Chapter 1

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Porsche pov

Porsche wake up slowly as he hears his phone is ringing.. Porsche take his phone and see Pol's name on the screen and answer the phone call and ask.. 'Pol? What's up?' Suddenly.. Arm then shout.. 'Wake up now sleepy head! We already at your house! Tem and Vegas also here! Come down now and open the gate!' Porsche sigh slowly and see his mother approaching him then say.. 'Son.. Go and take a shower na kha.. I will go downstairs to invite them in..' Porsche smile and kiss Nampheung's cheek and walk towards the bathroom and shower.. While Nampheung go downstairs to invite Porsche's friend to come in...

Vegas, Tem, Arm and Pol come in and look around the house.. Nampheung smile at them amd and ask..' What are guys doing here hmm? You should tell me before coming.. I haven't prepare anything yet..' Vegas smile and say.. 'Don't worry Mrs Nampheung.. We already have a breakfast before coming here..' Pol then ask.. 'Is Porsche already awake?' Arm smack Pol's head and say.. 'Don't mind him Mrs Nampheung..' Tem chuckle and reply back.. 'You are the one who shout like a monkey Arm..' Vegas shake his head and say.. 'Actually.. The reason we are here is because.. we want to go out for a trip Mrs Nampheung.. Now.. its a summer.. I think it will be a perfect summer trip for us.. Nampheung smile and reply back.. 'Sounds fun boys.. Please take care of your self na kha..' Suddenly, there's a door bell rings.. Nampheung then walk outside and see another friend of her son coming.. This time.. Kim, Thankhun, Kinn, Time and Tay standing outside of the gate.. Nampheung smile at them and say..' Good morning na kha.. Please do come in'.. Kim and Thankhun bow and walk into the house.. Kinn and Time walk past Nampheung without bowing their heads.. Tay shake his head and say.. 'Please forgive them Mrs Nampheung..' Nampheung then say.. 'Its alright Tay.. Come on.. Let's go inside na kha..' Tay nod and follow Nampheung to go into the house..

Kim then ask.. 'Aunty.. Where is Porsche?' Porsche then come down and say.. 'Im right here Kim..' Kinn roll his eyes and say.. 'We are wasting our time by waiting for you Porsche.. Come on! We need to go now!' Vegas sigh and reply back.. 'Kinn, you always make things rush.. If you dislike to be here then feel free to leave..' Thankun massage his head and say.. 'Alright guys.. That's enough.. You should feel shame a bit.. We are at Porsche's house.. We are sorry Porsche..' Thankun look at Porsche with a worry expression.. Porsche pat Thankhun's shoulder and reply back.. 'Don't worry phi.. Im fine..' Nampheung walk to the kitchen and take something and say.. 'this is a snacks, bread and water to all of you.. Since you guys will be having a long trip..' Vegas smile and take it.. 'Thank you so much Mrs Nampheung.. You are very kind.. I promise I will take care of Porsche for you..' Kim push Vegas and say.. 'I will take care of Porsche as well.. Don't worry..' Pol, Arm and Tem chuckle slowly and walk outside.. Thankhun then say.. 'Come on Kim.. Vegas and Porsche.. I don't want us to get stuck in the traffic..' Porsche nod and say.. 'You guys go first.. Kim and Thankhun nod and walk out while Vegas stay.. Porsche then give Nampheung a warm hug and say..' Mae krub.. I will go now.. Is it ok for you to stay at home all alone? Im worry about you mother.. 'Nampheung stroke Porsche's cheek and reply back..' Don't worry about mae na kha.. This summer trip will be a great memory to you and your friends.. Don't waste it because of mae.. 'Vegas rub Porsche's shoulder and reply back..' Don't worry Porsche.. I will take care of you.. Come on.. 'Porsche nod and kiss Nampheung's cheek and say..' Porsche will go now.. If anything.. Ask a help from phi Yok.. 'Nampheung nod and wave her hands as Porsche and Vegas leave the house..

As they leave.. Thankun then say..' Alright guys.. Listen up! We are going out for a summer trip.. Please make sure your guys bring a spare clothes.. And.. Please make sure the phone is already charged.. For those who bring a camera.. Please keep it safely.. We will go to the mansion.. Its located in the forest.. 'All of them look at each other and silent.. Kinn then speak up..' Don't be scared.. There's no ghost.. Ghost aren't exist nowdays.. Except, you still believe in it.. Come on! I don't want to waste my time here! 'Thankun sigh and say..' Lets split up into 2 group.. Kinn, Time, Tay and I will go together by a car.. Vegas, Porsche, Kim, Tem, Arm and Pol will go there by a van..'Vegas take out the keys and say..' Alright guys.. Let's go!'

All of them get into the car and van.. Vegas then say..' I will drive so.. Don't forget to put on the seat belt.. 'Porsche sit at the front sit with Vegas and say...'I hope this trip will be a beautiful memory to all of us..' Tem smile and say..'Of course Porsche.. Don't worry.. If you need anything.. You can count on me..' Porsche smile and nod.. Vegas start up the van and start to drive away.. Pol suddenly speak up.. 'I don't understand.. Why we must go to the forest? There's a lot of beautiful places for a trip.. Arm frown and ask..' Kim.. Do you know anything about this? 'Kim shrug and stare outside of the window.. Porsche noticed Kim's sudden behaviour and try to change the mood and turn on the radio..Pol then start to sing his favourite 1 Direction song..' Baby you light up my worlds like nobody else.. 'Arm then smack Pol's head and say..' No need to sing out loud Pol.. The weather is really good.. Don't ruin it!'Tem laugh at Pol and take out the book and read.. Porsche then ask..' Kim.. Are you ok? Why are you silent all of a sudden? 'Vegas smile and say..' Kim is sleepy.. Thats why he is like that.. You should sleep Porsche.. When we arrive.. I will wake you up..'Porsche nod and lean his head and close his eyes.. Vegas then continue driving to the forest..

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