Chapter 12

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Lucia hummed to herself as she got ready, excitement bubbling in her stomach at the thought of her date with Paul in the afternoon. She'd opted for the casual outfit Paul requested Lucia gave her hair one last fluff in the mirror. A knock sounded just as she started down the stairs.

"Uncle Charlie, no embarrassing dad talks please!" She called in vain, knowing he couldn't resist.

Sure enough, Charlie was waiting at the bottom with an amused smirk. "And where are you going all dressed up this afternoon?" He said in a purposely over-dramatic tone.

Lucia rolled her eyes. "On a date. Don't make it a thing."

"I thought you sworn off boys for the time being?" Charlie replied, following her to the door like a hawk while Lucia flushed furiously.

"That was...different. I didn't know what I was saying," she huffed.

Before Charlie could interrogate him further, another knock came. Lucia breathed a sigh of relief until Charlie's grin turned wicked. "Now you be home before dark, you hear?" He teased, winking as he pulled open the door.

"Chief Swan," Paul greeted him respectfully.

Charlie eyed the young man, a stern look on his face though his eyes glinted with amusement. "Paul. You know how it is, I've got to look out for Lucy."

Lucia sighed but Charlie ignored her, focusing on Paul. "I expect you'll have her back before sundown, you hear me? And no funny business."

His tone was serious and Paul nodded. "I understand sir."

Charlie gave a curt nod and then turned to Lucia, softening. "Have fun sweetheart, but be careful. Call if you need anything." He pressed a kiss to her forehead. Turning back to Paul, some of the sternness returned. "Remember what I said. Keep her safe."

"Of course, Chief. I promise I'll take good care of her." Paul spoke sincerely and Charlie seemed appeased.

With one last paternal look at Lucia, Charlie grinned. "Alright you two, off you go. Have a good time."

Back inside, Lucia released a nervous breath and chuckled, closing the front door behind her. "Sorry about that."

Paul turned to her with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about it. I understand his concern."

His graceful acceptance eased Lucia's embarrassment. She studied Paul's handsome features, taken by his composure.

"I wanted to make a good impression," Paul said smoothly. "Show him I can treat you right."

Lucia melted a little under his sincerity. "You certainly charmed him."

Paul grinned, flashing a perfect set of white teeth. "What can I say, I can be persuasive when I want something." His gaze drifted warmly over Lucia.

A blush rose in her cheeks at his flirtation. Paul took her hand and lifted it gently to his lips, eyes never leaving hers. "Shall we?"

His voice held a velvety allure that sent shivers through Lucia. She nodded, breathless. "Lead the way."

Paul escorted her to the truck with a poised grace, every inch the gentleman. Lucia sighed, captivated by his suave nature. As they pulled up to the beach, Paul manoeuvred the truck to an ideal lookout spot before putting it in park. He moved quickly around to Lucia's door and opened it with a flourish, ever the gentleman.

"Why thank you," she said with a coy smile as she hopped out. Paul returned her grin, his eyes lighting up in a way that made her stomach flutter.

Rounding to the back, he retrieved a large basket full of goodies. Lucia sniffed the air appreciatively. "Is that...a picnic I smell?"

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