ooo. prologue

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War, terrible war

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War, terrible war. Widows, orphans, a motherless child. This was the uprising that rocked our land. Thirteen districts rebelled against the country that fed them, loved them, protected them. Brother turned on brother until nothing remained. And then came the peace, hard fought, sorely won. A people rose up from the ashes and a new era was born. But freedom has a cost. When the traitors were defeated, we swore as a nation we would never know this treason again. And so it was decreed that, each year, the various districts of Panem would offer up, in tribute, one young man and woman to fight to the death in a pageant of honor, courage and sacrifice. The lone victor, bathed in riches, would serve as a reminder of our generosity and our forgiveness. This is how we remember our past. This is how we safeguard our future.

Quintus Virgilia knew Crassus Snow well, he knew the man he was, the hate in his icy blue eyes, but what drove him to power was ambition. Something Quintus lacked, the chestnut haired man was hopeful, too hopeful and the capitol's citizens knew it. Far too sanguine considering the state of the country, Crassus took advantage of his naive nature. Pluribus Bell's nightclub, a spot they would both be in often with Dean Highbottom. The underlining stress was getting to the three men, Gaul's class was no easy task and definitely not for Dean, who loathed the crazed looking scientist, it was nothing but a simple joke at first, the hunger games Quintus called it, drunkly laughing about the starved districts. But Crassus knew this idea wasn't just a simple inside joke, No, this idea meant power, stability and control. The idea was submitted the morning after by Snow. Quintus was in shambles, his life long friend betrayed their trust. Not long after, the Snow's made a name for themselves in the capitol and quickly climbed the ranks in the public eye.
Crassus son Coriolanus and Quintus's daughter, Luxor knew each other since birth, coming from the most well respected families in the capitol it was determined for them to share their childhood together, even if it was cut short and unhealthy. While the war had changed them in ways, the lasting need to stay on top was prevalent. Ambition fueled the children in need to impress their father's, no matter how much Quintus desperately tried to show his daughter that desire can be dangerous, he also showed his disdain to unfairness and yet it never failed to pain his ego when his wife would remind him that is darling daughter was more like Crassus then him. However the death of Crassus meant the falling of Snow, and Luxor took advantage... The light prevails over the cold.

I've been watching him my entire life, I hate the air he breathes, or am I wishing I could be just like you? No, no never

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I've been watching him my entire life, I hate the air he breathes, or am I wishing I could be just like you? No, no never. Luxor thought while brushing her blonde hair in cracked mirror.

Envy, envy was a strong word to use Luxor thought to herself, to envy someone meant to feel resentful or unhappy because someone else possesses, or has achieved, what one wishes oneself to possess. The Snow's were nothing after Crassus Snow's death and the War, so what was there to envy? Intelligence? No, Money? Definitely not. So then what was it, what was the feeling she'd get when she would see Coriolanus Snow. The way her palms would ball up into fists when he would get praise from teachers, the way everyone collied around him as if he was so special. Please, if only they knew. The Snow's were living in dirt, hiding away in the old penthouse covering their shame with red velvet curtains. She wasn't blinded by his charm, after all it would only get him so far.

With a shove of her chair, brutally making the mahogany floor squeak. Her cat Remus, meowing at the sound.

"Maybe we need him Remus... Maybe I need him" She said while stroking the siamese cat.
"Father said he was a carbon copy of Crassus, and that's what we need" Her train of thought interrupted by the sound of her door opening.

"I hope I'm not bothering you dear" She said while hiccuping  "I need to speak with you, urgently" Her mother Servilia, turned to drinking after her father's death, even if she didn't love him, his death meant no money and no money meant no friends. It started with posca, then champagne, rum, brandy, wine. The list went on and on.
"It's about those Plinth's" She said breath smelling of rum.
"What about them, I've told you already mother, I don't talk to the son"
"Not that, his wife, I've taken a liking to her. She's stupid and naive can't keep her mouth shut" Servilia said with a groan. "While bitching about her husband, she broke out a little secret" A laugh bubbled out of her.
"The Plinth Prize, is no more" She said, "I feel bad for that Snow boy! Probably worked so hard for that thing" Her mother said with a hand on her thigh. With a groan Servilla fell onto Luxor's bed making the springs squeak.
"Maybe it was your father in the afterlife or something, you know what that insolent Crassus Snow did to him, stole his idea!— that idiot, maybe it's vengeance" She said with her eyes drooping.
"Maybe it is Mama..." Luxor said while pouring her blanket on top of her.
"The sun melts the snow doesn't it darling.
Maybe light will prevail"

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