Chapter 10

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As Kimbrough continued sprinting tearfully for the exit in the desolate forest, she ceased and walked up to the pine tree.

Ardor: "I told you life is a simulation- I just told you that..."

After weeping, she heard an unknown voice that called her by name- echoing through the woods.

Ardor: "Who's there?"

She searched for a call, however, there wasn't a single sign of a reply, so she dried her tears and headed east to find a voice- there perhaps a book lying on the ground.

Ardor: "How did that get there?"

She picked up the book and headed to the exit as she sped across the ten blocks away from home while the storm was triggered by the growth of distortion of a dream we live in. Once Ardor headed home, she entered her room- opened her laptop, and investigated the news channel.

Ardor: "Mission started. (scrolling through the channel and clicking on one of them) Let's click that and then- (interrupts herself by closely reading the description of the names of dead folks)"

Description: "Harland Kettleburn; found dead in the basement- hung upside down and stabbed between his eyes. Devere Frowseloure; guillotined in the river with waters red. Nadine Aumberden; was stabbed thirty-seven times in the chest. Moraine Horton; dead at 18- shot in the head with her vocal cords ripped out of her throat."

While trepidation rose above average, Ardor shut her chromebook and set it on the desk.

Ardor: "Whoever this diary belongs to- is the murderer."

One week later...

Berlin: "Ardor!"

She immediately woke up, hearing her mother's voice.

Berlin: "You're gonna be late for school!"

Ardor: "(rubbing her eyes) What time is it now?"

Berlin: "It's eight-forty-five- your alarm clock rang like five times and you didn't wake up."

Ardor: "(noticing her clock no longer sat on the desk) Oh."

Berlin: "I'm making breakfast by the way- the bus already passed our house, so I'll drop you off (walking to the table in the kitchen)"

Ardor: "Okay, mom."

Ardor stood from her bed and walked into the closet to throw on her uniform, along with pearl piercings and a white ribbon bow. She then headed to the kitchen table- plated with pancakes and sat down.

Berlin: "I already finished before you get dressed."

Ardor: "Already?"

Berlin: "Yes, I started cooking when the bus parked at our house."

Ardor: "I see."

At school...

She walked to the lot at school after Berlin dropped her off at the entrance- nonetheless, her step was interrupted by a male voice in front of her.

Norville: "Wait right here, little missy. Just where do you think you're going?"

Ardor: "I- uh..."

Norville: "Did you forget to mention that my diary is missing? I know you took it- and I want it back."

Ardor: "I- I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was your diary that I found in the forest-"

Norville: "No excuses- just give me that."

Without hesitation, Ardor took the diary out of her bag and handed it to Norville.

Norville: "(stuffing his book in his pack) Thank you. Now you haven't found my secret, have you, Ardor?"

Ardor attempted to spit out the answers, however she did not hesitate to do so.

Norville: "I'll take that stutter as a 'yes'. I know you found out my secret and I suggest you run away, hearing me shouting out Malervick's name to come up there."

Ardor: "Well, I'd be better off dead rather than hearing you screaming out his name like a bitch!"

Norville: "(tainted) You don't care, do you? You don't give a single shit about my feelings or everyone else's. You're just like everyone else. (pins Ardor to the ground) A presumptuous little whore is what you are outside, (batting his eyes) but too innocent on the inside."

Norville put his foot on Ardor's chest, snapping her ribcage as she coughed up blood.

Ardor: "N-Norville! *cough* Stop!"

Norville: "Say another word and I'll break your ribs, bitch!"

Natherine walked up behind him and wrapped her hand around his neck, knocking him down and giving him a concussion on the head.

Natherine: "Stay away from my girlfriend, you psycho!"

Ardor: "(lifting herself) Natherine?"

Natherine: "(to Ardor) Yes, Ardor, it is me. (walking up to her) Are you okay?"

Ardor: "A little bit- my ribcage is slightly broken."

Natherine: "Oh."

Ardor: "But I'm still okay now."

Natherine: "Alright, now we gotta get to class- come on."

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