Chapter 16

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The soft crooning of Frank Sinatra filled Lucia's attic bedroom, a comforting soundtrack as she read by lamplight. Night had fallen quickly, and she knew Charlie was settled downstairs after ensuring he had eaten something.

Lost in the pages of her book, time slipped away unnoticed. That's why she was so startled when a subtle creak interrupted her reading. Lucia slammed the book shut, brows furrowing as she listened intently.

Bella hadn't returned yet, and Charlie was sleeping. So who could be moving about downstairs? Unease stirred in her stomach as she slid from beneath her quilt.

Padding softly down the creaky stairs in socks, Lucia made her way to Bella's bedroom door. She hesitated there, hand paused on the knob as her overactive imagination spun worst-case scenarios. With a steadying breath, she pushed the door open-

And was hit by a blast of icy air though the room was empty. Goosebumps erupted across Lucia's skin as every hair stood on end. Try as she might, she couldn't dismiss the ominous feeling now.

Backing slowly from the room, Lucia pulled the door shut with a quiet snick. She blew out a breath, trying to settle nerves now jangling like live wires. Whatever caused that chill, she hoped, for Charlie's sake, it meant them no harm.

Lucia's thundering heart started in her throat as the unmistakable clicks and creaks of the front door sounded. Her feet flew down the stairs, thoughts racing with worry for Charlie and dread of some unknown intruder.

Skidding to a halt in the entryway, she was both relieved and surprised to find Bella. Charlie had rounded the corner, leaning against the doorframe as he looked at his daughter.

Charlie huffed as Bella placed her bag on the counter. "You know, that Edward boy could at least respect mealtimes in this house."

Bella sighed. "I was just with Jake, Dad."

"Oh good," Charlie replied, though a wrinkle in his brow said he wasn't entirely satisfied but glad she hadn't been with Edward again.

Before he could question her further, a knock came at the door. Charlie and Lucia exchanged a look - he held back a groan as she rolled her eyes.

Clearing his throat, Charlie said, "We'll just give you two some privacy."

Lucia nudged Charlie's arm. "Come on old man, I'll make us some coffee while you grumble."

Edward had rushed into the Swan home, his feet light but nevertheless sounded like hooves landing on the wooden floors. To say the two were irritated by the Cullen boy's presence would be an understatement. Charlie wasn't happy in the least when Bella was whisked away to the Cullens' after, but held his tongue as always.

The next day's pack meeting only stoked Paul's ire further upon learning a leech had been in the Swan residence. He disliked how Bella's entanglements with the Cullens endangered his imprint, just as their bond was developing.

After assisting Jacob in searching the house with no luck, Paul hung back tensely as the ongoing feud between his pack brother and the bloodsucker played out. Bella stayed caught in the middle as usual.

Finally, they departed, and Paul let out a breath. But his relaxing posture soon straightened as a familiar truck pulled into view. A warm smile broke across his face watching Lucia emerge, returning his greeting happily.

That beautiful smile Lucia reserved just for him lit up her face as she approached. Even with worry weighing heavy lately, the sight of her never failed to lift Paul's spirit.

She came to a stop before him, cheeks pleasantly pinkened as they always seemed to be in his presence. Her teasing lilt sent a pleasant shudder through him.

"Isn't this a surprise?" she queried, her eyes dancing with mirth. As if he hadn't been counting down the minutes till her return since this unwanted drama began.

His lips quirked up in response. "For you maybe." Reaching out, he gently tucked an errant strand of hair behind her ear, letting his touch linger against her soft skin.

Lucia gazed at him curiously, wondering what had him lingering at the Swan residence long after the others' departure.

"Not that I don't like you here," she teased softly, reaching out to squeeze his hand. "But what are you doing here? I thought you'd be halfway to the rez by now."

Paul sighed, running a hand through his cropped hair in frustration. "A vampire came into your house yesterday while you were there. Had the pack all riled up, and wanted Jake and me to come check it out. Had me worried for your safety."

Her eyes widened at this new information. A vampire here, where Charlie and she lived? No wonder Paul seemed on edge.

Gazing at her with open concern, he continued. "Just wanted to make sure everything was clear before taking off. Have patrol with the Cullens to watch over the house. Can't help myself from worrying, you know?"

His lips twisted wryly as his arms circled her waist bringing her closer, drawing their bodies flush. Her curves fit against him perfectly. "Though I am not going to lie, it's not exactly a hardship hanging around if it means seeing you."

Lucia laughed softly, grinning up at Paul through her lashes in a way that always made his breath catch.

"Then you should come around more often," she teased, running her hands lightly up his chest.

"Careful what you wish for, darling," he purred, his eyes burning with a passion that made her shiver. "Might never let you out of my sight after that."

Tilting her chin up, Lucia met his smouldering gaze steadily. "Maybe I don't want you to."

Paul grinned down at Lucia, bringing his hand to cup her face, his thumb stroking softly along her jawline. Leaning in, he brushed a gentle kiss across her lips, keeping it chaste.

As he began to pull back, gauging her reaction, her hands gripped his shoulders to hold him close. Lucia pressed her smiling mouth more firmly to his, banishing any doubts.

A low groan rumbled up from Paul's chest at the sweet sensation. Pulling her closer to him than she already was, enveloping her in all that he was. Her hands fell from his shoulders to his chest once more, her hands laid flat on his pecks. Paul slanted his head to deepen the kiss, pouring all the longing, care, and fiery passion he felt for her into it.

Lucia knew they should stop, but every time she leaned back, Paul's arms held her close, his lips seeking hers again. She'd never felt such a strong connection to another person before. The need to be near him consumed her.

Each kiss left her breathless yet craving more. Reason fled as pure sensation took over-the heady taste of him, the electrifying slide of his muscular form against hers. Nothing had ever felt so right.

When next she managed to tear her mouth from his, Lucia found her back pressed against the passenger door of her truck, Paul caging her in as he trailed burning kisses down her neck. Blood pounded in her ears, drowning out all else.

Through the haze of want, she dimly registered the sound of a car pulling up nearby. "Paul...someone's coming," she gasped out, though made no move to push him away just yet.

Every part of Paul screamed to keep claiming Lucia's lips as his own, but through the red haze of desire, he sensed they'd reached the breaking point. With immense effort, he pulled back just far enough to rest his forehead against hers as they both panted for air.

"Then we...we have to stop," he breathed raggedly against her swollen mouth. As if to directly contradict his words, Paul couldn't resist stealing one last deep, languid kiss that left them both weak in the knees.

Reluctantly, he dragged his burning gaze up to meet Lucia's heavy-lidded eyes. The sheer wanting reflected there almost was his undoing. With a groan, Paul pressed a final, lingering kiss to her delectable lips.

"You keep looking at me like that and I can't be held responsible for my actions," he teased hoarsely, already chasing the memory of her taste.

She grinned back, desire for him flashing in her eyes. "I'll hold you to that."

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