Chapter 4

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Leigh: “So, we’re gonna play an audio of a movie that just came out based on this crime documentary. Here we go. (walks up to the record) And after we listen to the audio, I can ask you questions and then you answer them.”

As Madame Leigh turns on the record to play an audio, everyone stays silent while listening without the intention of mortification waiting to arrive at their door.

Evered: “(whispering) Psst! Niviro!”

Niviro: “(whispering) What?”

Evered: “Got any popcorn?”

Niviro: “Why would you need popcorn? We’re just listening to the audio.”

Evered: “I just need it, please?”

Niviro: “(reading the rules sheet behind Evered) Look at the rules.”

Evered: “Where?”

Niviro: “Behind you, dumbass!”

Evered turned around to read the rules that said:
“1. Raise your hand
2. No talking when teacher talking
3. No throwing objects
4. No food or drinks
5. No farting”

Evered: “(turning back to Niviro) “Oh.”

Niviro: “See? We can’t eat in this class! You know the rules.”

Evered: “But-”

Niviro: “Evered.”

Evered: “Fine.”

Avenel: “Sal? (Salathiell turns to him) C-can you hold me? I-I’m scared…”

Salathiell: “Sure. (holds Avenel by the torso)”

Avenel: “(flips their ears to avoid hearing stabbing sound effects) Thank you.”

As everyone was disturbed to hear murder in the audio, Leigh shuts it off.

Leigh: “Alright, we’re gonna pause right here. I’ll ask you some questions and then you answer them. Now, who can tell me; what is the first setting of this movie, ‘Souls of the Dead’? (Ardor raises her hand) Yes, Ardor?”

Ardor: “The school, specifically the locker room.”

Leigh: “Correct! That is correct, Ardor. They’re in high school- this is where this movie takes place at the beginning of the first one. Next question; who did Ashton walk home with? (Niviro raises his hand) Niviro.”

Niviro: “Leonard Speil.”

Leigh: “Correct! Wow- a lot of you guys read the documentary. Good job! Alright, the third question is; why did Ashton avoid the sunlight? (Avenel raises his hand) Avenel.”

Avenel: “Uhm… he avoids the sunlight because… the sunlight can burn his skin?”

Leigh: “Correct! Vampires had that too, they tend to be nocturnal creatures and their skin could easily burn in the sun, so that is why Ashton Creedmoor avoids the sunlight and always carries an umbrella in the daytime. And last question for this scene; why hasn’t Leonard’s sister, Jennifer Torsney, ever heard from him? (Malervick raises his hand) Malervick.”

Malerick: “Because Leonard ends up getting killed.”

Leigh: “Correct! Wow, you guys did such a good job! (walks up to her desk)”

Evered: “(to Niviro) How the fuck is that so easy?!”

Niviro: “Because we listen to the audio and that’s it!”

Evered: “What if we don’t read the documentary and we listen to the audio?”

Niviro: “Then we’ll just have to figure it out.”

Evered: “Bruh, why do we always have to answer questions about some shitty movie?”

Niviro: “Shut up, it’s not shitty, okay? I’ve read a lot of crime documentaries before and they’re superb, okay? So, shut the fuck up!”

Evered: “Whatever, bitch.”

Leigh: “(giving everyone ten points) Alright, everybody’s getting ten points. And now, let’s move on-”

Leigh’s response was interrupted by loud sipping sound effects, coming from Salathiell sipping his lemonade.

Leigh: “Salathiell, put your drink away. You know there are no drinks allowed in the classroom.”

Salathiell’s mind: “Bitch!”

Salathiell did as she asked.

Leigh: “Anyways, let’s continue on.”

At lunch…

There the group continues discussing the following documentary while having lunch, as if the entire school has read it, except Evered therefore he prefers action films over crime shows and documentaries.

Niviro: “Bro, how the fuck did you not know about crime documentaries?!”

Evered: “I told you, bruh, I don’t watch them! I only watch Transformers.”

Niviro: “Bruh, Transformers is for kids.”

Evered: “Bitch, shut up!”

Natherine: “Guys, please stop. I mean it’s your own liking- if you don’t like something, stay the fuck away from it.”

Evered: “Oh shut up, Nat, you don’t know anything about Transformers.”

Natherine: “Well you don’t know anything about crime documentaries.”

Evered: “Bitch!”

Niviro: “(triggered) Guys, shut the fuck up! All of you! All of you! Oh my god, you guys are so fucking annoying! Plus, I’m not very surprised you’ve never heard about Ashton Creedmoor, Evered.”

Evered: “FUCK YOU TOO, BITCH! If you ever talk about Ashton Creedmoor one more fucking time, I will backhand your bitch ass!”

Natherine: “Hey, guys- cut it out! You too, Evered. No offense, but you’re being a little bitch today.”

Niviro: “Oh my god, why can’t you guys stop cussing?!”

Natherine: “I have no idea, man… (Norville walks past their table) but we can’t control our mouths, that’s why. You guys got fat mouths, not gonna lie, no wonder why you can’t stop swearing. And you, Evered, that’s why you got in trouble for cussing too much.”

Evered: “Bro, I can’t control my mouth- stop nagging!”

Niviro: “You two-”

Evered: “By the way, why isn’t Ardor talking?”

Natherine: “Because she’s not in the mood for your bullshit, that’s why.”

Evered: “Hey, fuck you, Nat!”

Natherine: “At least I have knowledge for crime documentaries, bitch!”


Natherine: “Finally, the last class of the day!”

Ardor: “Wait, I thought you like school.”

Natherine: “Well, obviously, I don’t anymore.”

Ardor: “How come?”

Natherine: “Oh you probably know why, Ardor- ‘cause you don’t like school either, do you?”

Ardor: “No.”

Natherine: “Well, (long pause) you know what? We don’t wanna be late, come on.”

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