Chapter 10

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Porsche pov..

Porsche finally arrives at the hospital.. Kim then say in weak voice.. 'Porsche... Sweetheart...' Porsche then reply back.. 'Kim.. Kim.. Please hold on.. We already at the hospital now! Please keep your eyes open! Please don't leave me! Im begging you!' Kim groan in paim and touch Porsche's cheek gently and say.. 'You can't save me Porsche..' Porsche cry and shake his head and say.. 'No! Doctor will save you!!Come on.. We must go in!' Porsche quickly get out from the van and take Kim out and close the van door.. Porsche then yell.. 'Someone!! Please help me!' A few nurse rush towards Porsche and say.. 'Sir.. We must bring you inside! Porsche then say with a desperate voice..' Please! Save his life!'The nurse then help to bring Kim inside the hospital.. Porsche cry hard and kneel on the ground while looking at the sky and say..' Dear God! Please save Kim Kimhan! Please protect the others too! Without wasting time.. Porsche then get up and go into the hospital and sit down..

Meanwhile at the institute..

Vegas and Macau continue the fight.. Kinn then look at them and say..' You already killed my friends! Now, it's time for you to die!!' Before Kinn shoot Vegas and Macau.. Porchay kick Kinn's leg and stab him with a sword then reply back.. 'You are the one who should die..' Kinn finally turn into ash.. Nampheung then say.. 'We already succeed!!' Big then take the weapons and put aside then say.. 'Nampheung.. We must go to the hospital now! Porsche is there with Kim!' Nampheung then say.. 'Alright.. We will go to the hospital with another van! Lets go!' Vegas, Macau, Chay, Big, Ken, Tem, Arm and Thankhun then rush towards the van and get inside.. Nampheung then get in as well and drive away to the hospital..

At the hospital..

Porsche pov..

Porsche is still waiting outside in the hallway.. The nurse then walk towards him and give him a glass of water and say.. 'Here sir..' Porsche then take it and bow his head...Porsche feel his cheek are wet again and drink the water slowly.. 10 minutes later.. 'Nampheung and others finally arrives at the hospital and go in.. Vegas rush towards Porsche and say..' Porsche.. 'Porsche quickly hug Vegas and cry in his embrace.. Porsche then say..' Vegas... Im scared.. 'Vegas rub Porsche's back gently and say..' Im here.. Im right here sweetheart.. Shh.. Shhh.. Its alright.. 'Nampheung stroke her son head and say..' Sweetheart.. Kim is such a strong man.. He will survive.. Believe in mae na kha.. 'Porsche then hug his mother and say...' I can't lose him mae.. 'All of them then turn silent..

After 2 hours later..

The doctor finally come out from the surgery room and ask..' Mr Porsche? 'Porsche then walk towards the doctor and ask..' How is he? How is Kim? 'The doctor then say..' We managed to take out the bullet but right now.. he really need an extra blood.. He lost a lot of blood just now..'Porsche then say..' My blood type is O.. Please take it as much as you need doctor.. 'The doctor nod in respond and reply back..' Follow me then.. 'Porsche then follow the doctor while others wait outside..

After a few minutes later..

Porsche then come back and say..' You guys should go home... Stay at my house.. 'Tem frown and ask..' What about you Porsche? 'Porsche then reply back..' I will stay here.. Don't worry about me.. 'Vegas stroke Porsche's head and kiss his forehead and say..' If you need anything.. Just call us alright? 'Porsche nod in respond and allow them to leave.. As Vegas and others already leave.. The nurse approach Porsche and say..' Mr Porsche.. We already put Mr Kim in a private ward.. Come with me.. 'Porsche then follow the nurse until he reach Kim's private ward.. The nurse then say..' Mr Kim's condition is quite weak.. Anyway, if you need anything.. Press the red button.. 'Porsche nod and reply back..' I will go inside now.. Thank you very much 'Porsche bow then go in and close the door slowly... Porsche's heart sink as he see Kim is laying down on the hospital bed with an oxygen mask on his face... Porsche quickly wipe his tears and walk towards Kim and sit in front of him.. Porsche then stroke Kim's head and ask.. 'Why? Why you need to sacrifice yourself for me Kim?' Porsche then ask again.. 'Is it because you love me?Why you need to put me in this kind of situation?Why you must make me feel guilty? Why Kim?Im the one who should get shot.. Not you Kim..'

Porsche move closer towards Kim and slowly put his head on Kim's chest and fall asleep... 10 minutes later.. Kim then open his eyes and look around and noticed Porsche is sleeping peacefully.. Kim then stroke Porsche's head gently and look at Porsche with full of love.. Kim then speak in his heart.. 'I protect you because I love you sweetheart... I should know better that you will choose Vegas over me.. But Im not regret saving your life back there.. Because.. The only reason why Im still alive.. is because of you Porsche..' Porsche then wake up and see Kim is already awake.. Porsche then say..' Kim.. 'Kim nod slowly and stroke Porsche's cheek gently and look at him.. Porsche then hug Kim and cry again.. Kim then groan in pain and say..' Porsche... Its still hurt... 'Porsche then reply back..' I will go out and call the doctor.. And.. I will call Vegas.. He must know about this.. 'Kim then stop Porsche from leaving and say..' No.. No need to do that Porsche.. Why don't you stay here with me? 'Porsche then smile at Kim and ask..' Do you want some water, Kim? '

Kim nod slowly and say..' Please help me to sit Porsche.. 'Porsche then help Kim to sit up properly and help to takw off the oxygen mask.. Kim then reply back..' Finally.. I can breathe properly without this oxygen mask.. 'Porsche then pour a water into a plastic cup and help Kim to drink it.. Kim smile at Porsche and say..' Come and lay down beside me Porsche.. 'Porsche then say..' But.. 'Kim then pull Porsche until he fall down on the bed and stare at Kim's eyes.. Kim kiss Porsche's forehead and say..' Now.. be quiet or the nurse will hear us out.. '

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