Chapter 9

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Vegas and Porsche start to take off each other's clothes and kiss each other.. Vegas is about to take off Porsche's pants but stop as he hears his phone buzzing.. Vegas then ignore and kiss Porsche again.. Porsche then say.. 'Sweetheart.. Just answer the phone call.. It might be important..' Vegas shake his head and reply back.. 'I don't like it Porsche.. We are spending our time here..' Porsche smile and say.. 'I know but it must be important..' This time.. Porsche's phone is buzzing.. Porsche then take his phone and see Kim's name on it amd answer it then say.. 'Hello Kim?' Kim sigh slowly and ask.. 'Porsche? Where were you? We already returned to the institute.. We are just about to start training.. But you were gone with Vegas.. Where were you? I will go and fetch you..' Porsche then say.. 'Im with Vegas.. We will return to institute now..' Porsche then hang up the phone call and reply back.. 'Im sorry sweetheart... We must return to institute.. They will start the training..' Vegas sigh heavily and say.. 'But..' Porsche look at Vegas and kiss him softly and say.. 'Vegas.. Please.. Don't be stubborn.. Those training wont start without us..Let's go back now..'

Vegas then wear his clothes and say.. 'Come on Porsche..' Porsche start to feel guilty and wear his clothes as well and leave the room.. Vegas then return the key room to the woman and say.. 'Im sorry.. But we aren't stay here.. Maybe next time..' Vegas hold Porsche's hand and leave the hotel.. Both of them then return to the institute...

After 15 minutes later..

Vegas and Porsche finally arrives at the institute.. Kim quickly approach Porsche and give him a tight hug then ask..' Where have you been hmm? You didn't know how worried I was just now..'Vegas roll his eyes and reply back..' We were just about to spend a night together.. But you.. 'Porsche then give Vegas a death glare and reply back..' Don't worry Kim.. Im fine.. 'Nampheung then call out for them and say..' Alright guys! Now we are going to start with training! You are free to choose the partner or train by your own! 'Big then continue..'Once you are done.. Come with me to the training room!' All of them then follow Big to the training room and look around

 Come with me to the training room!' All of them then follow Big to the training room and look around

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Tem then say..'Wow.. Its amazing!' Thankun smile and look around the training room and ask.. 'So, this will be our training room, Big?' Big nod and reply back...'Well..there's a few type of weapon..'Sword, bow and arrow, gun or cross bow.. Feel free to use any weapon you like..' Vegas look at Porsche and ask.. 'Which weapon are you going to use hmm?' Porsche then say.. 'I will choose the gun.. How about you?' Kim then take a sword and look at it.. Porsche turn around and look at Kim and approach him then ask.. 'Are you going to use that sword for training Kim?' Kim nod and ask.. 'What's the matter Porsche?' Porsche smile at Kim and ask.. 'Do you mind to teach me?' Kim smile and ask.. 'What about Vegas?' Porsche then noticed Vegas already start training by his own then reply back.. 'Let him be.. He seems mad at me because I refused to have a sex with him.. Its not that I don't want it Kim.. But.. We, already have it before we left the institute..'

Kim sigh slowly and ask.. 'Is it true Porsche? You chose Vegas over me?' Porsche then look at Kim with a guilty expression and nod slowly.. Kim stroke Porsche's head and reply back.. 'Its ok Porsche.. Im fine.. Don't worry about me.. We need to focus on the training..' Suddenly.. There's a loud noise that come from the outside of institute.. Nampheung then say.. 'Everyone.. Just stay here.. I will go out and check!' Apo then say.. 'Kim.. Please stay here..' Kim is about to stop Porsche from leaving but fail as Porsche also leave the training room..

Porsche and Nampheung then feel shock as they see Muriel and her friends along with Kinn, Tay, Time and Pol.. Nampheung then say.. 'Porsche.. Go and call all the members.. We must fight now! We can't avoid them anymore!' Muriel smirk and yell.. 'Attack them now!!' The red head witch and horn head witch then fly down and start to strike the institute.. Vegas, Kim and others then join and start to fight with them... Big and Ken use their gun and start to shoot Muriel.. Muriel then avoid the bullets and strike them back.. Tem and Arm then strike Pol and Kinn.. Meanwhile Kim strike Tay and Time.. Vegas then yell.. 'Porsche! Take this gun!' Vegas then throw the gun towards Porsche.. Porsche quickly catch it and start to shoot Muriel.. Tem, Arm and Thankhun strike Kinn and red head witch..

Time and Tay strike Macau and Chay but stop as Porsche strike them first.. Chay then say..' Thank you so much phi Porsche!' Macau then shoot the red hed witch twice.. The red head witch then die and turn into ash.. Muriel is about to attack Porsche.. Kim quickly stand in front of Porsche and protect him.. Kim then got shoot by Muriel.. Porsche then yell..' No!! Kim!! 'Muriel smirk and continue to strike others.. Kim then say..' Porsche.. Sweetheart.. Listen to me.. You can't save me.. Go.. Go and save yourself Porsche... 'Vegas shoot Muriel' s heart with a gun.. Muriel also die and turn into ash.. Kinn then yell.. 'Attack!!' Big and Ken use their bow and arrow to shoot Kinn and Time.. Both of them manage to avoid the strike and continue to strike them.. Vegas quickly approach Kim and Porsche then say.. 'Kim.. Please hold on.. Don't leave us yet!'

On the other hand.. Nampheung, Macau and Chay are busy fighting with Tay and Pol.. Tem then shoot Pol's heart with the cross bow.. Them also die and turn into ash.. Kim then look at Porsche and say.. 'Just leave me here Porsche..' Thankun then shoot Kinn's head twice.. Kinn then turn into ash.. Big then run towards Porsche, Kim and Vegas then say.. 'Porsche.. Take this key.. You and Vegas need to take Porsche to the hospital! Or else.. He won't make it!' Vegas nod in respond and help to carry Kim and say.. 'Hold on Kim..' Porsche's tears start to come out as he noticed Kim start to lost lot of blood.. Kim start to getting weak and say.. 'Porsche..' Porsche then reply back.. 'I will take you to the hospital.. Vegas.. Stay here with the others!' Porsche hold Kim close to him and walk towards the van.. Porsche then open the van door and put Kim inside yhe van.. Porsche then get into the van and start to drive to the hospital.. Porsche then say..' Kim.. Please hold on for me.. If you really love me.. Please stay with me!'

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