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~Chapter 24~


Scarlett and Jett have arrived at Scar's home in Arizona for her grandmothers funereal. They spent the night together, making memories (and love ;) )

"Good morning." I hear a raspy voice to my right. Without opening my eyes, I immediately smile.

"It is." I bury my head into his his neck and press my cold hands against his chest.

"How are you feeling?"

I wrap the blanket around me when I feel the cool morning air nipping at my bare body. "I feel totally at peace with the world and myself. Thank you."

"Why do you say thank you?" He questions how much he's helped me.

"Without you, I'd be dead by now. You loved me when I couldn't love myself and I needed to thank you for that." I break away and stare in his brown eyes. And then his nose, his pink lips that are turned into a smile that tells me that he feels the same way about me. With a slight kiss, I turn to the pink sky.

I stand up with the blanket still covering me. Then I felt a slight pain in my lower region.

"Okay, I'll be walking weird for the next few days." Jett laughs and grabs his shirt and jeans, turning away to give me some privacy.

"So, what's on the schedule today?" Jett asks as I shimmy into my skirt.

"Well, the funereal is today. You'll get a little glimpse at how messed up my family is." I sigh, not looking forward to seeing my mother.

After pulling over my sweater, Jett wraps his arms around me, kissing slighty on my neck.

"It will be okay, I'm here for you through the whole thing." I smile and turn into him for a hug.


"Grandpa?" I open the door to the house and instantly smelling eggs and tea.

"In the dinning room, Scarlett! We have a few guests." My heart dropped, I didn't want to see her now. Not right after the best night I had.

Jett and I walked into the dinning room hand in hand. I wasn't expecting to see a young woman and a little girl sat at the table.

"Mom?" The woman stood up and walked to Jett. Her brown eyes glossed over with tears. Jett let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around his mother. It was so unexpected and beautiful that even I got tears from seeing it.

"I love you, how are you doing, sweetie?" His mom whispered into his ear as the hugged.

"I'm good. Really good, what are you doing here?" They broke apart and I saw Jett's eyes. He was crying but with pure happiness, making me cry even more.

"Scarlett's grandfather called a few days ago telling us that you were going to be accompanying her for the visit. He thought it would be a brillant idea if we all got together. Sort of like a family reunion. Speaking of Scarlett," she turned to be with a smile and unexpected hug. I was caught off but hugged back.

"It is very nice to finally meet you. Every time Jett would call your always one of the topics. I'm Lesley." She says with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you too, heard plenty of good things about you." I smile big in return.

I turn to Jett, who wraps an arm around my waist. We walk to the table and sit for breakfast.

"Grandpa, you always have something up your sleeve." I hug him and he smiles while taking a sip of his tea.

I turn to the little girl who's reading quietly across from where I sit. She must look more like her dad because both Jett and his mom have black hair a brown eyes while she has blonde hair and light blue eyes.

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