kingdom that transcended the confines of the palace. The laughter of children, the haggling of merchants, and the harmonious chaos of the market became a testament to the resilience and spirit of our people.

Despite the clandestine nature of our venture, Duke Aureus and I found ourselves revelling in the authenticity of the experience. We partook in local delicacies, engaged in conversations with artisans, and even witnessed impromptu performances by street musicians. The kingdom, usually seen through the lens of royal obligations, revealed itself as a living, breathing entity with stories etched in every cobblestone and whispered in every gust of wind.

As we navigated the streets, my initial apprehensions transformed into a sense of elation. The cloak of anonymity allowed me to witness the kingdom's heartbeat, beating in tandem with the aspirations and struggles of its people. Duke Aureus, initially cautious, couldn't help but acknowledge the merit of our venture as he observed the kingdom through a different lens.

Opting to indulge in the delectable offerings of the street vendor, I found Duke's initial resistance inconsequential. His disapproval failed to sway my determination, as I held firm in my decision. Knowing the vendor personally instilled a sense of trust, prompting me to make a purchase. As I prepared to savor the culinary delight, a sudden uproar echoed from a distance.

"Look out! A bull!" the alarmed cry rang through the air. The unexpected turn of events added an unforeseen twist to my escapade.

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