Chapter 11

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In class...

Ezra: "So- is this your new classroom?"

Norbury: "Yes it is, Ezra- I just moved here."

Natherine: "(entering the room with Ardor) Whoa- what a lovely classroom you have."

Norbury: "Oh- thank you. (to Ardor) And hey, Ardor- glad to see you back."

Ardor: "Same with you too, Monsieur Norbury."

Norbury: "Glad to hear- you may take a seat next to Ezra."

Natherine: "Sounds good enough."

The girls walked to the desk and seated beside Thornton without hesitation.

Ezra: "Sup, ladies?"

Natherine: "Hi there, big boy."

Ezra: "Oh shut the fuck up- don't call me that."

Natherine: "You're eighteen years old and you still don't consider yourself a big boy- even if you're short."

Ezra: "Shut up, bitch."

Natherine: "(to Norbury) Hey, Monsieur Norbury- what are we learning today?"

Norbury: "We're going to be learning about the nearver anatomy."

Natherine: "Alright- thank you."

The class heard the door opening and who they saw entering the room was Norville- clenching a sickle in his hand and wearing down his inky (shade of color) purple hair.

Ezra: "Um, Malervick- guess who's at the door?"

Malervick: "What- (turns to Norville standing in front of the door) Norville!"

Norville: "Learning about something intriguing I see?"

Norbury: "(to Norville) Excuse me, but you're not supposed to be in this class."

Norville: "(walking closer to Jehovah's desk, clenching the sickle) If you're about to inquire me to absent myself to another class, then it's too late."

Malervick: "(quietly) Norville, don't do this!"

Norville: "(to the class) May I be your substitute teacher for today?"

Norbury: "Norville, if you don't leave my classroom, I'm going to-"

Norville sped to him and slashed him between his eyes as blood exploded across the classroom and his face.


Avenel: "(traumatized) M-Monsieur Norbury?!"

Malervick: "(shrieking) No... I told you not to do this, Norville..."

Norville: "(backing away and then to the class) Any questions, class?"

Natherine: "Okay, guys- we gotta get out of here. (exiting the room) Come on, Ardor."

Ardor: "(following Natherine) I'm coming, Nat."

The entire class egressed the building to the lot.

Ezra: "Why am I being the last one to leave?!"

Norville: (ceases Ezra from egressing by holding his wrist with a blade) Are you forgetting something, Ezra?"

Ezra: "(turning around) What's that?"

Norville: "This."

Maire swung his sickle and split Ezra's throat open as fresh blood splashed on his face.

Norville: "That's what I thought. Now, who's next?"

At the lot...

Roland: "Yeah, but I was like 'fuck off, bro- I'm doing my homework, okay?' And then he'd be like 'can I help you with it?' but I was like 'excusez-moi, I'm smart- I can do it myself.'"

Kyrie: "Wait- Roland, look over here!"

Androw: "What?"

Malervick: "(sprinting to the trio) Androw, this is urgent!"

Androw: "Malervick, what's all the commotion about?"

Malervick: "(breathing heavily) It's Monsieur Norbury! He's been... murdered in his classroom."

Kyrie: "What?!"

Tears slid down Malervick's cheeks.

Malervick: "(through breathy sobs) The entire class and I watched it happen! I told Norville not to do it, but he wouldn't listen!"

Roland: "Hold on, little man- are you saying that Norville did this?!"

Malervick: "Y-yes..."

Androw: Okay- Roland, you sort the situation out with Kyrie, and I'll comfort Mal. (walks up to Vawdrey and embraces him)"

Kyrie: "I'm on it, brother. (heads to the back with Roland)"

Malervick: "(sniveling onto Androw's shoulder) I don't know what to do, Androw..."

Androw: "Hey- it's okay. We're going to have to sort this out, alright? I promise."

Malervick: "Are you sure? because the killer might be anywhere..."

Androw: "I know- I know. I'm petrified as well, we're gonna have to escape- that's all we had to do."

Avenel: "But don't we have other stuff to do?"

Androw: "Fuck other stuff- we're escaping today!"

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