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< Y/N's POV >

He was not lying when he said "I will stay wherever you are" and that's what he is doing. I don't know what hell is wrong with him even though I made it clear that I don't want to be with him anymore but then also he is here leaving everything in Korea.

This man doesn't leave my side until Seokjin or my parents comes to visit me. I don't have any idea who is managing his company in Korea. I don't see him stressed out because of work. His focuse is just on me.

Seokjin has left to New York as today's morning he got urgent work. I had to almost beg him to go back because I know if he stayed here for a single more day, he'll end up getting in a fight with Jungkook.  They both are not in a very good terms with each other.

I also asked my parents to return back today as today I'm getting discharge from this hospital and I can manage myself. I hate this place. My nose is getting sore because of the medicines smell all over here. I smell like medicines too.

God, I hate it.

My thoughts interrupted as Jeon fvcking Jungkook entered inside the room without even asking or knocking. What kind of businessman he is when he himself doesn't even know the rules? Such a bastard.

I rolled my eyes at him and looked away. I heard him chuckling but I just ignored him. "I've finished all the formalities of getting you discharge. Now let's go back home, sweetheart".

He was standing there with my bag in his hand. A nurse came here a while ago and helped me to change my clothes so I'm all ready to leave but I'm not ready to leave with him and which home he is talking about?

I raised my brow at him, "before we leave I need a clarification of which exact home you're talking about, Mister Jeon?" I asked.

He looked at me and poke his tongue through his inner cheek. Damn, he looks hot as hell. Fvck! The hell I'm thinking about in a middle of intense conversation.

"We're going back to Korea, my penthouse, our home" he said. I let out a laugh and then give him a — are you serious?— look, "bold of you to assume I'll return back with you ever because I won't. I live here now, In my own apartment that's my home" I replied sternly.

His gaze suddenly soften at me, "we don't call a home which is just made up of four walls and a roof. Home is a place where we find solace, happiness, comfort and most importantly love and warmth.." he said.

"...please my little angel come back home with me. If you don't want to go back to Korea then let's go to my penthouse here in Beijing. I'll shift my whole company here just tell me once because without you that place doesn't feel like home anymore" he said like a helpless man.

I shook my head, "no Mister Jeon. You've already done enough by staying here and taking care of me for more than a week already. I don't need you to do more. Let's just part our ways and stay like we were living for a whole month. You stay in Korea, take care of business and here I stay In Beijing and live my life" I clarified myself.

Done with this conversation I slowly stood up from the bed. He immediately walked up towards me but before he could touch me I stopped him, "don't touch me. I can help myself" that's all I said before standing up.

𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘'𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄 | JJK X Reader | Jungkook ff ✓Where stories live. Discover now