Chapter 14

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Things had been tense between Lucia and Bella ever since their argument. No matter how many times Bella tried to talk to her cousin, Lucia remained as stubborn as a mule, refusing to acknowledge her.

It was clear Lucia had made up her mind - she wouldn't support Bella's decision no matter what. So their once close relationship became stilted and distant. Lucia went about her usual routine; school, homework, sometimes hanging out with Paul and the rest of the pack if they weren't busy. It was the same cycle on repeat.

Paul had told her he'd be taking her to Emily's place while him and the others played soccer on the beach. It had been a while since Lucia had seen Emily, not since exam season started and she buried her head in her books.

When Paul arrived to pick Lucia up, she was waiting outside already. Leaning against the porch railing, she gave him a half smile in greeting as he walked over.

"I've come to steal you away," Paul told her with a slight smirk to which she rolled her eyes coming towards him.

"How very charming of you," she teased. His dark eyes shone with amused affection that made Lucia's stomach flip strangely as they made their way to his car.

The drive to Emily's passed pleasantly as Lucia and Paul talked about anything and everything. Lucia found herself frequently glancing over at Paul as he drove, admiring him as she usually did.

At a lull in conversation, Paul glanced over and caught her gaze, a small smile playing at his lips as if he knew what she was thinking. Lucia returned the look, feeling a warmth rising in her cheeks once more at being caught staring again. But she didn't drop her eyes, holding Paul's steady gaze for a few sweet moments before he turned back to the road.

They soon arrived at Emily's, pulling up outside the familiar little house. Paul had turned off the engine before the two made their way to the door, Paul guiding Lucia by the small of her back.

Warmth and the scent of baking bread enveloped them as they entered the cosy home. Emily called her greeting from the kitchen.

Paul leaned close to Lucia, his breath warm against her ear. "I'll see you later."

A shiver ran through her at the husky tenor of his voice. In that moment the urge to turn and capture his lips with hers was nearly overwhelming. Their eyes met, and the heat in Paul's dark gaze told her he felt it too.

Before Lucia could act on the desire surging through her veins, Emily appeared. "Paul, stop distracting my guests and get going. Sam and the others are starting without you."

He shot Lucia a smouldering look and a wink that made her pulse race, then sauntered out with a wave. Emily laughed as Lucia dragged her eyes away, cheeks flushed.

Emily shook her head as Paul left, still chuckling to herself. "That boy is going to be the death of me, I swear."

Lucia smiled at her friend's enduring exasperation with the pack. She followed Emily into the kitchen, stopping to survey the bountiful spread covering every surface. "This is enough food to feed a small army!"

Emily waved a hand dismissively. "With how much those boys can eat, it's a necessity. Trust me, that'll barely put a dent in their appetite."

Lucia's eyes caught on a half-empty bag of flour. "One more dish wouldn't hurt, would it?" She asked slyly.

Emily snorted. "Hopefully it'll leave them in a food coma till tomorrow!"

Her response drew a laugh from Lucia, who began pulling ingredients from the pantry. "Since you focused on pastries, I'll make something with meat. My Nonna's lasagna was legendary."

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