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Lennon stops in front of me, turning her head back to look up at me, exposing her neck in the process. Her green eyes search mine, face all flushed. She smells like coconut and vanilla.

God she's beautiful.

She leans up on her tip toes to reach me. "You're ok with this?" she whispers, only for me to hear.

"Fuck yes I am" I breathe out, slipping my hand beneath her hair, cupping the back of her neck as I lean down. I close the distance between us and my mouth meet hers. Her lips are soft and I can taste the lip gloss on her. Lennon kisses me softly, almost hesitantly at first, aware that we have an audience. I bring my other hand to her jaw, steering her head slightly back and she sighs against my lips, inviting my tongue into her mouth.

I'm in so much fucking trouble.

Lennon's arms loop around my neck and instantly Owen's protests and the whoops and cheers all blur into the background as I lose myself in the taste of her tongue.

Suddenly she breaks contact and steps back, leaving both of us breathless. I half expect her to panic, but a uncharacteristic sly grin spreads across her face. Seems like our little good girl has a rebel in her.

I lean down next to her once again, whispering for only her to hear. "Rebel, huh? I like it".

"If only you knew" she responds, before walking over to her friends who are at her side instantly.

Owen shoots me a death stare but I can't help but grin back at him, making Justin put a hand on his shoulder. I roll my eyes. If Owen wants to be mad at someone, be mad at Nick for suggesting it. I was simply doing my duty as a team player; joining in on the team building.

The game continues without any drama but I can't focus. My eyes keep drifting back to Lennon. She's laughing more now, more energized.

Our gazes meet for a second every now and then before she goes back to chatting to her roommates. Evan goes in and out of the conversation but Nick sits by her side like a lovesick puppy. It's riling me up.

I take a swig of my beer, trying to focus on Louis and Justin's conversation.

"I'm telling you" Louis pokes Justin in the chest, "the Oilers are taking it this year".

Justin lets out a roaring laugh. "Sure, buddy".

"Hey, Carter. You agree with me, right?".

I look at him and shake my head no. There's no way the Oilers are winning this year, but for some reason Louis is a die-hard Edmonton Oilers believer.

"Shouldn't you be backing your own team?" Justin asks him, but Louis only swats a hand in his direction. "I will when they've got me".

"They are reigning champions, you loser. You're not playing" Owen ruffles Louis' hair, sitting down next to him.

I look back at Lennon who's standing up now, having a quiet conversation with Evan. I can't hear what they're saying, but she nods at him and then she leaves down the corridor.

I can't help but check her out as she leaves. The yoga pants she's wearing is a really, really good look. What I'd do to see that up close.

Five minutes passes and she doesn't come back so I decide to follow her down the corridor.

I knew from the living room and kitchen that Evan's apartment was bigger than usual campus housing, but the long corridor has five doors and curls at the end. It is insanity that one person is allowed to live here. This could have probably housed three to four students.

Growing up, I lived in a poor neighborhood. It's something nearly no one knows about me, and it's something I don't go around telling people. It comes with prejudice. My family lived in a two bedroom and I shared a room with my younger brother. We were lucky to have a roof over our heads but that's where it stops.

Our parents had us really young. They were still in high school when they had me and four years later they had Jude. They were never equipped to be parents. My father loved the flask and my mother loved him too much. My only escapism was hockey. My parents didn't support us doing any sports because it took time away from what we could be doing at home so my grandpa Jimmy started taking me to practice in Toronto and then later to games.

That's why I hate this, I guess. Maybe it's from a place of jealousy, but I just can't stand that people live like this and then people are starving.

I go around the corner at the end of the corridor and see Lennon standing by the window, staring outside. She seems lost in thought and I can tell she didn't hear me coming.

"You ok?" I ask, trying to sound nonchalant.

She starts, but then turns to face me. For a moment we just stare at each other. I really can't say this enough but she's so beautiful. She has taken her hair out of the ponytail she was wearing earlier.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just had to take a call" she smiles, her voice softer now. Almost husky.

Fuck me if she keeps that up.

"A fun call or?" I ask and she raises an eyebrow. "Just a call". I take the answer for what it is.

I change the subject. "Owen was pretty pissed earlier" I smirk unable to hide how happy that makes me. Lennon rolls her eyes but smiles, "Yeah he's a little ridicilous sometimes".

"I know" I grin.

Without realizing, I have drifted closer to where she's standing and she's so close I can smell her. It's like she notices too because there's a shift. The air suddenly thicker.

Lennon looks me up and down, biting her lip like she's contemplating a repeat of earlier.

"You want to kiss me" I tell her.

"Is that a question or a statement?".

Those stunning green eyes meet mine and I don't know who makes the first move but in a second her lips are on mine and I'm kissing her.

I slide my hand up her back and into her hair and she wraps her arms around my neck. The kiss is pure hunger in a way we couldn't give into with an audience. I guide her backwards until she meets the wall and she arches her body into mine and I think I might pass away.

I break the kiss and she lets out a whimper. Fuck I could get addicted to that sound.

"Greyson" she breathes as I kiss her jaw and trail a line down her neck. "We can't do this here". She runs her nails down my back giving me goosebumps despite the fact that im the opposite of cold right now.

"So let's go somewhere else" I kiss her again, coaxing her mouth open, and she meets my tongue with hers. It's incredibly sexy how she's matching my pace regardless of what move I pull.

Lennon leans away from me, mischief shining in her pretty, green eyes. "I'm gonna walk out first, then you're gonna walk out. My apartment is the one next to here".

"I'll meet you there, Rebel" I tell her, smirking at her as I take a step back. To my surprise she winks at me before slipping around the corner.

Jesus fucking christ.

I'm so used to being in charge, there's no denying Lennon has a hold on me no woman has had yet. And that's so fucking scary because I barely know her.

Between You and Me (A college hockey romance)Where stories live. Discover now