Set Up

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~ Chapter 16 ~

"I wouldn't doubt if that actually happened." I said, picking up my water bottle and taking a gulp.

It's currently dinner time and I'm back where I am suppose to be; with Sebastian and Jett. I have to admit that I did miss these guys. They're the only friends I got.

Sebastian was telling me how he heard a rumor that some girl here tried to seduce Dr. Raine during her session. It really didn't surprise me. People will try to do anything to get some. We're teenagers. What do you expect?

"Sebastian! That totally reminds me!" I shout out, remembering that I need to tell him about a certain blue headed girl had the hots for him.

"What?" He said in the middle of chewing his sandwich. That's nasty. He had some sort of sauce in the corner of his mouth.

"Dude, really? Ever heard of not talking with your mouth full?" I give him a disgusting look before continuing.

"So, I was told that someone in this very ward is crushing on you." I lowered my head and whispered to him, pretending it's some big FBI secret.

"Who? Tell me? Is she hot? Does she have boobs? Tell me she's got a nice round-

"Ok first, gross, second, she's gorgeous. Her name is Maxie. She's got blue highlights and yeah she's got a nice body. I met her when I sat with Elisa and her friends." I explained.

"You gotta set me up with her!" He whispered desperately.

"Okay, okay. I will. Get up." I stood up from my seat and crossed my arms.

"Right now?"

"Yes, get up. First, wipe your face off." I started walking over to Elisa's table with Sebastian and Jett following suit.

"Hey guys. This is Sebastian," I motioned to the tall tanned boy to the right of me, "and this is Jett." I gave everyone a smile and noticed that Maxie's cheeks were slighting pink while she checked out Sebastian.

Ah. Young love.

Or was it the hormones?

"Come join us. Pick a seat." Elisa spoke up and Sebastian quickly took the chair next to Maxie. She was a deep shade of red by then.

The only chairs the were left weren't close to each other. Jett had to sit next to Lacey and I had to take the seat next to a reading Parker. He must love books. His blue eyes were fixated on the pages. Must be a good book.

"Like what you see?" Parker interpreted my thoughts and looked up from the book, into my eyes.

"What? No." I rolled my eyes at him and turned to see Maxie's and Sebastian's faces nearly two inches apart. Damn, they don't waste anytime.

"So, who's you're partner for the writing thing?" Elisa said while chewing on a burnt fry. They food here really did suck. Even though I never eat it.

"I'm with Sebastian." Jett pimped in for once this whole dinner period. He's been awfully quiet.

"Landon's my partner." Lacey said with a lustful smile on her face as she sent googily eyes to a uncomfortable and squirming Landon.

"How about you Scarlett?"

"Sadly it's Parker."

"Wow. Nice to know you care so much about me. You not such a walk in the park either, sweet cheeks." Parker stops reading but doesn't look up from his book.

"Dude. Leave her alone." Jett speaks up.

"I'm just kidding. Me and Scar are like two peas in a pod, right?" The boy puts his arm around me and Jett stands up.

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