Chapter 11

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Porsche pov..(In his dream)

Porsche is walking on the road and noticed there's a lot of people surround the road.. Porsche then speak to himself.. 'What's happening?I must go and check..' Without wasting any time.. Porsche then walk over and say..'Excuse me.. Please let me through..' Porsche then feel shock as he see Kim is laying on the road that cover with a blood.. Porsche then yell. 'Kim! Kim! Are you alright?!Porsche then kneel and put Kim's head on his lap and start to cry and ask..' Kim..please.. Tell me what's going on? Who do this to you? 'Porsche sobbing even more as he hold Kim close to him.. Kim slowly touch Porsche's face and say..' Don't.. Don't cry for me Porsche.. One fine day.. We will meet again in another world... But now.. Its time for me to leave Porsche..'Porsche quickly shake his head and say..' No.. No.. Please.. You can't leave me like this! I still need you! 'Kim cough blood and reply back..' Porsche.. You aren't alone.. Vegas will take care of you.. Please listen to him.. 'Porsche turn into silent and say..' Kim.. 'Kim smile and close his eyes... Porsche then shake Kim's body and yell.. Kim!!'

*dreams end*

Porsche open his eyes and feel his heart beat really fast.. Kim then look at him and say.. 'Porsche..?' Porsche then lift up his head and look at Kim with a tears fall out from his eyes.. Kim wipe those tears and ask.. 'Are you having a bad dream hmm?' Porsche nod and continue to rest his head on Kim's chest.. Kim then stroke Porsche's head and ask..'Mind to tell me?' Porsche then say.. 'I saw you laying on the road with the full of blood.. You look very weak...That's it.. I don't want to talk about it...' Porsche is about to get down but got stop by Kim.. Kim hold Porsche close to him and say.. 'Stay here with me Porsche.. When can we spend a time like this again?' Porsche then reply back.. 'You need to recover as soon as possible.. Then, we can spend our time together as much as you want Kim..' Kim chuckle and say.. 'Its not that Porsche.. What I'm trying to tell is.. You already belong to Vegas..there's no way I can touch you Porsche.. I can't even have a sex with you..' Porsche then reply back.. 'You should rest Kim.. I won't disturb you anymore..' Porsche then get down from the bed and leave Kim's ward before Kim could speak..

Porsche then leave the hospital and decide to go to Yok bar instead...10 minutes later.. Porsche finally arrives at the bar and see Yok is busy handling the customer.. Porsche then sit at the table and try to calm himself down.. Yok then noticed Porsche is already sitting at the corner.. Yok then walk towards Porsche and ask.. 'Porsche? What happen to you?' Porsche then reply back.. 'Phi...Can I have a bottle of red wine?' Yok sigh slowly and fetch the red wine and give it to Porsche and say.. 'Porsche.. Don't drink too much alright?' Porsche then pour the red wine and drink... Yok just stare at Porsche with a worry expression.. Porsche then pour the red wine and drink it again and again.. Porsche start to get drunk but still manage to drink it.. Porsche feel his head become dizzy all of a sudden..

Porsche then feel his phone is buzzing inside of his pocket.. Porsche take out his phone and see Vegas's name on it and pick it up.. Vegas then say.. 'Hello sweetheart? Where are you?' Porsche chuckle and say.. Oh.. Vegas..~~~my love... You should come to Yok bar..'Porsche hiccup and say... Mmmhh.. Vegas... I.. I want to have a fun right now...' Porsche then hang up his phone and continue drinking..

Meanwhile at Vegas's house..

Vegas pov..

Vegas start to feel worry about Porsche and decide to go to the bar.. Vegas then grab his car keys and leave the house and drive to Yok bar.. After 10 minutes later.. Vegas then arrives at the bar and quickly rush into the bar and see Porsche already fall asleep at the table.. Yok sigh heavily and ask.. 'Who are you?' Vegas bow and answer back.. 'Im Vegas krub..' Yok then say.. 'Actually.. Im about to close the bar but this kid sleep here instead..' Vegas frown and ask.. 'Do you know him?' Yok nod and reply back.. 'Porsche used to work as a bartender here..Up until now Mr Vegas..' Vegas then noticed Porsche's cheeks already turned into red and say.. 'Well.. I guess.. I need to take him now.. Im sorry about this.. Im sorry if he causing you a trouble..' Yok smile and reply back.. 'Porsche wasn't like this actually.. There's must be something happen to him.. Otherwise, he won't drink that much.. This is 1st time I've seen him drink a lot..' Vegas nod in respond and help to carry Porsche and say.. 'Thank you so much phi.. I will leave now..' Vegas then walk out from the bar while carry Porsche towards his car.. Vegas then put Porsche into his car and get in as well.. Vegas start to drive away to his house..

10 minutes later..

Vegas finally arrives at his house and look at Porsche with a worry expression and ask.. 'Porsche.. What happen to you hmm?'.. Vegas stroke Porsche's cheek gently and get out from his car..Vegas then take Porsche out from his car and carry Porsche again in his arms and see the maid already open the door and ask..'Mr Vegas? Who is this? What happen to him?' Vegas then reply back.. 'Please prepare a warm water and extra clothes.. He will stay here for tonight..' The maid nod in respond and quickly go in to prepare.. Meanwhile Vegas then close the door and carry Porsche and walk upstairs to his room.. Vegas then put Porsche on his bed and touch Porsche's forehead and say..' Oh no.. Porsche is having a fever.. 'The maid knock the door and say..' Mr Vegas.. I already prepare everything for your guest.. 'Vegas smile and say..' Its ok Lira.. Just put it there.. 'Lira nod and put the container with a towel on the table.. Vegas then ask..' Lira.. Can I ask you a favour? 'Lira nod and say..' Tell me Mr Vegas.. 'Vegas then say..' Please cook a porridge for Porsche.. 'Lira then say..' It shall be done Mr Vegas'..Lira then go downstairs to the kitchen and start making a porridge for Porsche..

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