#Chapter 1

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[Author's notes]

Tadaaaa! Only 10 minutes since I publish the intro part, you've got the chapter 1 already!

I got you! 🤣

Yea naa! Once I got 50 votes on both parts, then I will publish chapter 2 and so on. 😂

See you soon!

Reallly sooon!

Should we staart?!

Let's go!!!



New smiled brightly as he looked at the couple bracelets in his hand; one for him and one for his boyfriend. Both of the silver bracelets each were engraved with their initial with a magnetic half-love shape symbolized the connection and unity between them. He bet his boyfriend would be very happy if he gave him a present to celebrate their first anniversary being a lover.

*Front door open*

New immediately put the bracelets inside his pocket before ran out from his bedroom to greet his boyfriend.

"You're home? I miss you so much!" He threw himself to hug his boyfriend but to his surprised, his boyfriend immediately broke the hugged.

With a confused looked, he asked. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"



*Deep breath* / "Let's break up."

"Wh-What?" His eyes widened in disbelief by what he just heard.

"You hear me."

New chuckled awkwardly, but later laughed at the realization. "You almost got me! You're kidding right? Is this your way to surprise me at our first anniversary?"

"New.., I'm being serious right now. I want to break up with you." He said with such determination and seriousness in his face and voice.

New's laughed faded and his smiled slowly disappeared. He examined his boyfriend's face and immediately could tell that someone was in deadly serious now and not in the mood for stupid prank like he usually did.

"Why did you want to break up with me? What did I do wrong?" Asked New with so much desperation in his voice.

"You did nothing wrong."

"So? W-Why?"

"I don't love you anymore."


"I'm not. Actually, I never have a feeling for you from the start."

"HA?! And you expect me to believe that?! After all this time we spend together-"

"I try but it's never work."

A tear New tried to hold finally slipped from his eyes.

"I'm sorry, New." The man took a deep breath before turned his back but New immediately stopped him by holding his wrist tightly. "Don't go. P-Please... Don't leave me."

"I'm so sorry." Without facing him, the man jerks away from New's gripped. "For me, you are just someone who's passing by in my life." And with that hurtful comment, he left New without turning his back.

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