Chapter 8

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As Ardor entered the house and walked to her bedroom, her mother, Berlin Viriou, woke up from her nap and sat up on the sofa.

Berlin: "(drowsy) Afternoon already?"

Without hesitation, Berlin decided to open her chromebook and verify her notifications- perhaps her mail contained a letter, mentioning Ardor walking home early in case of a murder incident written by Monsieur Norbury. She then closed the laptop and walked to her daughter's bedroom to inform her about the message.

Berlin: "Ardor, why is the school telling me that you came home early?"

Ardor: "What do you mean?"

Berlin: "(walking up to her) Okay, your teacher told me that you came home early because of the... (long pause) murder case that happened in your school."

Ardor: "How'd you know?"

Berlin: "Monsieur Norbury told me in my outlook. Did something happen in your school?"

Ardor: "Actually, it did."

Berlin: "Okay, why don't you tell me in the living room- come on. (walking to the lounge room, along with Ardor as they both sat on the sofas) Now you may tell me the story."

Ardor: "Alright, so what happened was that my classmates and I are taking the math test, and well- Monsieur Norbury was going to the bathroom to wash his hands. Several seconds later, we heard the screaming and the teacher entered the classroom, sheathed in blood and I asked him 'what happened'- he said 'there's murder in the bathroom'. So, we came here to check it out and we end up finding trails of blood on our way. Norbury couldn't describe anything that happened because he's having hematophobia and puked in the trash can, so we have to check the bathroom on our own- and we end up finding Niviro's dead body on the floor that not any nearver being could ever kill a person as possible. And because of this, the police had to investigate this murder and we had to go home early."

Berlin: "So that's what all that literally happened?"

Ardor: "Yes, it did."

Berlin: "But do you have any idea who the killer is?"

Ardor: "(brief pause) I'm not sure yet."

Berlin: "Now you didn't see them doing it to another student, right?"

Ardor: "No, I didn't see them- I was in the classroom with my friends when that happened."

Berlin: "When is the police gonna investigate?"

Ardor: "Probably a week or two- They're going to finish their investigation when the case is closed or they catch the killer."

Berlin: "(lying down) Alright then."

Ardor: "(standing up) I'm just gonna go to my room to keep that out of mind."

Ardor walked to her bedroom- removed the white pearl ribbon bow from her hair and lied her head on the pillow.

Ardor: "(to herself quietly) It's been a long day, or is it."

She stared at the ceiling for two minutes until her cell phone rang as she answered and joined the call.

Ardor: "Hello?"

Norville: "(on the phone) Hello, this is Norville Maire calling- is this Ardor Kimbrough replying?"

Ardor: "Wait, Norville, is that you- how'd you get my number?"

Norville: "I asked your girlfriend for your phone number, that's how."

Ardor: "She gave it to you?"

Norville: "Yes, she did."

Ardor: "Then why did she give it to you may I ask?"

Norville: "A; I told you I asked her for it, and B; I want to tell you something."

Ardor: "What do you want to tell me?"

Norville: "I must tell you, Ardor, that I'm aware of who the killer is."

Ardor: "(bewildered) Wait, you know who the killer is?"

Norville: "Yes, but I'm not gonna tell you that- not until the case is closed."

Ardor: "You're gonna tell me when the investigators are done... okay?"

Norville: "Yes, because remember, Ardor- It's a mystery (warning severely) and if you dare tell them that, you're going to end up falling into an agonizing abyss as the consequences-"

Ardor: "(sarcastic) Very funny, Norville."

Norville: "Ye hear me- never mind, you did hear me, didn't you? (offhand) Now hang up the phone already- I got some other things to sort out."

Ardor: "You know what- I'm not falling for your jokes, okay?"

Norville: "Yeah no shit, Sherlock."

Ardor: "(hanging up the phone and setting it on the desk) Not falling for it, Norville."

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