#Chapter 6

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It was almost 2 in the morning. New was having a peaceful dream but soon is being disturbed by his phone ringtone.

Not bothering to open his eyes, he tried to reach his phone on the bedside table. He narrow his eyes to look at the phone screen. "You better have a good reason to disturb my sleep." He thought after seeing the caller name.


"Hello..." He frowned when heard a woman's voice from the other side.

"Who are you?"

"Excuse me, but by the chance you know the man named Tawan Vihokratana?"

"Yes. I know him." New immediately sat up at the sudden uneasy feeling.

"Thank God! We have been trying to call his family but no one pick up. Your number is on his speed dial so we decide to call you. I'm sorry to disturb your night, but can you come to Bangkok Hospital right now? Mr. Tawan was involve in a car accident and still at emergency room right now. If you can call his parents, please ask them to come here too as soon as possible."

As soon as he heard Tay got into an accident, he immeditely grab his wallet and bike key - not bother to change his pajamas, and hurriedly went out from his dorm.

He looked so lost once arrived at the hospital. "Tay... W-Where is he? Is he okay?" He asked to one of the nurses at the reception. She looked at Newwiee up and down - who's wearing wrong pair of sandals, a pajamas, messy hair, red eyes and nose sign of crying too much.

"Please calm down sir. What is his name again?"

"T-Tawan... Tawan Vihokratana."

"He's still at the emergency room." She said after checked the patient name on the computer.

That night was almost became a trauma event for New. Tay almost couldn't make it because he lost so many blood. And unfortunately, the hospital ran out of blood for Tay's blood type.

Still unable to contact Tay's parents, New immediately volunteer himself to donate his blood. "Mine are also B. Take as much as he need and please save him!" He begged to the doctor.



The stark smell of bleach was overwhelming. New scrunched his eyes because the bright light was hurting him. He felt powerless and heavy. He could not move his head, hands, legs, or his body.

He slowly started blinking, desperately trying to open his eyes and see what's around him. As the blinding light slowly subsided, he could take a look around his surroundings.

"This look like a VIP's room at the hospital. Why I'm here? What happen to me?"

It took him minute to finally remember what happened.

"Car accident! Tay? Where is he? Is he okay?" He started being paranoid for the other guy.

He tried to move his left hand, then his right. They seemed to cooperate well. It was a half victory already, so he tried to move his legs. Both seemed to work just fine. Then, he tried to sit up but the headache and the ringing buzz in his ears suddenly attacked him so bad. He groaned in pain while touched his head. Looked like he got hurt in the head since it was wrapped in a bandage.

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