#Chapter 34

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At his new campus, everyone knew him as a funny, easy-going, and cheerful guy who always radiates his smile to energize people around him. He was a sunshine himself.

But, no one ever knew when Tay comeback to his rented house and being alone, he turned to a completely different person. He would sit all day on the couch, staring empty ahead, and sometimes would think the craziest thing ever such as taking his own life.

For three months after he broke up with New and was forced by his father to go to Australia, Tay was suffered in depression that no one knew about.

So what motivated him to keep living?

If only he didn't stalk New's social media and not seen his status that night, he probably would not see the sun again as he would died that night after drank the poison.

("I exist in two places, here and where you are. Wherever you're, I hope you eat and sleep well. And where ever you'll be, please remember that you'll always be in my heart. Bye bye until we meet again.)

Tay dropped the poison in his hand as he read that. He knew right away that the quote was meant for him.

New was the one who stopped Tay from taking his own life that night. Tay tried to fight his depression with one goal in mind - that he wanted to meet New once again and asked for his forgiveness.



The next morning, New woke up in panicked because he found an empty space beside him. Tay wasn't there on the bed. Their clothes that were scattered around the floor from last night's activities were gone too.

He was so panicked about the thought of Tay leaving him again. So, he pulled the blanket to cover his naked body and then ran out from the bedroom.

It sent him much relief when he found Tay sitting at the balcony with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"I'm still here." Said Tay calmly once he saw New's panicked expression. "Want to join me?" He gestured the cup on the table.

New sighed relief then walked back to the bedroom to put his clothes on as fast as possible. Minute later, he came back wearing a short black pants and black singlet.

"When did you wake up?" After the question, he hissed in pain when he tried to sit on the chair. He only could feel the pain now maybe because he was so anxious before at the thought of Tay's disappearance. Meanwhile, Tay only chuckled as he understood what makes him hissing.

"I'm sorry. Was I too rough last night?"

"Rough? I feel like broken into two! You're trying to kill me!"

Tay chuckled again. "I'm sorry. But, I look sexy with hickeys all over my chest and neck."

New immediately cover his neck with his hands. Although it was Tay's body, he still feel embarassed about it.

"Next time, don't leave me alone on the bed." Said New sulking. "You've to be there when I wake up!"

"Is that mean we will sleep together again?"

"Huh? What makes you think that last night was our last moment to sleep together?"

"I'm sorry."

New furrow his eyebrows. "Why did I feel like you've been saying sorry for so many times?"

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