Chapter 06

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Lucia lay in bed, her mind swirling with confusion and concern. The abrupt awakening had left her bewildered, heart pounding vigorously against her ribcage. How could she not be alarmed by Bella's blood-curdling scream that early in the morning? It hadn't happened in a while and for it to suddenly start up again was concerning.

As the minutes ticked by, Bella returned to her usual self, as if nothing had happened. Not a single sound escaped her lips, and Lucia couldn't comprehend how such a drastic shift in demeanour could occur so swiftly. But before Lucia could fully process the situation the creaking of the stairs leading to the attic pierced through the stillness. The hatch on the ground swung open, revealing the figure of Charlie.

"I'm sorry 'bout that, Lucy. I thought she was getting better," Charlie grumbled, his voice tinged with guilt.

Lucia mustered a breathless response, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's okay, Charlie."

"Alright, you get some sleep," Charlie's tone gruff as he spoke.

"You too," she whispered back. Charlie nodded, acknowledging her words, before retreating down the stairs once more. The hatch closed with a thud. Her eyelids began to shut, pulling her back into the realm of sleep, where dreams intertwined with reality.

The next morning, Lucia was a mere shell of her usual self. Dark bags hung heavily beneath her once bright, forest-green eyes. Her eyelids drooped, their weight threatening to close completely, causing her to stumble and nearly collide with the unyielding kitchen counter. Fatigue had claimed her, leaving her teetering on the edge of exhaustion.

With her body drained of energy, Lucia had sought refuge on the couch, surrendering to the beckoning embrace of sleep. Her mind, however, had wandered far from the confines of the physical world she resided in. Dreams had whisked her away to a realm untouched by the harsh light of reality.

But it was soon abruptly shattered. Bella shook her awake. Lucia's eyelashes fluttered against her now subtle eye bags as she slowly peeled open her eyes, her gaze initially blurred and unfocused. Gradually, her vision cleared, revealing Bella's worried expression.

Her fingers instinctively rubbed her eyes in an attempt to banish the blur that had settled upon them. As her vision cleared, Lucia's gaze fell upon Bella, noting her attire - Nike shoes, a jacket, and a bag slung effortlessly across her shoulders. Confusion still lingered in Lucia's groggy mind as she struggled to grasp the situation at hand.

"Bella?" she muttered, her voice tinged with sleepiness, not fully conscious of the urgency that surrounded them. Her mind slowly pieced together the puzzle, but the fog of drowsiness held her captive.

"You have to get up, Lucia," Bella urged, her voice laced with determination as she pulled Lucia, who towered over her by an inch, off the couch. Lucia's eyes widened, her consciousness returning in a rush as Bella's words sank in.

"Where are we going?" Lucia questioned, her thoughts finally aligning as she stumbled after Bella, her feet reluctantly following the determined strides of her cousin.

"To the woods," Bella replied, her voice steady and resolute, never breaking stride. Lucia halted in her steps, her rationality kicking in as she gazed at Bella uncertainly.

"Are you serious right now? Why in the world would we go there?" Lucia's voice filled with disbelief. "Didn't Charlie tell you about the bears?"

Bella's grip tightened, her determination unwavering. "If I don't, I won't get to see him," she confessed.

"See who? A murderer?" Lucia inquired as she resisted Bella's persistent tugs. The two petite girls engaged in a brief struggle in the driveway. However, fate had other plans, and Bella slipped, landing unceremoniously on her butt.

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