Chapter 12

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Vegas pov...

Vegas start to take off Porsche's clothes and put a new clothes on him.. Porsche then mumble in his sleep and say.. 'Kim.. I love you.. No... I hate you... I really hate you...' Porsche's tears start to come out from his eyes.. Vegas frown and speak in his heart.. 'What happened between them? Does Kim already awake?' Vegas then soak the towel and squeeze it hard then wipe Porsche's neck slowly and say.. 'You really look like a big baby now sweetheart..' Porsche then say.. 'Vegas... Vegas..' Vegas smile and say.. 'Im right here sweetheart.. Don't worry.. Im not going anywhere.. Right now.. You are at my house.. You are having a fever sweetheart..' Vegas continue to wipe Porsche's forehead and see Lira appear then say.. 'It's ok Lira.. Put it here.. Thank may go..' Lira nod and leave Vegas's room..'Porsche slowly open his eyes and quickly run towards the bathroom and vomit... Vegas rub Porsche's back body and accompany Porsche until he is done.. Porsche frown and look at Vegas and ask..' Vegas? '.. Vegas smile and help to put Porsche on the bed and start to feed Porsche.. Porsche open his mouth and eat the porridge slowly and look at Vegas beautiful face.. Vegas frown and ask.. 'What's wrong hmm?' Porsche smile a little and shake his head and reply back.. 'Nothing..'Vegas then continue to feed Porsche.. Porsche smile and eat the porridge until finish..

Porsche look at Vegas and ask..' What actually happen to me? My throat feel sore..'Vegas feed a medicine to Porsche and help Porsche to drink.. Porsche then lay down again and look at Vegas again.. Vegas then soak the towel and squeeze it.. Porsche take the towel from Vegas and put on his forehead.. Vegas smile a little and reply back.. 'You were drunk just now sweetheart.. I decided to take you to my house..' Porsche start to feel guilty and say.. 'Im sorry because I trouble you sweetheart..' Vegas then hold Porsche's hand and kiss it gently then reply back.. 'Its ok sweetheart..'Vegas then ask..' Is there something happened between you and Kim? Because, you mumble Kim's name and you even said that you hate him'..Porsche clear his throat and reply back.. 'Its nothing Vegas.. Don't worry about it.. I was drunk.. And.. I don't even realize everything that I said' Vegas stroke Porsche's cheek and reply back.. 'Your mom really worry about you sweetheart.. Porsche suddenly remember about Nampheung and take out his phone and notice his phone is already out of a battery.. Vegas give his phone and say..' Here sweetheart.. 'Porsche take it and dial the number.. Porsche then say..' Hello mae krub.. 'Nampheung breath out of relief and say..' Porsche.. My son.. Where are you na kha? 'Porsche cough and say..' Mae.. Tonight.. I will stay with Vegas.. Im not well.. 'Nampheung then reply back..' Porsche.. Please take care of your self na kha.. Don't forget to eat a medicine.. Get a lot of rest na kha.. 'Porsche smile and say..' Yes mae.. Don't worry.. I already eat a porridge and also.. I already eat a medicine.. Hopefully I will be better.. 'Nampheung then say..' Alright Porsche.. Please send my regards to Vegas na kha.. 'Porsche then hung up the phone and give Vegas phone back and reply back..' My mom send you her regards.. '

Vegas then take Porsche's phone and help to charge it.. Porsche look at Vegas and say..' I had a bad dream when I was with Kim.. 'Vegas frown and ask..' A bad dream? What is it hmm? 'Porsche pat an empty space beside him.. Vegas nod and climb on the bed and pull Porsche towards him and say..' Tell me sweetheart.. What did you see..?'Porsche hug Vegas and reply back..' I saw Kim laying on the road and cover with a blood.. He look very weak and dying.. I don't want it to be happen Vegas... Im scared! 'Vegas then say..' Shh.. Shh.. Its alright sweetheart... Its just a dream.. And.. Speaking about Kim.. How is he? 'Porsche then reply back..' Kim is fine.. 'Vegas nod in respond and say..' You have nothing to be afraid of sweetheart.. Kim is fine.. 'Porsche hide his face near Vegas's chest and ask..' Can I ask you something? 'Vegas stroke Porsche's head and say..' Go ahead.. 'Porsche take a deep breath and ask..' What if we encounter another enemy sweetheart? 'Vegas then ask' What do you mean hmm? Our enemies is already dead.. 'Porsche sit up properly and reply back..' I know sweetheart.. But anything can happen for now.. Kim is in hospital.. If we need to face another enemies.. I.. 'Vegas put his finger on Porsche's lips and smile softly then reply back..' Sweetheart.. You thinking too much.. 'Porsche kiss Vegas's lips softly and say..' Im afraid Vegas.. I already have a bad feelings.. We will have a new enemies.. 'Vegas kiss Porsche's lips softly and say..' Porsche.. Listen to me.. We already save now.. No more enemies will come and attack us.. 'Porsche then say..' Maybe you are right Vegas.. Im overthinking.. Im sorry.. 'Vegas kiss Porsche's forehead and say..' Sleep now.. 'Porsche nod and close his eyes..

Next morning..

Vegas pov..

Vegas wake up and see Porsche isn't beside him.. Vegas then speak in his heart..' Where is Porsche? 'Vegas then noticed a sticky note on the table and read..' Sweetheart.. Im sorry because I leave without telling you.. Im going back to my house.. I will go to hospital to visit Kim later.. Don't worry about me sweetheart.. I already feel better now.. I will catch up with you later.. I love you..' - Porsche.. Vegas smile and start to tidy up his bedroom and take a shower..

At Porsche's house..

Porsche pov..

Porsche finally arrives at his house and notice Nampheung is watering a plant and say..' Good morning mae krub.. 'Nampheung smile bright as she see Porsche and quickly welcome him in and hug Porsche tight and ask..' How are you feeling na kha? 'Porsche smile and reply back..' Im sorry mae..but I need to go upstairs and shower because I need to go to the hospital to visit Kim..'Nampheung nod and allow Porsche to go upstairs..

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