Chapter 37

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The setting sun glowed orange through the window as Paul and Lucia stood in the living room of their villa. They had spent the past few blissful days lost in each other, emerging only when the need for sustenance overcame their desire to remain locked in an embrace. But tonight, Paul was taking her out for the evening.

Lucia turned from the mirror to face Paul, and the breath caught in his throat at the stunning vision before him. The emerald of her dress brought out flecks of colour in her eyes he had never noticed before. Her crimson lips parted in a shy smile at his obvious appreciation.

"You look beautiful, sweetheart," Paul managed at last.

Stepping closer, Paul let his fingers drift along the silky fabric at Lucia's waist, feeling the supple flesh beneath. Her skin was as soft as petals. Lifting his eyes, Paul was lost in Lucia's gaze, feeling the depth of emotion they conveyed. In that moment, all else faded away but the woman before him - his partner, his imprint, his best friend.

Lucia's heart swelled at the love and tenderness on Paul's face. Few words were needed between them to express what mattered most. Lifting a hand, she traced the line of Paul's strong jaw, feeling the roughness of stubble beneath smooth skin. Her husband cut a dashing figure in his formal attire, emphasizing his tall, muscular physique to pleasing effect. How fortunate she was to call this wonderful man her own.

"So where are you taking me tonight?" Lucia asked with a playful glint in her eye.

"To Da Gemma, it's a new restaurant that just opened down by the pier," Paul replied. "I thought you might like to try it, the reviews have been excellent."

Lucia raised a quizzical eyebrow at her husband. "Da Gemma, eh? You must have pulled some strings to get a reservation there on such short notice."

Paul grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Maybe I called in a favour or two. But you're worth it, my love. I want to make our time here truly special."

Stepping closer, he wrapped his arms around Lucia's slender waist and gazed down at her tenderly. Her smile grew soft as she gazed into Paul's soulful eyes. "You always did know just what to say to make me melt," she replied, winding her arms around his neck.

"I mean every word," Paul insisted, holding her close.

Leaning in, Lucia paused a hairsbreadth from his lips. "Then show me," she breathed, green eyes alight with promise.

A low groan escaped Paul's throat as he crushed his mouth to hers in a searing kiss. Lucia surrendered wholly, savouring the electricity that arced between them with every caress of lips and tongue. Her heart racing, her fingers tangled in his hair to deepen their embrace, pouring all her love and desire into the passionate joining of mouths.

When at last they broke apart, Lucia rested her hand on Paul's chest, breathing hard. His hands burned hot brands where they grasped her hips. "Still think I'm worth it?" she teased faintly.

Paul chuckled, stealing another brief kiss. "More than anything. Now come on, our table awaits."

Paul helped Lucia into her matte black coat. Her fingers lingered a moment in his as he turned up the collar, cherishing these small intimacies.

They stepped outside into the cooling Mediterranean evening. A light breeze rustled the palm trees lining their villa's drive. Paul opened the passenger door of the car with an extravagant flourish, earning a chuckle from Lucia. As they pulled away, his hand found its rightful place on her thigh. In moments like this, driving with his lady by his side, all felt right in Paul's world.

Twenty minutes later the SUV wound down the narrow alleyways toward Da Gemma. Twinkle lights flashed from terraced restaurants clinging to the hillside above steely dark waters. Paul parked and hurried round to open Lucia's door, brushing a kiss to her cheek as she emerged.

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