Chapter 35

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Nestled along the coastline, La Push beach became a haven of celebration for the tribe along with Lucia's family. The sun, with its warm embrace, cast a golden glow upon the sandy shores before setting behind the sea. As the waves rhythmically crashed against the beach, they seemed to offer their blessings to the newlyweds.

The reception area was artfully arranged, with elegantly adorned tables adorned with seashells and delicate starfish, paying homage to the nearby ocean. Twinkling fairy lights were strewn across the area, casting a magical glow that danced with the setting sun.

Guests mingled and laughed, their footsteps sinking into the soft sand as they celebrated amidst the coastal beauty. The salty scent of the sea mingled with the fragrant blooms that adorned the tables, creating a delightful sensory experience. The sound of laughter and conversation filled the air, intermingling with the distant calls of seagulls.

At the centre of it all, Lucia and Paul took to the dancefloor, their eyes locked in a mesmerizing connection. The music played, its gentle melody carried by the ocean breeze as if nature itself was serenading the couple's love.

As Lucia gazed into Paul's eyes, her eyes sparkling with warmth and tenderness, mirroring the deep affection she felt for him. With a gentle touch, her fingers traced circles on his shoulder while the other held his hand warmly in her manicured one.

Paul reciprocated her touch with a firm yet gentle grip on her hand. His touch conveyed a sense of protection as if he would shield her from any harm that may come her way. In his eyes, she was the most precious gem, deserving of all his love and devotion.

As the music floated around them, Lucia gazed up into Paul's eyes and felt overwhelmed by the love she saw there. Tears of joy and gratitude welled up, threatening to spill down her cheeks.

Paul smiled tenderly at her. "What's wrong?" he asked gently, raising a hand to brush a tear from her face.

"Nothing's wrong," Lucia assured him, smiling through her tears. "I'm just so happy. And looking at you now, you take my breath away. You're so handsome in your suit."

Paul's smile widened at the compliment. "Well, you, Mrs. Lahote, are the most beautiful woman in the world. I'm the lucky one."

Leaning in, he pressed a soft kiss to Lucia's lips. When he pulled back, he whispered "Thank you for marrying me."

Lucia gazed lovingly at Paul and shook her head. "You don't have to thank me. Being with you feels like coming home. And I can't wait to spend forever with you."

Paul grinned in response to Lucia's sweet words. "Forever with you sounds perfect," he said, before pulling her in for another tender kiss.

As their lips met, he suddenly spun Lucia out smoothly and then back into his arms, eliciting a delightful peal of giggles from her. The sound warmed his heart like nothing else.

"There's that beautiful laugh I love," Paul chuckled, gazing down at Lucia with unbridled admiration and joy. Her eyes were alight with mirth and love, and in that moment she had never looked more radiant.

Still beaming with joy, Lucia asked eagerly, "So when can I find out where we're going for our honeymoon?"

Paul chuckled warmly at her enthusiasm. "It's a surprise, Mrs Lahote," he said, tapping her nose playfully. "You'll have to wait and see."

Lucia pouted adorably at having to wait, desperate to know their destination. Paul couldn't help but laugh fondly at her adorable impatience.

"First, we need to change into more comfortable clothes before the journey," he told her. Her pout deepened further, hoping to wheedle a clue out of him.

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