Chapter 02

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Beneath her electric piano, Lucia found herself lying down, determined to fix the stand and ensure its proper stability. Releasing her grip, she anxiously watched as the stand teetered on the edge of falling, nearly landing on her face. With a groan of frustration, she managed to catch it just in time, carefully setting it down on the ground.

"Charlie!" she called out, hoping for a helping hand, but the echoes of her voice were met with an eerie silence. Startled, she turned toward the "door" of her room, her heart pounding as Bella suddenly appeared before her, causing her to jump a foot high in the air.

"Goodness, Bella," Lucia sighed, her hand instinctively finding its way to her heart. Her tone carried a hint of awkwardness as she spoke. "You scared me," she admitted, her eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and surprise.

Bella, her voice devoid of emotion, reached for the glass of water on her nightstand, a brief distraction from the unsettling moment. She spoke softly, her words monotonous. "Charlie's not here," she informed Lucia.

Lucia's response was a dumbfounded "Oh," as she tried to process the unexpected twist. Lost in her thoughts, she mumbled to herself, trying to regain her composure.

"I'll just ask him when he gets back," she quietly resolved. The room settled into a peculiar ambience, an atmosphere filled with tension.

Bella shifted on her feet, causing the stairs to creak beneath her weight. Her gaze darted around the room as she hesitantly spoke up, her voice laced with nervousness. "A-a friend of mine and I are going to the movies soon. Charlie wants me to go out, I guess."

Lucia, equally uneasy, responded with clipped words. "He's, uh, worried about you." The unease in her voice betrayed her true feelings as if she were on edge.

To say that Lucia was unnerved would be an understatement. The room seemed to close in on her, amplifying the tension.

"I was wondering if you'd like to join us. Y'know, get to see the town and meet someone new. And-and so we can catch up," Bella suggested, her head slightly shaking as she spoke.

Lucia nodded slowly, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "Sure..." she began, her voice trailing off. "Let me grab my coat."

After grabbing her coat, Lucia joined Bella as they made their way to Bella's truck. The engine roared to life, filling the silence that permeated the car. As they drove, Lucia took the initiative to break the ice, asking questions about Bella's time in town. Though Bella's responses were awkward, it seemed to be her usual demeanour. Yet, Lucia sensed that gradually, they were getting somewhere.

Patience, she thought, was key.

However, one thing that puzzled Lucia was how Bella seemed to have become so lifeless over a guy. Lucia had experienced her fair share of heartbreak, although not the same kind. It didn't make sense to her that it would render Bella in such a state. Then again, everyone coped differently. Some wore their emotions on their sleeve, while others retreated into a shell of indifference.

They pulled into a parking space near the theatre, the engine humming to a halt. Climbing out of the truck, Lucia and Bella made their way towards a girl standing near the entrance, her hands tucked in her pockets. Bella greeted her with a slight twinge of warmth in her voice. "Hey, Jessica."

"Hey, Bella. Who's this?" Jessica asked curiously, her eyes falling upon Lucia, a stranger to her. Bella quickly stepped in to introduce Lucia. "This is my cousin, Lucia, she just moved in."

Lucia, feeling a bit awkward, chimed in, "You can call me Luce or Lucy, either is fine."

A smile graced Jessica's face as she extended her hand in greeting. "It's nice to meet you, Lucy."

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