#Chapter 30

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"What kind of a prank you two play right now?! You want me to believe this sh1t?!" Inn was about to explode with rage.

"You think we could pull a prank over a matter like this?" Asked New. But to Inn, it was Tay who was talking. So he yelled in angry, "Shut up! I didn't talk to you!"

"Inn, it's me Newwiee." New was about to cry again. He knew Inn was hot headed, maybe explaining this won't do any good.

"Listen." Said Tay. "You can ask anything that only you and New knew about. I bet that I can't answer anything about it because the real Newwiee is him." Said Tay and patted New's back.

Inn looked at them back and forth. He still doesn't want to play with this stupid prank.

"Inn Sarin, did you remember when you fail your police exam for the third times?" Asked New. But to Inn, he felt disgust to even looked at the face of the man who once hurt his best friend. But he tried not to say anything but listen. Because no one knew about him failing his police test for the third times except Newwiee.

"You said that time, if you fail for the fourth times, you're going to give up chasing your dream to be a police."

- "Hey Newwiee! If I fail again for the fourth times, I will give up chasing my dream. Maybe being a police is really not suit me. I will be a bodyguard instead. And you should hire me to protect you." - Inn suddenly heard his own voice playing inside his head. Yes, he remembered what he said back then, very clearly, as if it was happen yesterday.

"You said I should hire you to be your bodyguard instead. Which I did." Said New, smiling. "You always be there to protect me."

Seeing Inn's expression got soften, New slowly walked towards him. He get on his knees and held Inn's hands. "Tay and I got into an accident and when we woke up, we got trap in each other bodies. We don't know how it happen, but we will find a way to switch back. Please, believe me. I'm telling you the truth."

Inn looked at them back and forth again. Then he asked New, probably having a hard time to picture New's face in someone else's look right now. "Did you.., get back together with that jerk? Since when did you meet him? How about Bua? Did she know about this?"

New gulped his saliva. He looked at Tay, as if he was asking for help.

"Yes, Bua already know about me and New who have switches body." Said Tay. "She believes us."

Inn suddenly hissed in pain as he touched his head.

"Inn! What happen? Are you in pain? Should I call the doctor?" New asked panicked.

Inn smiled. He could see New now. That's exactly how New would react when he gets worried.

"My head is hurting. Maybe I shouldn't think much. Don't worry. I'm fine. Just need a rest now."

New helped Inn to get on his bed. He told Inn to take a sleep so his mind could take a rest.

"New..." Inn called when they were about to leave. "I don't want to believe this yet. If you're really telling me the truth, then please know that I still don't like that jerk." Inn said but he stared at the ceilings. Calling someone 'jerk' when that someone had his best friend's face really wasn't easy either.


Past midnight, Tay and New were back at their condo. After cleaned themselves, both were ready to sleep. It was really a long and tired day for them.

Tay was about to fall asleep, but he opened his eyes when he felt a pair of arms hugging his waist. He smiled at New before pulled him closer into his warm embraces.

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