Chapter 20

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In the bustling auditorium of the graduation ceremony for the class of 2010, Lucia couldn't contain her excitement. Clad in a vibrant yellow cap and gown, she eagerly awaited the beginning of the ceremony. The students began to settle into their seats, their attention drawn to the stage, where Jessica stood with a smile.

Jessica took a deep breath and began her speech. "When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like astronaut, president, or, in my case, a princess." The crowd chuckled softly.

"When we were ten, they asked again. We answered rock star, cowboy, or, in my case, a gold medalist. But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how about this? Who the hell knows?" Jessica's candid question elicited cheers from the students.

"This isn't the time to make hard-and-fast decisions. This is the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love... a lot," she proclaimed. Students whooped in agreement.

"Major in philosophy because there's no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind, and change it again because nothing's permanent. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask what we want to be, we won't have to guess. We'll know," Jessica concluded.

The auditorium erupted in enthusiastic applause as the Stanely girl quickly gathered her papers and made her way back to her seat. Principal Greene now stepped up to the podium, and the room fell quiet, all eyes turning to the front.

"Thank you, Jessica. You all have worked hard this year, and I am so proud to see each and every one of you cross this stage today. Without further ado, let us begin conferring these diplomas," Principal Greene began. "When Mr Wilson calls your name, please come up to receive your diploma."

Principal Greene stepped away, and Mr Wilson took his place, adjusting the microphone. "First up is Joshua Ambrose."

The list of names continued to be called out, one by one, before they arrived at the students whose surnames began with a B. Mr Wilson meticulously went through the list, ensuring that each name was pronounced correctly.

Finally, the moment arrived. Mr Wilson's voice resonated through the auditorium as he called out, "Lucia Barone."

Charlie, Emily, Sam, and Paul instantly rose from their seats. Their applause filled the air as they enthusiastically cheered for Lucia. Paul's grin radiated the brightest out of the group. His imprint had finally graduated, and he was happy.

With a beaming smile, Lucia made her way towards the stage. She shook hands with Principal Greene. Her eyes sparkled with pride as she accepted her diploma.

As the ceremony neared its end, and each name was called, the crowd gradually dispersed from the auditorium after the class of 2010 tossed their caps in the air. Paul, Sam, and Emily found themselves parting ways, and Paul moved through the crowd to reach Lucia who had been skillfully manoeuvring through the throng of people. However, she met Maeve halfway, who eagerly took hold of her hands.

Amidst the buzz of excitement, Lucia and Maeve engaged in a spirited conversation, exchanging congratulations. Lucia's anticipation grew, her eyes sparkling as they locked onto Paul's gaze from across the lot. With a quick farewell to Maeve, Lucia gracefully navigated the sea of people, moving as quickly as she could considering she wore stilettos.

Her heart raced in her chest as she closed the distance between herself and Paul. When she reached him, she launched herself into his arms and he effortlessly caught her, twirling her around as her feet no longer touched the ground. A radiant grin spread across Lucia's face as Paul pressed a kiss to her cheek.

Paul gently set her to her feet before he cradled her face in his warm hands, his touch tender and affectionate. Their connection deepened as he pressed his lips against hers, a sweet and gentle kiss that seemed to make time stand still. Lucia couldn't help but melt into his embrace.

With their lips parting, Paul congratulated Lucia. As Sam and Emily also extended their warm wishes, the couple bid them farewell before leaving. After a brief conversation with Charlie, Lucia and Paul made their way to The Lodge for a relaxing lunch.

Later that evening, Lucia was safely nestled in the comfort of Paul's embrace, the familiar scent of his cologne enveloped her. She had decided earlier to decline Bella's invitation to the graduation party, after finding out that it was being held at the Cullen's house. Lucia had heard vaguely from Paul about the chaos that vampires often brought, and she didn't want to mingle with them whatsoever.

She traced delicate patterns on his chest, her fingertips dancing across his warm skin. Every so often, she would place soft, chaste kisses on his chest, feeling the subtle rise and fall of his breath beneath her lips.

Paul's chest would rumble in response to Lucia's affection, a low, contented sound vibrating through his body. His hands, strong yet gentle, found their place on her hips, gripping the flesh softly.

Paul broke the silence. "Have you decided what you're going to do now that graduation is over?"

Lucia took a deep breath. "I'm going to enrol in the culinary program at the community college in Port Angeles. It starts in the fall."

Port Angeles was only a few hours away-close enough that they wouldn't have to say goodbye. Paul frowned as he processed Lucia's words. Lucia propped herself up on her elbow to look at him properly.

"Port Angeles, huh?" he said quietly. Lucia nodded, searching his eyes curiously.

Paul took a deep breath. "Lou, I don't want you to feel like you have to stay around here because of me. What if there was a better program somewhere else, or an opportunity came up that you couldn't pass up?"

He tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "You have so much potential. I don't want you to miss out on anything just to keep me from worrying."

"You're right that I have potential," Lucia said gently, her gaze soft yet filled with resolve. "But being some big success or influencer has never been my dream."

She took his hand that lay on his stomach in hers. "All I've ever wanted is a simple life, surrounded by people I love. And you're what makes this town feel like home."

A smile threatened at the corners of her mouth. "Sure, maybe there could be bigger programs elsewhere. But I know this is where I'm meant to be - where I want to be."

Paul released her hips and brought his hand to her cheek, Lucia leaned into his warm touch. "I don't want to miss out on building a future with you. That's more important to me than any opportunity."

Her voice was soft yet certain. "As long as we're together, I'll never feel like I'm compromising or settling. You're my dreams coming true, Paul. Being with you is enough. You are enough for me."

Paul smiled softly before he rolled Lucia over effortlessly so that he hovered above her, caging her in with his arms. The sudden change in position surprised a delighted yelp from her lips. He repeated her gentle phrase back to her, Paul leaned down and brushed his lips tenderly against Lucia's. "You're enough for me, too," he murmured.

Grinning down at the beautiful woman beneath him, Paul pressed another lingering kiss to Lucia's smiling mouth. "More than enough," he corrected her lovingly.

Lucia grinned up at Paul, a playful twinkle in her eyes. "I would hope so," she teased. He rolled his eyes before dipping his head once more to claim her lips in a sweet, lingering kiss.

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