The Three Musketeers. Minus One.

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~ Chapter 19 ~

I gave Jett a scowl and he just rolled his eyes at me.

"What the hell Jett?" I hissed before walking out the door to find Parker.

It was a few corridors later that I found the boy sitting on the floor with his arms crossed and knees up. When I got closer I could see his eyes were puffy and red.

"Parker?" I muttered will standing beside him.

He looked up for less than a second and then lowered his head again. I swear I heard him say 'go away'.

I went down to sit beside him. He looked the other direction and slid farther from me. I was confused for why he was acting like this, so I asked him.

After a long silence, he answered with a question. "Why were Jett and you kissing?" His voice was rough.

"Why would it matter to you?" I raised a brow to him, even though he couldn't see.

"Scarlett," he shifted his head to me and his blue eyes met mine. His face looked like he was at the brink of crying. "I- I like you; a lot."

My heart literally dropped in my chest. It stopped for what felt like minutes. It was all so confusing for why Parker would like me.

"No." I shook my head at him.

"What?" He knitted his eyebrows together.

"Parker, you do not like me. It's not real. You can't like me."

"But I do. Over the past weeks that we have been spending together and laughing and actually being happy, I realized that you are the reason why that I am feeling this way. I have not felt actual happiness in what seems like forever. I know that really I was the one that was suppose to be helping you, but in a reality, you were helping me."

He slid over, looked me dead in the eyes and brought my face to his; hands were wrapped around the nape of my neck and before I could stop it his lips met mine. He pressed with passion and his wet lips enveloped mine with such love or lust that I couldn't back down. I let him kiss me because I knew that's what need to happen before I told him the truth.

But my throat felt like it had a golf ball in it. I couldn't speak. I felt the tears lining my eyes but I couldn't let them fall. I clinched my jaw and bit my tongue, hoping it would help.

He spoke before I could get the chance.

"Now I know. You don't like me back. I thought you did because you didn't leave and you decided to stay, but now I realize that it wasn't me that you were staying for." His voice cracked and that sent me over the edge. My tears fell and I tried masking them with my hair or wiping them away but I knew he saw me crying. He took my hand and brought it to his lips. I hated him for doing this to me. I do not know how heart breaking it is to love someone that doesn't love you back and to watch her be in the arms of someone else.

"Park, I'm sorry. I'm not right. You can't love me. It wouldn't be good, I would only end up hurting you more. Even if things were different, we still are going separate directions when we leave and unlikely to see each other again. So please, don't love me." I dropped my hand from his lips and stood up and simply walked away. My eyes were practically waterfalls. I didn't dare to turn around. I couldn't handle what I would see.

Leaving Parker, I went back to Jett's hospital room. I was stilled dazed when I walked in so I didn't hear Elisa's question.

"Earth to Scarlett. Hey, I asked if Captain Period Pants is okay?" She walked up to me while everyone laughed at her remark.

"Uhh, yeah he's... Actually Elisa, Maxie can I talk to you in the hall?" This is a situation for an Only Girls Talk.

"Hey what about us?" Sebastian pouts while beside Jett's bed. Speaking of the black headed boy he still has a smug but it looks a bit faded. He's sinking again.

"Sorry, only girls." I pull on their arms and shove them out the door and into the hall.

"Damn, you freaking almost pulled my arm out of it's socket." Elisa rubbed her shoulder gently.

"I have a major problem." I sighed loudly and leaned against the wall.

"From what we saw when we walked in, it didn't look like any issue. Jett was well on his way." Elisa winked at me and I huffed.

"No, listen. Parker kissed me and told me he practically loves me. When he saw Jett and I making out he was crushed. I told him I couldn't be with him and I just left him there; lying on the floor. I'm such a horrible person." I was pacing back and for and then Maxie stepped in, I almost crashed into her.

"Scarlett, calm down. It will be okay." She placed her hands on my shoulders and forced me to look at her.

"Parker is such an amazing guy and he has helped me so much the past couple of weeks I do like him but, Jett." I sighed even louder and closed my eyes.

"This is so un fair. You freakin get two boys and I can't even get one!" Elisa whines next to us.

"You are not helping!" I yell at her while stomping my foot.

"Okay, okay. We will go talk to Parker. We will try to fix it. Alright?" Maxie raises her eyebrows for permission.

"I suppose-

Before I could finish the two girls we off and around the corner.

I ran my fingers through my hair before entering Jett's room again.

"Hey." I looked everywhere but Jett.

"Hey! It's the three musketeers, together again!" Sebastian wraps his arms around me and pulled me towards the bed. We both plopped down and all of us lied on our backs looking up at the ceiling. It was calm.

"I'm leaving." Was the first thing said.

I looked over at Sebastian and furrowed my eyebrows together.


"I already told Jett while you were talking in the hall. Doctor Raine said I'm ready. I can finally go home." He let a smile fill his lips, his eyes were glossy though and I bet mine were too.

"No, Sebby. You can't leave. No!" I jumped up from the bed and looked at each boy.

"Scarlett, I'm sorry, but I'm better and now I can finally get back to the real world." He stood up and walked closer, he reached his arms around me and I just started to bawl my eyes out. I was so sad but I was also happy that Sebastian was getting the chance to go home and start really living.

I squeezed my arms tighter around his neck and he did the same to my waist. I felt like a tiny fragile doll while hugging him and it made me cry even more. I'll miss him so much and the worse part is that we probably won't ever see each other again.

He knew that I was thinking this so that's why he said, "I promise that I will find you both one day and we will all run away together and live in a Log Cabin in the Rocky Mountains and forget about all the stupid shit in the world. We will grow old together and laugh how we all met in a fucking Teenage Mental Hospital and how fucked up we all are but love each other anyway."

Both of us were crying while he leaned his forehead against mine. Even though we were crying there were smiles on our faces.

Jett stood up from the bed and walked over to us with slightly glazed over eyes and wrapped his arm around Sebastian and me. We all hugged. It was one of the most cheesiest things that has happened yet.


I feel so bad I haven't updated in a month. I am so sorry! I just feel like this story is getting no where and I feel like just deleting it... ):

Anyways thanks for reading

PLEASE! COMMENT very truthful opinions of this story! Do not sugar coat it! I want to know if I should continue writing more.

Till next time xox

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