part 10

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"Hello, I am Doctor Cho; how are you?" Spencer walks into the building to talk to the ME in charge of this case.
"I am Doctor Payne," I shake my hand to the other doctor, "and this is Doctor Reid. We are with the FBI." Spencer just sends an awkward wave toward Dr. Cho. 
"We have a very interesting case." Dr. Cho walks around the three tables to reveal the victims

"Why do you say that?" Reid asks while looking at the markings on their necks.
"These men were all strangled but not with bare hands. With a belt. If you look closely, you can see the markings of the buckle." Cho points to the necks with her pen.
"yes, I just noticed it myself. Cause of death is strangulation?" Reid asks 
"yes, you're correct, but after examining the bodies, I found two things that stood out." the doctor gets our attention.

"Like what?" I ask with a little excitement, which causes Reid to look at me funny. oops 
"look at their eyes. There are some black smudges around the eye. I did some testing, and the results came back as eyeliner." we all scrunch our brows. "The other thing is on their right hip." 
she lowers the blanket that covers the body only to reveal "a branded broken heart." I say in disbelief 
"yes, these were antemortem." she gives us this information, which makes us wonder. 

"thank you so much for your time. You're a great help." I shook the doctor's hand once more and left the room with Reid behind me. 
"the unsub wanted the men to feel the pain before death. The broken heart represents a broken relationship. Someone has so much rage about a failed partner and is willing to kill." I make my comment on the fact. 
"I totally agree with you. Let's go back to the station." We both hopped into the SUV, and Spencer drove off. 

"Are you part of the FBI team?" a police detective greets Reid and me at the door. 

He is probably 27, has sandy blonde hair, is definitely built, 6'4ish, has a nice smile, smells like pine, and has a trimmed beard. i be lying if i said this man is not good looking. 

"yes, can you show us where our team is set up?" I ask the kind detective 
"Follow me, ma'am. I am Detective Gunn, but you can call me Everett. Who are you?" he gestures towards me. I'm flattered, but he is completely ignoring Spencer. I look back, and his expression shows that he is aggravated. 
His hands were shoved into his pockets, his lips were pursed, his eyes narrowed at Everett, and his walk was more dominant, not like his usual stroll in the park walk. his back is straight and his chest is out. hmmm
"I am Doctor Payne, and this is my partner, Doctor  Reid." I include the agent in this conversation. 
We follow Gunn to the room where our co-workers are. Reid thanks the detective and walks into the room.
"thank you, Detective Gunn." I try to keep things short and sweet. he blocks my entry 
"call me Everett, please. What is a stunning woman working for the FBI?" his hand makes its way into my curls.

"to protect and to put creepy guys like you in jail." I lightly slap his hand out of my hair.
"come on, honey." he sends me a devilish smile; man, now he has a punchable face.
"you are distracting me from my job; set aside, or I will move you myself," I say a little loud to catch my friend's attention. 

Reid's back faces me, looking at the maps with Hotch; JJ sits in a chair with a case file in hand. Rossi appears nowhere to be found. Lastly, Derek is standing next to the door frame. It looks like he has been listening. Derek slowly turns his head towards me. I give a slight nod.

"Ella honey, just give me a chance, will ya..." he is cut off by Derek grabbing his shoulders and wrapping his left arm around his back. It looks like he is being arrested. Doing this causes a scene where people, including my own co-workers, look our way.

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