#Chapter 32

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💬 (Voice note from New) : I'm home. Where are you?

💬 (Voice note from Tay) : Driving. Will arrive in 10 minutes. And I'm hungry.

💬 (Voice note from New) : Drive safely. Then let's go out eating. But I want to shower first, so freaking hot outside.

💬 (Voice note from Tay) : Wait for me!

💬 (Voice note from New) : Bluerrk! Pervert!

💬 (Voice note from Tay) : Says the one who are about to touch MY body.

New giggled listened to the voice note. "Silly. It's you who always being dirty while showering." He said and send the voice note to Tay.

*Ding Dong*

Someone rang the doorbell. New put his phone down before stood up from the couch and headed to open the door.

His eyes widened to see who it was.

"D-Dad..." It was Tay's father.

"Can I come inside?"

"Uh? Emm..."

"Fine. Let's go somewhere else. I want to have a talk with you."

New gulped his saliva. His hands unknowingly started to tremble.

"Tawan! Did you hear me?"

"Yes... I... Wait! I'm taking my phone and wallet first." New hurriedly went inside and took his phone. But then he remembered Tay was driving. He doesn't want to make him panicked if he said his father was here.

So, he just left a note before leaving.

Inside the car with Tay's father, New kept fidget on his seat because he was so nervous about what was going to happen next.

"W-Where are you taking me?" He asked, stuttering.

"You're being weird, again. Why trembling like you're going to die soon? Do you think I'm going to kill you? Is that how you view your father now, Tawan?"

New bit his lips. Maybe it's better if he just shut his mouth.

They arrived at the restaurant. The waiter greeted them and bought them to a VIP room. Looked like Tay's father always came here because he just said "As usual." and the waiter immediately understood him.

"Just.., c-cold water, please." New said when the waiter asked what he wanted.

Once the waiter left, Tay's father took out something from his bag and threw the envelop to New.

New took it and saw what it was.

Inside the envelop, there's photos of him and Tay during the past days they had spend.

"You're coming back to make him yours again?" Asked Sataporn. "I don't want to beat around the bush here. If you don't leave him now, then you know what will happen next. We've talk about this long time ago. Do I need to remind you again?"

New gulped his saliva difficulty for the nth times. It feels like he was being threatened by his soon to be father in law, when in fact, the one in front him now saw him as Tay, his son.

"I knew that man had a hidden agenda."

'Me? Hidden agenda? What is he talking about?'

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