part 6

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"Um how I what?" I play dumb towards the sweater wearing man.
I stand there with my legs cross, and fold my lips sarcastically. I gracefully fix my dress to make sure I won't wrinkle the expensive silk. 

"You know what? Did you take down that man? He was triple your size." Spencer says in astonishment. 
His crew behind him also seemed very impressed; well, I have to give them some of the story.

Derek has his hand resting on his right hip I know what he was tryin to reach. 

"Who wants a drink," I order a round of shots of tequila. It is like a soothing, burning feeling that slides down your throat. It is so nice, especially after what just happened. 

I join with Reid's group at the table. All of us have some drinks on our hands. 

"Let me introduce you to everyone. These are my co-workers. This is Rossi," he points to an Italian man. Rossi gives me a small toast. "This is Jennifer but everyone calls her JJ. Next to her is Aaron Hotchner. He is my boss." I get the feeling you do not want to mess with these people. JJ is sitting straight and tall. She has the 'bitch don't mess with me look.' 

  Something about Aaron seems familiar. It'll hit me at 3 am. "lastly this is the bubbly Penelope and Derek. My best friend." 
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, you sound like heaven gave birth to you. Like your voice sounds like angels. AHHH." You can definitely tell she is drunk. 
"Calm down baby girl. Now who are you." This Derek raises his brows. Like he is trying to interrogate me. Hmmm

"Well, I am Briella-Anne. You can call me whatever you want. I am obsessed with books, and music. Very out going person. I recently moved in with my friend two doors down from Reid, and yea." I finish trying to cut things kinda short. 
"How did you know that move back there? I've seen that move done by someone who was in the military maybe six or seven years ago in Iraq." Aaron squints his eyes at me trying to see through me. It is not going to happen. I know how to deal with people who try to pry information, but I'll let some slide in this situation. 

"That person was me. I joined the military a few years after I graduated high school. I followed in my fathers foot steps. I was in the military for four years. I had an honorable discharged." I take another shot of tequila. Speaking about my military days brings back bad memories. I've been through hell in my line of work. 

"Do you have any type of schooling done?" Derek asks while stroking his chin. Damn, he really wants to crack me.
"Yes, I graduated high school when I was 13. I have PhDs in physiology, psychology, and mathematics." I smile at my accomplishments. 
"Damn we got another genius. I can't handle the two of you. With the random facts, which causes my head to ache." Derek points his finger at me and Reid. 
"Doctor?" I refer to Reid. 
"Doctor?" Reid fires back at me with a small grin.

"Yes, Doctor Payne." I smile again. 

I look over at Derek, and he has the biggest grin splatter on his face. 

"What happen in the military, My mind is still on that, sorry if that was too straight forward and rough." JJ immediately takes back her question. Her facial expressions soften. Her brows are no longer furrowed, her lips are relaxed, and her eyes are wider. 

"It's okay. I don't mind. You know it is difficult to talk about. I remember the important details. I have memory lost. Anyways I over seas in Iraq, my base was under attack. We got into our battle positions ready to fight. I am more hand to hand combat. So I was kinda like a sniper but without a gun. Some of my colleagues were taken. It was my job to lead a group for a rescue mission. Long story short, when I arrived at my colleagues, they were hurt, dirty, dehydrated, and in their eyes, they had already lost hope. Um- my best friend was severely injured and couldn't walk. I lift her over my shoulders and started running towards my group. All of a sudden I am tasting dirt. The enemy threw a grenade in my direction. We were thrown thirty feet away, I landed on my left side. The impact instantly killed my friend Natasha. I crawled over to her body. Not a single sign of life. I took her tags and dragged her under a tree. She always loves trees, especially the ones that have pink flowers. Unfortunately, there wasn't any around. Just flying bullets. I had no choice to leave her. Because of that grenade, I have nerve damage on the left side of my body. I can still use my left arm perfectly but I cannot feel anything. I went through intense physical therapy for months, but my general strongly advise me coming back. I personally don't understand why. He actually helped me back on my feet. I am perfectly fine. So in all of that to say that is why I know how to defend myself and why I have an honorable discharged." 

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