His Beauty

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~ Chapter three ~

"This is the room you will be staying in." The blond nurse escorted me down a long white hallway full of doors.

She motions towards the last door of the hallway and when she opens it I see a girl on a small twin bed with just a sheet covering her... naked body? What kind of hospital is this? A nudist one?

"Elisa! Put some close on, you have a new roommate." The nurse shuts the door while yelling at the brunette in the bed. She tossed the sheet off he body and stood up. I face the door. A permanent picture of that girls body in my brain now.

This place is already full of crazies.

"It's safe now Scarlett." I hesitate to turn around but when I do I see a girl about my height, way skinnier with pin straight brown hair. Her eyes are a sapphire blue.

She stands there in a hoodie and sweat pants. Her face, expressionless.

"Elisa, this is Scarlett." Neither one of us says anything. I stare at her, and she stares at me.

"This will be your bed and dresser. The bathroom is through that door. Every week day you will get up at 8 o'clock, on weekends you sleep till 10. If you sleep any later then you are room arrested for two days."

I set my suit case next to the old wooden dresser and toss my bag on the tiny bed with white sheets and a grey top blanket on it.

"You will then go to the Commons for breakfast. After, you will have time to bathe and change for the rest of the days activities. Everyday is group therapy, every week you will have different class. You will have one on one time with Doctor Raine on Tuesdays, but today you will check in with him before bed which is strictly ten and lights out at ten thirty."

"If you get in any trouble with the other patients or workers you will be put in The Isolation Room until further notice. Any questions?"

Sounds like this is going to be a fun time.

I shake my head.

"Now, I have to search your things. Elisa, please go out into the Recreation room now." The nurse points to the door and Elisa exits out with no remark.

The lady picks up my suitcase and searches all the pockets of both bags and finds nothing "that I could hurt me or anyone with."

"Okay, now please strip your clothes." The women says this with ease like she's done this plenty of time.

I stand there for a few moments. I don't want her to see my scars.

"Sweetie, you are safe here. I'm not going to hurt you." She says with a gentle voice and smile.

"My name is Sarah. I will be your hallway nurse for the time you stay here." She extends a hand to me, I very faintly smile and shake it.

"I'll tell you what, if you don't say anything I won't." She stands up and walks towards the door.

"Thank you." I whisper to her and she smiles.

"Ten minutes is dinner." She closes the door and I sit on my bed.

The room is has a cool temperature. It has white walls and dirty tan carpet.

The only window is between the two beds. I stand up and stare out to the evening world.

The sky is a beautiful pink with a few white dots scattered in it. The wispy clouds move slow. The people outside live their lives. Happy. Laughing. Smiling. Being normal.

I want that.


I walk out of the room and down the quiet hall. To the left is a big room full of chairs and tables and a buffet with ladies behind it. This must be the Commons.

I grab a tray and walk down the lunch line full of teenagers in sweats. I guess this is the dress code. I didn't get a uniform so I'm still in my jeans and hoodie.

I grab a bowl of old fruit and a bottle of water and step out of the line and towards the tables. I see a familiar black haired boy sitting at the right far table.

"Hey." I sit across from him. He keeps his eyes in his nearly empty tray but mutters a hello.

"How has your day been?" I open the bottle and take a swig of the cool water. I'm not going to bother on eating the fruits.

"Fine. Yours?" He looks up and his eyes have a faint redness to them.

"Stupid." I shove the tray over and lay my head on my arms.

"Yeah." Jett sniffles and rubs his eyes.

"Hey you two, why don't you go over and meet some people. Be social." A man dressed in a white polo comes up to us with his arms crossed but a fake smile on his face.

"No thanks." I say and take a sip of my water. Jett's eyes are staring out the bolted window.

"Listen sweetheart, if you want to get out of here faster, then you have to do what I tell you to do." The guy grabs my chin, forcing me to look him straight in his cold pale gray eyes.

"Don't touch her." Jett stands up, making his chair fall over. His voice is menacing, his eyes dark.

"This your boyfriend, sweetie?" He strokes my black straight hair with one eyebrow arched.

"Just back off!" Jett clenches his fists and growls at the man rubbing my cheek.

"Sit down. Before you do something stupid." The man says fearlessly, his eyes are still on me.

"Get your hands off her." Jett's now in front of the guy, his fist are pales from clenching them too hard.

"What are you gonna do-

Jett throws his fist full force into the guys stomach, making him fall to the ground in pain.

The whole cafeteria is quiet and watching us now.

I stand there alone. Jett must have ran out. All eyes are on me and the man on the floor. I can feel tears coming up, my heart is racing. I need to get out of here.

I run down a hallway and open the last door and slam it shut. I fall to the ground an let the tears stream out.

I sit there, my head in my knees just crying, I want to get out and leave forever. I want my blades.

"Scarlett.." I was too caught up, I didn't even realize he was in this room.

"I'm sorry." His voice is shaky but sincere.

I wipe my eyes with my sleeve and try and see through the darkness to find him.

He stands up from a bed that is next to a window. The only light is the moon. It illuminates his pale face and brown eyes that are red from crying. At this moment I see His Beauty. He's not a male model. He doesn't have perfect skin. He isn't a body builder, definitely not a typical ladies man. But there's something about him that makes me feel different than I ever did.

I stand up and step into the moonlight with him only inches away. He's much taller than me. I look up into his chocolate eyes.

"Thank you." I wrap my arms around him and he does the same. He brings me closer to his body and very gently kisses my head.

I didn't want it to end.


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