part 16

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I see Becca's Poe niece go into the janitor's closet, and the thing is that I don't even know her name. I bet no one does. I hide behind the couch, waiting quietly. It looks like the young girl has a broom, dustpan, gloves, and a magnifying glass in her hand. What the hell does she need that for? 

The assistant tiptoes down the dark hallway towards the dressing rooms. I quietly follow her footsteps. She heads towards the room with yellow caution tape: my room! Before she decides to open the door, she looks over her shoulders. I quickly hide behind a curtain to my left. I heard nothing. Hopefully, she did not see me. 
I peek from the curtain, and the girl ducks under the tape. I check if the coast is clear to move my position; once clear, I walk to the doorway. Gently, I crack the door. 

My room is still a mess from the murder. Blood is everywhere, my bag is still untouched, and the stench of a dead body lingers. I pull my phone from the soft pocket of the robe to record what I am witnessing. 

"Where is it? Where is it? Aunt Becky is going to kill me." The French girl whispers under her breath. She is on her hands and knees, searching through the carpet, under the tables, behind the chairs, and on the vanity. What is she looking for? 
She pulls the magnifying glass out of her trousers and carefully sweeps the floor. This girl is smart enough to wear gloves; she is touching everything. Suddenly, the frantic girl lights up like a Christmas tree. "Je l'ai trouvé!" The niece squeals in excitement. She crawls underneath the vanity while holding something small in her hands. Next, the girl pulls out her phone and calls someone. 

"Tante Becky. J'ai trouve' le diamant." She said Aunt Becky, I found the diamond. What diamond? She switches her language to English. "Okay, I will stay put. You have five minutes to be here." Who the fuck? Not even two minutes later, I hear heels down the hallway. 

Oh shit, I know those heels. 

Becca Poe carefully ducks underneath the caution tape. It's a good thing I am still recording.
"Very good, Marie. If the police found this, we both would be in trouble." Poe puts the diamond from earlier on that bracelet. "Umm, sweetie. You only brought one diamond, and I am missing three. You saw how Stella put up a fight. The diamonds can be anywhere! Look for them, you fool!" She slaps her niece without hesitation. 
I gasp, I guess a little too loud.
"Aunt Becky, I heard someone," Marie whispers to the adult. "I know shhh. Stay here." She pulls out a 9mm from under her dress. 
Holy shit, okay, shit is getting real. 

Becca crawls under the tape and holds the gun in front of her. I stop recording, and I dial Reid's contact. 

"Hey Anne, what's up?" Reid's voice calms me down. 
"Pick me up now! I got something, but I am endangered. Come without the sirens; we cannot spook them." I say barely above a whisper 
"I am on my way. Do not hang up the phone. I will be there in five minutes at the main entrance." I can hear him grabbing the keys and Hotch saying, "Reid, where are you going?" "Anne needs help." And he is gone like the wind.

You know, at this moment I am scared. I do not have a weapon, a vest, a backup present, or even pants on! 

Becca tediously canvases the area.  "Whoever is there, come out now." She sounds a little too sweet. I do not dare to move from the curtain. Thank goodness the lights are out; otherwise, I am dead...oh shit, really. She turns the fucking lights on. 

"You better come out of the curtain, or I will shoot." Damnit, plan B 
I notice the curtain's rod is directly above Becca; she is about two feet away from me. I give the curtain a slight pull. Oh yeah, I can pull this.
"I am not asking again. Come out, or I will shoot." I hear the gun cock. Now or never 

With all of my strength, I pull the curtain rod, which directly lands on Becca's head. She is now on the ground, rolling around in pain into a big knot in the fabric. That is a one-in-a-million chance for that to work. I take this chance to run. 

"Spence, you better be out there," I say in between gasps. "I'm fixing to turn in. Be ready." The agent replies. 

"STOP!" the BANG! I fall to the ground, my arm barely skimmed. "I'm shot," I say into the phone. I pick up my pace, and I finally see Spencer pulling up. 
I look back, and Becca still has a long while til she catches up to me; BANG, another shot is fired. 

missed me bitch 

I push the glass doors open, and Reid already has the passenger door open, so I can jump inside. I slam the door, and he slams on the breaks

"We are going to the hospital. Where are you shot?" He is surprisingly calm right now. 
"No, the next stop is my room. I NEED CLOTHES! My arm is fine. I can stitch it up." I gasp for air 
"Anne, are you sure?" He turns on the headlights; I look at the clock. "Holy shit. It is 9:30. I was in there for hours. Dear Lord." I recline the seat. 
"Haha, yeah, it is starting to get dark now. Rest, and I will wake you up when we arrive at your hotel. I have to call Hotch to update him." Reid turns to me; he brings so much comfort. I know I will be safe. 

"Thank you." I wrap the robe tighter to my body, hopefully not flashing him, and I close my eyes. 

"Hey, Hotch, here is what happened." His voice put me to sleep. 

Time jump to the hotel 

"Anne, Anne, come on love, Anne." I hear this angelic voice trying to wake me up. I stir in my seat.
"We are here." I cannot move from my seat. I hear the voice sigh, grab something from the back seat, and step out of the car. My door opens, again too tired to see what's going on. I feel the large fabric, a blanket? Wrap around my hurting body, and a man carrying me princess style. I feel his hands around my waist and under my legs. I can tell he is careful of my wound. Carefully and quietly, he carries me to the elevator and opens my door. All agents have a key. 
I feel sad when the hands of my helper leave my body. I am lying on a soft mattress, and someone sits beside me. I guess it is time to see who my rescuer is. Oh is the no other Spencer Reid. Through my blurry vision, I can tell those hazel eyes. 

"Spencer?" I groan. I try to sit up, but my body will not allow me to. "Hey, you need to rest." He puts his hand on my head. "I ordered Chinese. It'll be here in twenty minutes." A faint smile appears on my lips.

"Thank you, but can you do me a favor?" He hums in response.
"Can you draw a bath for me?" He chuckles, but he gets up to start the water. Slowly, I sit up to search for my needle and thread. You never know when someone needs to be stitched. I found my medical bag, and on top of the band-aids was my stitching kit. I grab the rubbing alcohol, some gauze, the stitching material, and a wooden spoon. 

I stumble to the mirror. I am trying to do this quietly without Spencer hearing. I  put the wooden spoon in my mouth and then open the cap on the alcohol. The gauze is now soaked in the alcohol; I prepare the painful stinging. That is why I have a wooden spoon. To silence the scream. 

I groan out in pain and slap my hand on the table. Shit, quickly, I hear footsteps running my way. Spencer stares at me, and I at him. His shirt is wet, and his sleeves are rolled to his elbows. I give him a confused look. "Maybe I fell in the bathtub when I was placing your soap on the ledge." I laugh with the spoon still in my mouth. "Okay, now what the hell are you doing." He takes away the spoon for me to talk. "I have to stitch up my wound. I am cleaning it." I put my hand on my hip. "Let me help." 

With his delicate hands, he takes the wet gauze and dabs on my wound. I let out a painful squeal. "You can squeeze me if it'll help you." I put my hand on his knee and squeeze the shit out of it. It looks like he is not even phased. "I know it hurts, but you're doing so good." I smile, and he continues. In the silence, he carefully stitches my skin together. I look down at the stitch. "Wow, you really deserve the name Doctor." He laughs as he wraps the stitches and cleans up the mess. 

"Go and take yourself a bath. I will call Kevin so he can put that makeup on you again for tomorrow. Then you have to tell me what happened." He lifts his brows at me and lowers his chin. You do not want to mess with him.

"Yes, I'll see a few." I close the door behind me and strip from my clothes. I put my Pjs on the counter. 

The water is still warm to the touch. I slide down for the bubbles to cover my chest.

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