16 • The Truth Will Come Out

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Aiden and Peter walked the streets of Queens, having no clue where they'd go

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Aiden and Peter walked the streets of Queens, having no clue where they'd go. Just in the moment. Enjoying the company of each other.

The snow gave Aiden an idea, he balled some snow up and let Peter walk a little ahead of him.

He launched the snow ball at Peter, who caught it as though he saw it coming.

"Booo, reflexes are considered cheating!" Aiden shouted.

Peter smirked, throwing the snowball back at Aiden. Hitting him in the chest.

Aiden and Peter laughed, they had thrown a few more snowballs on the sidewalk.

Sure, who knows how much shit was in that snow. It was off the streets. But no head shots was safe enough. Aiden was just too happy to care.

Aiden balled up his last snowball, throwing it at Peter, who dodged. Hitting the back of some large man's head.

"Who threw that?!" He shouted angrily, looking around.

"Shit." Aiden laughed, he pushed Peter as they ran, laughing hysterically.

They heard a few "damn kids" and some other gibberish. But he didn't go after them.

They ducked in an alley along the side walk to catch their breath.

"So, whatcha wanna do now?" Peter asked

"You know what I need? Some Hot Chocolate." Aiden said, rubbing his arms.

"Really?" Peter said

"Yeah, Hot Chocolate is the cure everything shitty in life. Also it's fucking freezing out."

"Alright then. Then let's get some." Peter smiled.

Shitty things? Peter kept note of that. I mean yeah- Aiden's life wasn't perfect. But he thought Aiden was over it. At least he seemed to be.

"So how is everything?" Peter asked as they walked.

"Everything as in?" Aiden asked, playing dumb. And Peter knew it.

"You know, everything. The shitty things." Peter said, raising a brow. "We don't talk about it much, and-"

"There's nothing to talk about, Pete." Aiden snapped, by Peter's expression he realized he'd snapped. He drew back, sighing.

"Sorry, I-" Aiden laughed at himself.

"I'm fine, really. Now can we please get some hot chocolate." Aiden said with a smile.

Rose-Colored Boy ✧ Peter Parker X Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now